31 Replies to “Red Rose Country”

  1. The good news is 2/3 of Albertans don’t think the NDP will form the next government. The bad news is the NDP only needs 1/3 of Albertans to win.

  2. It’s too bad they can be held accountable after the next election for crimes against the province.
    Arrested, Tried, and then hung.
    Things would be different today.

  3. The NDP will win next time too, unless the PCs fold and understand that WR is the future of Alberta.
    The PCs are just Liberals, too cowardly to admit it.
    The WR needs to define themselves, and stop letting their opposition define them. All right wing parties need to learn something from Trump.
    Attack and respond to your opposition, don’t go mealy mouthed. EVER

  4. Quebec balanced its budget by using income from equalization from the rest of Canada. So, if we chop the equalization that will help solve that problem. Even the Quebec Liberals can’t steal money the government doesn’t have. Or, maybe I’m wrong. They could.

  5. “There is a sense that this was a one-time blip,”
    Bob Ray set the precedent here in ontariariario back in the 90s.
    it’s like the voters got a much needed spanking for falling for the new democrap myth. and if they put that &#^#*@^@^&#*(@@&! whyne back in office, she WILL complete the process of demolishing the province.

  6. Yes and what’s going on in Ontario under the McGuinty cum Wynne Liberals trumps anything Bob Rae could ever imagine. Ontario is no longer “Yours to Discover” it’s Yours to Recover. It will be decades before it does.

  7. We’re at the beginning of a massive return of conservatism to Canada. In hindsight, Harper was the culmination of 25 years of burgeoning conservative ascendancy. He was the cherry on the sundae.
    Now leftists are dominate Federally and in most provinces. (Except Saskatchewan Party Saskatchewan and to some extent BC’s Liberals and to an even lesser extent Quebec Liberals)
    Saskatchewan is going to return Brad Wall to power. Manitoba is going to be the next to trash the NDP. Then you’ve got Ontario’s next election in which Harper student Patrick Brown is set to bring the PC’s back to power. By 2019 we could be looking at the NDP being completely locked out of power ANYWHERE. Liberals on the decline provincially (again…unless they veer right like BC and Quebec). Maybe even the end of Shiny Pony should our economy continue to stall and people get sour on the selfie PM and his swanning manner.

  8. Albertans better be smarter when they engage in protest votes. One term of NDP government is all it takes to be FUBAR’d, recovery can be painful. PC’c have been inflicted with the stupid bug, they need to smarten up, do some soul searching before they present themselves as ready to govern in Ontario and Alberta.

  9. Sheila Gunn Reid’s t-shirt on Rebel Media “Orange is the new broke.” Says it all.

  10. And total Quebec debt is 55% of GDP!
    Who is lending the mo-nay @ that level of risk?

  11. “We’re at the beginning of a massive return of conservatism to Canada”
    Sure we are. Millions of people who are being robbed blind by various levels of gov’t and believe that’s what’s good for them are suddenly going to change their minds.
    “Then you’ve got Ontario’s next election in which Harper student Patrick Brown is set to bring the PC’s back to power.”
    Oh. You’re serious?

  12. Try to look on the bright side: if Alberta’s economy remains in the doldrums long enough, you’ll probably be getting equalization payments too!

  13. The NDP will win because not enough conservatives actually care enough to do something about it.

  14. The big thing is that people need to get out and vote. About 20% of eligible voters elected the NDP in Alberta.

  15. Back in the day, the Saskatchewan NDP used to think equalization payments were the way to go and anything that threatened those unearned entitlements was bad. I remember once arguing with an idiot socialist who was bemoaning the fact that Saskatchewan no longer was on the receiving end of equalization. He blamed Brad Wall. I said suppose that you were young and broke and your father gave you an allowance to make ends meet. And suppose that you landed a great job paying six figures a year. Would you still expect your father to pay the allowance? Without hesitation, he replied “Yes”.
    You simply cannot debate rationally with a socialist. It is just not possible since, in his/her mind, emotion trumps reason every time.

  16. DanBC has a good point. The Wildrose party needs to re-brand itself. Donald Trump makes no apologies for stating obvious but harsh truths that need to be tackled head on. He also pledges confidently to be the “go-to” guy for getting through the well established opposition. He knows who the creeps are and knows how they think. Wildrose needs a Donald (or Klein 2.0).

  17. She should apply for a position federally on Justine’s “the budget will balance itself” finance team.

  18. Like Iv’e said before, these people are the dog that caught the car, they are the misfits of society, miscreants misfits malcontents and fatties that hate themselves and thanks to the lieing citidiot this is what Alberta has running the 48 billion dollar a year show. Just think of anyone you locally know who backs NDPee ideology, they are the village, town, hamlet, city idiots, we all can name at least 5, in my 2500 person town there are at least 8 that contribute nothing, hate the rich, and think someone rich should pay for their wants, but when you say to one asshole who inherited a half section of land, “why dont you give 10 acres to old Alf the town drunk” well thats when things change. The left are retarded stunted morons, nothing else.

  19. 2/3 of albertans are liars!!!
    Remember 100% of albertans never voted for the ndp? At least the ones i talk to.

  20. And just how stupid is this creature, this Karen McPherson. A rhetorical question… she is NDP afterall.

  21. JJM >
    “Try to look on the bright side: if Alberta’s economy remains in the doldrums long enough, you’ll probably be getting equalization payments too!”
    Check SDA archives back to 2008, I’ve been calling for a Famine in Alberta since at least then. A good “send em back” recession to cool Alberta’s ridiculous growth and third world demographic shift was long overdue!
    The NDP have been the perfect party of losers to tear down Alberta’s overheated economy to rebuild future Albertan prosperity once they are gone. Sometimes the treatment feels worse than the disease.
    I can easily wait +3 years, so can most true Albertans.

  22. “I can easily wait +3 years, so can most true Albertans.”
    True Albertans?
    Beaver? Blackfoot? Chipewyan? Plains Cree? Sarcee? Saulteaux? Slavey? Stoney? Woodland Cree?

  23. “You do the math.”
    Because Communists have shown time and time again that they cannot.

  24. JJM >
    “So much for “true Albertans”………….Beaver? Blackfoot? Chipewyan? Plains Cree? Sarcee? Saulteaux? Slavey? Stoney? Woodland Cree?”
    All those people are welcome to join the Nation of Canada or the Province of Alberta any time they wish. We have always supported them and encouraged their participation.
    Those that don’t care to participate with our NATIONS founding values and culture have always had the choice to stay out.
    Many still choose to keep with their own nation albeit with allot of our help & money to support it.
