15 Replies to “Published This Month In The Journal Of The Blindingly Obvious”

  1. So when will there be a Nobel Prize awarded for determining that water is wet?
    Seriously, though, a lot of what passes for research is complete malarkey. People really do investigate the staggeringly obvious and come to the same conclusion that everyone else has. But because those researchers have credibility by virtue of having the right credentials, they are hailed as geniuses. Anyone else would be branded as a loony.
    Here’s the worst part: much of that research into the obvious is funded by–wait for it–taxes…. the same taxes that we, the great unwashed, pay from our earnings and from our investments.
    No wonder this country will have a whopping big deficit.

  2. I don’t know how anyone can take the press release seriously when it contains such an obvious error.
    “Plants absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and release it when they burn sugar to produce energy in a process known as respiration.”
    The above statement is misleading as much of the carbon that a plant absorbs from CO2 is used to create cellulose C6H10O5 to build cell walls or used to create starches and sugars in the fruit or seeds. The correct wording would be “…and release a portion of it when they burn sugar….”
    A real scientist would ask “where did all the carbon in fossil fuels originally come from?”

  3. Duh.
    Fall Harvest.
    As noted the “learned experts” understanding of plant growth is astounding.
    I wonder too if they can conceive of anything being good, natural or normal.
    That photosynthesis might be a process by which plants extract CO2 form the air and use that carbon to make very impressive lifeforms, not to meantion the food we must have.
    Coulda saved a small fortune here,coulda just asked a farmer.

  4. “Published This Month In The Journal Of The Blindingly Obvious”
    In typical fashion, you clearly didn’t read the actual published paper, apparently basing your snarky comments instead on nothing more than the very first sentence of the WUWT essay.
    While thermal acclimation of plant respiration is a known phenomenon, the specific degree of thermal acclimation, especially in natural settings, is something that is much less well understood. This study was a novel attempt to quantify that acclimation, in the field, over a longer observation period than has typically been undertaken in the past. It’s worthwhile research that’s produced new and useful scientific knowledge.
    If you’re going to sh|t on science as a pastime, at least pick your targets right (there are plenty to choose from). Otherwise, you just end up looking like an ignorant and indiscriminate crank.

  5. Here’s my $ 500k research grant proposal: Are plant communities harmed (or do they benefit) from an El-Nino forced increase in atmospheric Di-hydrogen monoxide ? Oh … and as A subscript … Is Global Warming causing more frequent and more intense

  6. Meh….science has made a joke of itself with all the grant sucking retards involved. You allow idiots in your midst to talk bullshit, you all look like idiots.

  7. Plants benefit from a degree of warmth? Who knew? Is it really true that respiration doubles with each 10 deg rise in temperature? That is a rule of thumb for chemical reaction – is it really true for plants?
    Plants benefit from warmth except when they don’t. Which any one of who has ever grown a plant knows.
    That is one of the most pathetic papers I have ever read. And it was issued with a press release!!!!

  8. .
    “”plants growing in cool temperate regions respond well to milder temperatures.
    What a coincidence, so do humans

  9. If it wasn’t for this much needed research the Muttart Conservatory would have had it’s power cut-off next winter.

  10. “novel attempt to quantify that acclimation”
    So science is now a “novel attempt”. Give your commie head a shake.

  11. “A field study has suggested that plants growing in cool temperate regions respond well to milder temperatures”
    You may as well write, “A field study has suggested that Liberal + Quebec = corruption”
    Actually, some things don’t require study, as they are self evident.

  12. Years ago, the group America observed, “The heat was hot”, and got a hit single out of it. Today, you’d get a Ph.D.
