More Pavilions At Folkfest

The real agenda behind multiculturalism;

When politicians want to import tens of millions of new immigrants it can look like Washington is trying to remake the electorate. This isn’t pure fantasy. In 1996, Bill Clinton’s White House instructed the Immigration and Naturalization Service “to streamline the naturalization process and greatly increase naturalizations during 1996.” Sure enough, Hispanics more than doubled as a portion of the electorate for Clinton’s 1996 reelection, according to exit polls.
Conservatives won’t win any fights — over guns, marriage, taxes, spending, health care, or anything — if the U.S. electorate is remade in the image of California.

When the citizens reject your socialist, big government world view – get new citizens.

20 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. But elect Cruz, right? The pro-waiver, pro-Goldman Sachs, anti free speech candidate.
    Trump/Mattis 2016

  2. Don’t forget that if the citizens don’t want to work for peanuts, bring some in who will.

  3. Kate, not unlike what will be happening to Canada over the next 4 years. Nothing like a bunch of fresh faced Liberal voters.

  4. Why? Do you think the airhead in Ottawa is bringing all those people that think he is the new allah?

  5. That’s what Labour did in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland, and that’s why it is well on its way to becoming the United Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  6. Politicians and multinational corporations FAIL to recognize that all of humanity is TRIBAL. It is in our DNA. It is at the very core of our respective cultures. Our tribal instincts direct us to gather with people who share common values, culture, geography, and identity. That doesn’t mean our respective “tribes” need be hostile to one-another, war against one-another, or even compete with one-another. Sioux can live in harmony with the Cree … or Navajo, or Apache, or Norwegians. Yes, even Americans can (to borrow a bumper-sticker slogan) coexist with Canadians.
    Liberal multiculturalism teaches that we are ALL ONE people regardless of color or culture. That whole notion is simply make-believe rubbish. Denying reality is stupid, naive, and very dangerous. It also teaches “moral equivalency” as a means of erasing the spiritual borders between peoples. It is perhaps THE most destructive LIE ever perpetrated on mankind. It attempts to erase and deny our individuality, color, and culture in some misguided attempt to FORCE dissimilar tribes to give-up their identity.
    Erasing borders in an attempt to erase tribes and cultures will ONLY lead to civil war, death and destruction. Sorry, but bombing Serbians in a misguided attempt to change their tribal culture has done nothing to change it … just the opposite, it has strengthened it. In similar fashion, you see the American culture drawing a RED LINE over which the multi-cultis cannot cross. Americans will not allow their tribe to be overrun and overtaken by a stew of dissimilar and incompatible tribes from every corner of the planet.

  7. The old word, is Treason.
    When the Guild of Parasites are being exposed, as the voters recognize the damage being done to them, then the rush to import more “citizens” beholden to the Guild.
    Nation states, national boundaries, national laws and citizens rights.. these are so old fashioned, we are the “post nation” people.
    Sunni Days and Wynning Ways are where the ruling Kleotocracy is at.
    The second use for a large group of inbred,socially ignorant and religiously resolute group, who will not assimilate. As scapegoats,victims and threat.
    A real hobgoblin created by government and the citizen is forbidden to even discuss, the existence or solution of this sacred blob.
    Political correctness is the means our parasites use to protect the big lie.
    CHRC;”Truth is not a defence”.
    Kleptocrats Law.
    Amusingly Australians cannot type Muslim Terrorist, it must not be said,at risk of jail for the blog provider.
    So now the Ozzzie speak is”Snip 18″.
    Cute and easier to type.
    Once thieves and Bandits are established in governance, there seems to be no peaceful way to remove them.
    That government must fall, seems obvious, as they run out of suckers to rob.
    Greece is living the citizens revolt., they have centuries of experience with these forms.
    Look at how the citizens have structured their economy.
    They gifted us with the concepts, both Democracy, Kleptocray and Idiocracy.
    Under the Liberals we rush to the long drop.
    Under CPC we paused, briefly, then carried on shuffling toward the same .
    Enjoy the free fall.

  8. Kenji – A most excellent observation!
    Multiculturism is a gross aberration of cosmopolitanism – which enriches our culture rather than diminishing it.

