45 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Thanks for the music.
    Syrian Kurdish parties are working on a plan to declare a federal region across much of northern Syria, several of their representatives said on Wednesday. They said their aim was to formalize the semi-autonomous zone they have established during five years of war and to create a model for decentralized government throughout the country.

  2. Re: Video ”You were always on mind!”
    In hindsight, we’re all experts at where our love lives went wrong. I think the next song would explain a good part of why Willie’s relationship may have been failing!

  3. When a politician says Frankly, or Quite Frankly, the next words are lies.

  4. Enter ‘Hillary Clinton Criminal’ into your browser. Google comes back with 30,000,000 results in .63 seconds. Yet the media and the RNC has the public scared of Trump.

  5. “Saudi Arabia’s Oil Chief Prepares for a World After Fossil Fuels”
    “The U.S. Is Exporting Its Oil Everywhere”
    “Exxon and Sinopec join traders in selling crude overseas
    U.S. lawmakers lifted 40-year ban on oil exports in December
    Three months since the U.S. lifted a 40-year ban on oil exports, American crude is flowing to virtually every corner of the market and reshaping the world’s energy map.”

  6. Well , good luck with that program. I believe in this era of negative interest rates the government intends to take us headlong into a cashless society. So how will you hide your money ? And so when is a tax cut not a tax cut ? When you create new taxes. We are getting a carbon tax. A capital tax is on the way. But don’t worry,we are getting change , and everything has worked as the Liberals stated . 10 bil , 40 bil no big deal. They will blow through the 40 mark too . It will be absolutely necessary to increase the gst . I’m not sure what else , but will know soon enough. Because it’s 1970 !

  7. Liberal Justine government policy priorities: senators # 1; Indians # 78.
    “With suicide at crisis levels in First Nations communities, kids need a better life, not counsellors” (G-M)
    “Trudeau set to appoint seven new senators, with Harder as leader” (G-M)
    “Trudeau is no friend to First Nations
    When he cut off a First Nations man’s hair in the halls of Parliament, the Liberal leader sent a message”
    “When disgraced Conservative senator Patrick Brazeau and Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau boxed in a charity match called Fight for the Cure in 2012, there was more at stake than raising funds for cancer research. The contenders had made a side bet: the loser would have to wear the hockey jersey of his opponent’s political party and also have his hair cut.”

  8. down to 29,600,000 now.
    googling donald trump criminal garners 51,600,000
    whatever could it all mean. I still want to know if the trump rally protesters want the likes of mitt romney and his vultures back in the corridors of power.

  9. I noticed that. However, read the results below Trump and it’s articles concerning him with the words criminal included. Read below Hillary, and it’s page after page of actual criminal activity.

  10. It appears our Pretty Boy playing the role of Prime Minister is having a hard time leaving the USA, he’s soaking up so much adoration his plan may have a hard time lifting off.
    Any reports on what he has accomplished on this love-in expedition?

  11. In the news this am: Quebec budget $2Billion surplus, includes $10Billion transfer payment income. I think I heard Alberta’s projected deficit is around $10Billion. I wonder how much of the transfer payments to Quebec that includes.
    What’s wrong with this picture?

  12. Where are the transfer/equalization payments coming from? Are they adding to the grand national debt?

  13. ‘reports on what he has accomplished on this love-in expedition?’
    Many amazing reports.
    Why Huff Post reported this very AM that ‘New Yorkers are literally begging Trudeau to run for president’

  14. Whoa, whoa, whoa here….
    I thought senators were bad(I mean, the hockey team REALLY is) and king justin cast them out into the wilderness?
    Now he’s making more?

  15. A climate change endorsement and the rest… ZERO.
    Even rebuked at his beloved UN, no seat till 2021, he’ll be out of office long before then.
    What a loser and an embarrassment.
    His supporters don’t have a clue.
    If PM Harper had stepped down and the CPC went into the election with a new leader, Mr Selfie would not be PM.
    Poor logistics on the CPC’s part, but they will be back.
    Too bad for the country in the mean time though. Especially the “poor”.

  16. Bloomberg has gone ga-ga over the Clown Prince as well. Then again, Abraham Lincoln said:
    “You can all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

  17. The Conservatives got more of the popular vote than the Liberals. Harper was defeated by a cynical media and external forces that were determined to get rid of him. He was a strong leader and the international community preferred someone they could manipulate. That is what they got.

  18. The middle class Selfie Boy talks so much about but knows nothing about an are fast becoming the working poor. His pal Wynne who is screwing Ontario into long term debt is all part of the Liberal mess in this country.

  19. Who knew that being PM would be such a breeze? You just have to travel to the US, preen and spout nice sounding platitudes. Really, I have heard little else from this shallow puppet. I cringe when I read of some of his simplistic pronouncements. Clearly, he is in charge of nothing, and his role is mostly to attend the pre-arranged photo ops — sometimes having memorized a speech that someone has written for him. Where is our media that they do not see how superficial and misguided this all is? I guess they are out to lunch, just as they were during the election. Mulcair pointed out that all Trudeau does is memorize his talking points. I thought it was a real gotcha moment, but the media chose to ignore the astute observation.

