29 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. “for the left there is no Peak Hitler.”
    That’s how it is when history starts afresh each morning.

  2. Progressives rarely debate with conservatives but prefer to shut the conversation down by implementing the big smear. Just as there is nothing “liberal” about progressives, there is nothing honorable about most of them. Their sacred narratives are limited in number as are their arguments in the defense of those narratives. They own the culture and the media always has their back so it doesn’t mater what they say as long as it shuts down the potential debate. Those that oppose the sacred tribal narratives are seen as political infidels and essentially subhuman. The economic policies of progressives are, in reality, barely distinguishable from those of the Nazis.

  3. Chicago Mayor Daley had accused Nixon of “Hitler type” tactics.
    The Mayor and his family’s budgets ran up the largest deficits in Chicago history.
    When you are a thief, and a liar, always divert attention to accuse someone else..
    Obama from Chicago is the best diverted liar I know.
    No offense to Hillary..

    Some History.
    Hitler shaved his original long mustache into a toothbrush shaped mustache to keep the poison gas in the World War 1 trenches from killing him.
    Many soldiers refused to shave, and died..

  4. It’s the same in Canada. How many times in the early 2000s did we hear that the Reform party was the second coming of the Nazi party, how many times was Preston Manning and then Stockwell Day and then Stephen Harper compared to Hitler, for advocating the complete opposite type of policies as the Nazis? Bill Whittle said the same sort of thing four years ago here:

  5. The Left are down to the last refuges of scoundrels and scum in politics. It’s the worst it’s ever been because they have so many more outlets to spread their venom. We know all about that in Canada, it was rampant the entire time Stephen Harper and his Conservatives were in power.

  6. What Ed said, above. One of the only advantages of getting older is that you’ve heard all this before, and more, so it’s harder to get rattled.

  7. It’s time we start calling the Left the Marxists and Leninists that they are.
    Why is it that we don’t? Just askin’.

  8. Typical “Eurocentric” cultural arrogance in calling everyone Hitler. All cultures matter! Ignoring murderous villains from Asia like Pot Pol and Mao is just WRONG. And how about those cross-border cultures of part Europe and part Asia. I mean why does Stalin always get a pass?
    Inclusiveness and Diversity MATTER!

  9. Lefties are just emotional reactionaries, and this projection of leftist sins on the rite is just an emotional based tactic.
    Ed, stockwell day is just stupid.

  10. What do you mean we don’t? Marxists is the only term I use when referring to the left.

  11. Haha, yeah it’s true, but not as though it’s only the left who thinks this way. Hard not to notice the slogan at the top of the page – ‘INSIDE EVERY LIBERAL IS A TOTALITARIAN SCREAMING TO GET OUT’.

  12. As do I, Ryan.
    When I said “we” I was referring to the Conservative Party of Canada. I never heard them/us call them leftist or socialist one time during the election.
    Sorry for the confusion.

  13. So do I, and occasionally throw in the descriptor “commie”.
    Greenfield is right when he says,”Republicans aren’t progressive. Therefore they’re Hitler. It’s really that simple.” In Canada you can substitute conservative. The Liberal line that if you do not support a Liberal Canada you are a bad Canadian fits right in with this line of thinking.
    Sadly, this form of ideological attack has been drummed into society for decades by our educational system and our media. The “right” has never learned how to combat this and has been totally defeated on this front.

  14. On the other hand …
    This is Hitler rehab. With each such accusation, Hitler gets another boost in the ratings! Soon he’ll be only as bad as … your father!
    “Why rehab?”, you ask. Because the Left must realize they won’t be able to get away with their charade of calling Hitler “right wing” forever. Surely someone, sooner or later, will notice the “socialism” in “National Socialism”. When that happens, the Left will be able to say to their accusers “Hitler? Sure, but he wasn’t not so bad. He was just like you, me and the rest of us!”

