20 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Mirrors”

  1. Why that can’t be true why just yesterday my friend had an article about Ontario shutting down Nanicoke and is planning on replacing it with mirrors. I mean there is no way Ontario would be so reckless with people’s money that they would kill a reliable source of power for one that doesn’t work – would they?

  2. I suddenly agree with Obama and his green(ish) cabal that the Solyndra FAILure is no big deal … hey, what’s a $ 200 million dollar loan default between friends ? Small potatoes (er, taxpayer dollars) compared to a $ 2 Billion dollar FAIL. A $ billion here, a $ billion there … and suddenly it’s like REAL money.

  3. Shut down all the windturbines and solar power plants Save the Birds and Bats and Save the american tax payers from paying for all this pork

  4. I wish Vegas took bets on whether or not the Gubermint gives them a “break”.

  5. I’m switching teams (not that team).
    I want to get in on this ‘grant’ gravy train. Heck, I’d settle for 30 or 40 million. Then, when my project didn’t work out I could just slip away to someplace warm and drink, smoke and boink young tarts.

  6. I’m not sure which way I would feel filthiest ? Changing biological preference … or joining the government fraud team. I might be less-repulsed sticking it in a new hole, than I would be sticking so much taxpayer money in a black hole. In one case I would be screwing just ONE person, and in another, I would be screwing millions of people.

  7. I have driven by this place numerous times – on the main highway between Vegas and L.A.
    What an eyesore and it doesn’t work. Glad some other American taxpayers other than Ipaid for it. I mean, I didn’t pay for this piece of $hit did I?

  8. Now if they just took taxpayer money and gave it to their friends,who would kick back some to them, that would be criminals.
    Yet when they take even more taxpayer money,launder it through an idiotic sham project, while paying themselves salaries and consultation fees, it is legal.
    Must be why lawyers write our laws.
    And is the reason thieves lust for power.

  9. Sorry … If you own a CDL … you’re getting scorched by this contraption. Sadly, MY PG&E rates are paying for this “green”, “renewable” worthless pile of rate increase machinery. America’s prosperity was built on cheap, available power … and America will be dismantled by “clean”, “green”, EXPENSIVE, “renewable” power.

  10. How in the world was the engineering so bad? It isn’t very complicated to estimate yield. Doesn’t California have any good engineers?

  11. Good engineers tell their rent-seeking boss promoters things they don’t want to hear and so they are left with quiet, mediocre to poor, temporarily employed engineers telling them what they want to hear for a while.

  12. “…doesn’t receive a break…” Preferably via a meteorite with many bits and pieces.

  13. “Doesn’t California have any good engineers?”
    Aren’t there good engineers anywhere.
    What is it about engineers that fails to realize that wind and solar provide nothing to the grid because they require 100 % backup. doesn’t there professional organization object to incompetence?

  14. There are lots of good engineers out there. I know because I’m one of them.
    Unfortunately, our masters don’t always want to hear the truth or, more likely, the true cost of the truth. I’ve worked for employers where I called a spade a spade not only because it was the truth, but because the professional code of ethics said I must.
    Whenever I did, though, I soon found myself unemployed. Coincidence?

  15. The will NEVER shut it down. Since this would never have been built without
    massive government subsidies, it will be rescued by the government reimbursing
    PGE&E for the shortfall. One of the overriding impulses of government is to
    double down on failure. It is not to cover up their stupidity, these schemes
    are designed to fail. In a crony capitalist system ran by America’s socialist
    left, these schemes exist to hasten the economic collapse, so that in the end
    the lights go out.

  16. What if we opened a new Quebec based company called Bombardier Green Electricity. That is easily worth $1-$2 billion from the feds right?

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