Les Libranos (Bumped for Adscam Connection)

Developing… Seven high-ranking Quebec Liberals — including two former cabinet ministers — arrested
Update: A closer look at the Quebec political figures arrested Marc-Yvan Coté, former longtime Liberal cabinet minister

56 Replies to “Les Libranos (Bumped for Adscam Connection)”

  1. CTV Regina supper news, didn’t mention once during the story, what political party the criminal politicians belong to, not once!
    It’s so disgusting.

  2. Well at least they didn’t try to pay it back out of their own pockets. We know that Liberal supporters would never stand for that.

  3. 7 liberal politicians arrested in Quebec for corruption yesterday however no further mention in any newspaper today. Mike Duffy story on the other hand was front page news for 18 months. Amazing how the MSM can lead the sheep.

  4. Those liberals are so corrupt, I would bet a lot of money that one day we will find out that the people counting the votes in Quebec are paid with brown enveloppes full of $$$ by the liberals to cheat.
    How else can one explain that the more the liberals are caught red handed ( adscam, commission Charbonneau, etc ) doing something criminal, the more quebecers vote liberal?
    It does not make any sense that the more the liberals defraud, quebecers, the more quebecers vote for liberals.
    I think the next scandal will be major voting fraud by the liberal.
    I would bet money on that.

  5. 7 liberal politicians arrested in Quebec for corruption yesterday
    No worries, 7 liberal trough hounds appointed to the Senate. Equilibrium established.
