33 Replies to “Rape Hour”

  1. Breitbart had this article as well. For me it’s a tough choice. Do I deride Muslims for making people fearful that they will rape their women or congratulate them for frigging up a celebration of AGW?

  2. Talk about a reality check, I love it. Time for the old continent to grow their testicles back and focus on real as opposed to imaginary issues.

  3. Who would have thought the enemy would have some usefulness after all? Maybe we can get them to tell Turdo to cancel Moonbat hour here too. What a dilemma? Who does he go with; Muhamad or Butts?

  4. You know … when Al Gore can no longer walk the streets of his Montecito, CA community safely … well … then Mother Earth weeps ! Oh, yeahhhhh … Poor immigrant Muzzies won’t get within 100 miles of Al’s Amalfi coast of CA … not even the gardening staff. So Al is still cool with the invasion of America.

  5. No need to update your SJW scorecard, it has always been thus:
    Muslims > Feminists > Climate Change > Gays > Millenial Poptarts

  6. Just reaping what the Swedes sowed in their country.
    As has been suggested, there is a bright side in that they will leave the lights on rather than celebrate Snake Oil Day.

  7. Oops, forgot one:
    Muslims > Natives > Feminists > Climate Change > Gays > Millenial Poptarts

  8. Gee maybe I could improve Toronto by offering online instruction into power systems and how to short them out for pleasure and profit.
    What google translate is for .
    So Justin’s People can enjoy their stay.
    The irony of this will be totally lost on the Enviro-Nasties, too stupid to parody.

  9. So where are the fathers and brothers in this deal? I’m getting pretty old but if I thought somebody as going to abuse my daughter he’d be sucking eggs.

  10. It’s interesting, however disturbing to read the article. All of my NDP friends always use Sweden or Norway as the ”socialist dream.” Even when I was a kid in the CCF era, they used the ”Swedish” example.
    If I recall, gas or electric street lights were first installed in places such as London, Paris, Berlin to reduce crime after dark, and to make circulation at night easier. Now we have bozos from the left that are telling us that light ”pollutes” the night sky. A message to the proponents of darkness. If you want to look at the night sky, take bus and go camp in the middle of a pasture in SW Saskatchewan or Central Montana. When the Coyotes and the Grey wolves start howling, or a cougar circles your tent, you might go back to Kensington or Kitsilano and keep your trap shut. Enjoy the song and the pics, and if you want to see real gas lights, they still light up parts of Medicine Hat, Ab. (If Knothead hasn’t made them illegal.)

  11. Gawwwd … so true. Are you aware that I am ORDERED (by local planning agencies) to install ONLY “night-sky compliant” light fixtures on my projects in the SF Bay Area. Where, on a good night, you can see 5-stars … maybe 6. It is such typical “feel-good” liberalism, that accomplishes exactly NOTHING. Hate to break it to you liberals … but my porch light is NOT interfering with Astronomy … regardless of what some Hollywood movie might have claimed. You see, we have built SPACE telescopes like the Hubbell … that are not the least bit impacted by my porch light. IDIOT liberal twits !

  12. Well it’s coming to all of Europe soon, because muslim countries are exempt from taking action on climate change. Only western, capitalist democracies are expected to take part in Earth hour.

  13. Screw the Earth Hour tell the granola munchers/Tree Huggers to Go Pound Sand and screw it Lives of the wome folk are more important then some stupid enviromental ideology based upon their own wacky weed influanced pipe dreams

  14. RE: Your ordering of SJWs.
    You’re a little behind the times. “Gays” has been broadened to “LBGT” to be more inclusive and diverse. Keep up man!!

  15. I have no doubt, based on what I’ve read in previous years, that Delisle, SK will be the safest, most well-lit community in Canada this evening.

  16. Suddenly the environMENTALists have become islamophobes. Don’t fear the islamolesters, send them back. Spain expelled their muzzies in the early 1500’s. The precedent has been set. If you’re worried about social backlash you can always blame Bush, Trump or climate change.

  17. Socialism sorta works in a non-diverse society and most definitely doesn’t work in an insanely forced diverse society like western countries have.

  18. Tough call. The Swedes had to choose which of their oxen gets gored sacred cows is sacrificed. They chose to screw multiculturalism and to let Gaia fend for herself. I wonder whether that will get them kicked out of the club?

  19. I could have split Natives into a variety of tribes too, but I just left all the L G B T Q tribes in their natural superclass of Gays to streamline the intent of the post…

  20. They need to start finding out how many of these “Rape Victims” were Liberal Progressives or actual Conservative anti-multicultural.
    Political averages should put large European cities in with a majority “YOU bloody well asked for it” demographic.

  21. I believe you have missed a letter … Q. As in LGBTQ. The Q is for all those who are Questioning their sexuality. as in … they’ll swap fluids with anyone and anything that says yes to them. The is also QQ for those questioning their questioning … OW, my head hurts. Someone should put them outta their misery.

  22. Actually the city fathers of Ostersund have it wrong. The lights of Europe are slowly going out, one suburb at a time. They will soon be able to celebrate 7th century hour.
    Pete E, turn on all your lights and other appliances for starters.

  23. Pete E >
    “I’ve come seeking guidance for how to celebrate human achievement hour.”
    You’d need to narrow your parameters a little, unfortunately not all humans and cultures achieve alike.