  15. This is what Hitler looked like…..and it looks an awful lot like Obama, Bernie and Hillary.
    Hitler was named “Man of the Year” in 1938 by Time Magazine. They noted Hitler’s anti-capitalistic economic policies:
    “Most cruel joke of all, however, has been played by Hitler & Co. on those German capitalists and small businessmen who once backed National Socialism as a means of saving Germany’s bourgeois economic structure from radicalism. The Nazi credo that the individual belongs to the state also applies to business. Some businesses have been confiscated outright, on other what amounts to a capital tax has been levied. Profits have been strictly controlled. Some idea of the increasing Governmental control and interference in business could be deduced from the fact that 80% of all building and 50% of all industrial orders in Germany originated last year with the Government. Hard-pressed for food- stuffs as well as funds, the Nazi regime has taken over large estates and in many instances collectivized agriculture, a procedure fundamentally similar to Russian Communism.”
    (Source: Time Magazine; January 2, 1939.)

  16. Most on the right don’t even understand the nature of the enemy. The people we are dealing with don’t fight fair.

  17. To be fair, there are enough philosophical differences between fascism and communism to say that they are not just variants of one theme. They are equally totalitarian in nature and capable of evil, although from case to case it depends on the actual program chosen by the leadership. Gorbachev communism or Franco fascism were by no means absolute evils when compared to Stalin communism and Hitler fascism.
    And I am aware that some would call Franco authoritarian but not fascist. I would prefer a spherical rather than a linear model of politics. The left-right spectrum is fine when discussing ranges of political options in western democracies but I visualize a planet that does not rotate, with our democratic options on the daylight side and communism and fascism on the dark side with Islamo-fascism. Where you place them is somewhat irrelevant because they are basically always in the dark whereas our variations receive certain amounts of light.
    One might then suppose the best place to be is in the centre, and perhaps this is true despite our ideological preferences, but more to the point, a lot of degradation occurs when people attempt to link totalitarian politics to the political spectrum of free societies. All discourse about conservatism being a gateway to fascism strikes me as daft, but it is true that conservatism can become a gateway to authoritarian forms of government. It should resist those impulses. Democratic socialism decided of its own free will to have an arms-length but not hostile relationship to Soviet communism and has maintained that policy with respect to Chinese communism. But to say that western liberals and progressives are communists is an exaggeration except where they overtly endorse communism. A person who has said that they admire a communist model of politics can hardly claim that they are being slandered if called a communist.
    Perhaps my spherical or planetary model would be more accurate if I said that on the democratic left, some make a habit (for no logical reason) of making occasional trips to the dark side.
    I’m convinced that Canadian conservative politics should be easy. Just avoid the temptation to dabble in nativism and a too-rigid version of security obsession, and you place yourself naturally within the mainstream view which is broadly speaking fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Then if you feel that the socially liberal policies are dangerous in some way, advocate against them in a place designed for that sort of thing, a church, synagogue, mosque or temple. If the CPC can find such a leader, they will easily regain power. If they insist on making things difficult, they will stay in opposition.

  18. Well said Peter. That was an excellent way to describe the various shades of ideology. I often let the suffering of my family under communism colour my view of radical leftists of any shade. It may be trite and radical, but to my mind the only good communist is a dead one.

  19. The Hitler thing is not for use against committed conservatives. Thinking people know that only Hitler was Hitler.
    The left uses that old canard in their hope to de-legitimize the conservative choice in the mind of the non-aligned voter; the voter who may change his vote from time to time.
    If the conservative choice can be shown as being unacceptable to thinking caring people, marking that choice on your ballot becomes that much more difficult for the non-partisan individual.
    Who wants to be with those people?
    The loud obnoxious protests against Trump have the same purpose; an attempt to thwart democratic choice.

  20. What you’ve gotta do is remind the socialist, fascists, communists and other such ‘ists, that Hitler was a socialist.
    Every time they bring it up.
    Haunt them with that fact.
    It may just happen that their heads will self-destruct.
    Just do it.

  21. “We are all Hitler now.”
    In the future, we will all be Hitler for 15 minutes./ off Andy Warhol’s Zombie

  22. What I find most interesting is when I point out to leftists that ‘NAZI’ is a misplaced modifier when describing a conservative, they go nuts. When I ask them what part of ‘National Socialist German Workers Party’ they don’t understand, they still insist Nazi were right-wing zealots. I’ve even had them try to correct me on this blog.