  9. For all nations to beg for a one world government, two things are needed. One is a common enemy in all countries.
    The muslim migration is the mobilization of enemy forces, the devout ones have declared war against western civilization. Soon it won’t be safe to walk outside in your own communities.
    The second thing that is needed, countries must lose control of their ability to govern themselves. This is done by bankrupting the country. See greece. Their creditors are now calling the shots.
    All “white christian” countries are targeted for this migration and the governments ramp up their debt to provide for the invaders turning their citizens into servants.
    Full speed ahead to WW3 and a new world order.
    It’s not fair to blame the foot soldiers, we must identify those who are pushing for higher debts and immigration. (soros, UN, Rothschild)

  10. No matter how you slice it, Democrats and liberals can’t live without their slaves indentured serfs servants immigrants…

  11. My only difficulty with your comment Lev is; I doubt the Airhead in Ottawa has ever had an original thought. I picture the poor Lad standing in front of His “the only thing which matters is Reason” Pere.
    The little fellow, even at six foot two inches. standing with suppressed shakes and doing everything possible to not wet his pants.
    Fortunately; for the Lad. not Canada. he found a replacement for his Pere who was very willing tp provide all the directions the Lad wanted without the fear factor, but in a Loving way.
    As previously said unfortuntely for Canada the new Guiding Force is an ideologue who has been trained in the “Saul Alinsky-method of Radicalism” and found an apparently Blank Slate for reacting to Reason. A Blank Slate, established whenever the semi-demagogue of Canada and the Canadian Demagogue of all Progressive Power Seekers; said the word “Reason”.

  12. There is nothing wrong with multiculturalism as it pertains to immigration. Everyone in Canada came from somewhere or is a descendent of such.
    The problem lies with multiculturalism as a government/state policy.
    Now when people arrive here they are not expected to assimilate to the Canadian culture. They are instead informed that their culture/ ethnicitiy/religion is the priority, and rank and file Canadians must bow to this. Or be labelled racist.
    All it succeeds in doing is seperating people into special interest groups based on their skin color, ethnicity or religion.
    Special interest groups are key to getting the left re-elected, because these groups can be pandred to in a variety of different ways.
    Rather than have Canadians looking at policies which are good for the nation – and as such all of its citizens, policy is now tailored to special interest groups.
    It fundamentally pits various groups of citizens against one another, as each group vies for its special considerations.
    I believe this is precisley why PET established mulitculturalism as a governement policy. To break down the ties that bind a healthy society and culture and do diminish the existing culture.
    The only reason that Canada celebrates other cultures is those cultures exist precisely because they did not adopt the cultural suicide of multiculturalism.
    Of course the left will always shoot back with “what defines Canadian”. My answer to that is if you recently immigrated to Canada you need to be alot more like me rather than me be like you.

  13. “When the citizens reject your socialist, big government world view – get new citizens”
    LOL – Exactly!

  14. “FAIL to recognize that all of humanity is TRIBAL.”
    True, but the making of the new socialist man will supplant the tribal man.

  15. It’s really funny how dim witted the leftists are in America. Their premiere representatives in Hollywood even made a movie that beautifully illustrates my point about tribalism – Dances with Wolves. Not one, but two white people were portrayed as adopting the culture of the Tribes that welcomed them in. They adopted their dress, culture and language. They even fought against their own people as well as another warring Indian tribe. Oh, I get it … the film was intended to portray: Indians good – white man bad. But all the film did was to portray how fragmented and TRIBAL man is. And how people can and will adopt the culture of their surroundings. Our new immigrants need to learn our language and learn to love our “western” culture. Within that framework, there are all kinds of sub-tribes they can fit into.

  16. Throughout history tribes have frequently come into conflict and have engaged in wars. However, most of the time they reached accommodation when they weighed the costs and benefits to their tribe. The State on the other hand has been less accommodating with other states as it jealously guards is territorial monopoly. Their inclination to go to war has been exacerbated by the fact that the ruling elite of today do not pay for their wars with their own blood and treasure. These wars are paid for by slave labour (conscription) and theft (taxes) of the citizens. The State of recent history has been far more brutal in both its internal wars and its external wars than tribes have been. In the end, people who are left to their own devices usually voluntarily devise cooperative institutions. Forced accommodation (aka multiculturalism) is simply “anti human”. The problem the state with its vast territorial monopoly has is how to make its “one-size-fits-all policies apply to the diverse tribes within its domain. Adding to this is the majoritarian democracy problem – when one tribe gains control and then forces the other disparate tribes to do its bidding. This inevitably leads to secessionist unrest or civil war.

  17. Spot-on Neo … ! However, the vast majority of sheeple are clueless about their own manipulation. They just think it sounds so nice and happy, like a Disney movie, if we all are forced to believe … and live … together in “harmony”. It never ends well. Good fences make good neighbors.

  18. Spot on the money.
    The state has devolved into a well established well rewarded group living at the expense of the many they systemically loot.
    The last two times they have been exposed, they diverted the mob by declaring war on chosen scapegoats.
    Just maybe this time we have the tools to defeat the big lie.
    Otherwise WW3 is being whipped up as we slumber.
    Because the Guild of Parasites have run out of people willing to be robbed ,in too many nations.
    Hence the staggering,wobbling world “economy”.
    The trust is gone.