  20. Liberal Wynnetario.
    Leftist Wynnetario’s Killing Fields.
    H/T PET Cemetery Report.
    “Toronto man dies with doctor’s help in first legal assisted suicide in Ontario history” (NP)
    “The horror of the ‘Killing Fields'”
    “S-21 Prison was one of a 167 prisons throughout Cambodia, and Choeung Ek was but one of 343 ‘killing fields’. In all, 19,440 mass graves have been identified.”

  21. A good read. With this done, now Trump has to add the Reagan Democrats, but is doing poorly with women and the crucial Hispanics, whose media is all in hatred. He needs to address that to win the general election, and he knows it. I wonder how he plans to bring the gals on side? I’m with BCF, this is done, so get over it:
    Trump the Inevitable
    “Putting winner take all and the proportionate allocation rules together, Trump had impressive victories across the board. He will be the republican nominee unless the party straps on a suicide vest, something not out of the question given its penchant for stupidity.”
    if Trump is within 100 delegates of the magic number he will not be denied the nomination. Virtually every scenario shows that he will do that at a minimum. My own sense is that a deal will be made well in advance of the convention for Trump to win on the first ballot.”
    A deal? Sure. Trump has been negotiating a deal with the American people in public for months and only now are some starting to realize that. Because we’ve never seen an approach to politics before like the one Trump is employing, it’s been easy for the smart set to dismiss him as an entertainer and his supporters as rubes. A French journalist that I follow on Twitter, Anne-Elisabeth Moutet, tweeted that Trump doesn’t have a party. I replied that actually he has half of two.”
    Not only do Americans see in Trump a man who can deliver on a few solid issues, the details of which don’t really interest them, they also see in him a man who shares their deeply held loathing of the press. That combination has not been on offer before and Americans are rushing to buy, rightly fearful that such an offer will not come around again anytime soon.”
    Wise words.

  22. So Selfie PM and his Cabal have been busy appointing Senators, no mention if they are Liberal and no one asked. The Senate issue died when the media got rid of the Harper Conservatives. No one even cares about the Duffy trial, it’s no longer of any use as a battering ram.

  23. Re: the Senators. Didn’t see that coming, after all they’re very bad people, we must, we must reform the Senate. Meanwhile, let’s nation build with 7 Grit insiders, umm Senators. I wonder, are they in caucus?
    Sen. Pierrette Ringuette Quits Senate Liberal Caucus To Sit As Independent
    “Two years ago, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau made headlines after booting 32 senators from caucus. “There are no more Liberal senators,” Trudeau said at the time. Because Senate rules are based on a two-party system, the shakeup prompted leaders to make the decision to continue sitting as Liberals in order to secure funding and their hold onto an opposition leader’s office.”
    Entitled to their entitlements. Accountability out, greasing the wheels of patronage and privilege, in. We need to keep track, in light of their desire for change meme; the mediocracy have a way of wiping the public’s memory.

  24. Sorry Coach Willie covered the song 10 years after it was written.
    “Always on My Mind” is an American country music song by Johnny Christopher, Mark James and Wayne Carson, recorded first by Gwen McCrae (as “You Were Always On My Mind”) and Brenda Lee in 1972.

  25. Is there something odd about Trudeau and his band of merry marauders appointing Senators when he has disowned all those who were appointed as Liberal Senators? When did the change in the Senate that rendered some Independent and some Conservative happen? How will this be dealt with within the Senate when Conservative Senators go to their Caucus and the Independents remain in the dark as to what course to take on any given Bill or issue?

  26. Transcanada bet on the USA over Canada.
    The CBC talking heads don’t get it.
    Our own people and governments are AGIN Energy East, Trans Mtn, KeystoneXL, Line9, Northern Gateway pipelines.
    It’s no wonder we are headed for $30B deficit when we as a people can’t promote industry. Industry and services create jobs, products and results which are taxed, for the good of all.
    Governments get to makes choices in spending that money..
    Why are we denying the benefits of “work”?

  27. I read your post and think you could have stopped after the 6th word. Then answer is yes. There is something odd about Trudeau. I have been meaning to bring this up. He is of course pretty clueless, but beyond that he wears a vacant expression much of the time. I think he is off in his own fantasy world. I wonder if he understands half of what is going on.

  28. I always hated that song. The most tiresome, tedious song Willie ever performed. (This is not said to detract from his great, classic tunes.)

  29. “Where are the transfer/equalization payments coming from?”
    They are coming out of Federal revenues which in turn come from every individual and corporation paying Federal taxes.
    “Are they adding to the grand national debt?”
    Hard to say but if the Federal Government is going into deficit to cover all its expenditures – including equalization payments – because its revenues aren’t meeting them, then, yes, they are I suppose.
