20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Hoorah! Lenin bites the dust and goes into the dustbin of history. Our tour group had a group photo taken by that statue in 2008.
    Dozens of my ancestors also died in labour camps in the Soviet paradise.
    Happy to see the statue toppled. Now they need to change the name of the main Zaporozhia street leading from the statue, the park where the statue stood, as well as the name of harbour and the power dam that the statue overlooked.
    Now if only we could sweep the soviet thinkers here in Canada into the dustbin of history.

  2. wooo haaaaaaaaaa.
    the personality cult of communism.
    n korea
    wtf? ‘more equal than others’ pretty much pegs it.
    traffic lanes in Moscow exclusively for the party bosses.
    etc etc
    I remember early visits to Tranna, seeing the bearded intellectuals pouring over their copies of the little red book, their sycophantic trotskyist goatees, puzzled, wondering, what is the matter with their brains? don’t these grown adults KNOW *anything* about the true nature of communism? somehow I knew I wasn’t falling for western bias propaganda either. early teens and a deep instinct about world politics had begun.
    and here we are in 2016, the answer reaffirmed weekly. LEFTISTS ARE DELUSIONAL.
    mentally defective. that’s it, it all fits, that unquestioning adherence to ideology. common to all parts of the spectrum for sure, but rampant on the left, increasingly so. and on the extreme right, kinda like the classic bell curve, just upside down.
    my fondest memories were the verbal jousting matches with diehard leftists at the university when I was a volunteer photographer, putting it to them, “you want a member of the communist party filtering EVERYTHING we publish? no true freedom of expression, all propaganda? that’s what you want?” followed by mute stares on their part. Gawd that was fun.

  3. AGW RIP.
    “Winter To Drag On Across Central Europe, …March 2016 In Germany So Far 1.5°C Cooler Than Normal”
    “According to the German DWD national weather service, March 2016 so far in Germany has been some 1.5°C colder than normal so far, and real spring weather remains out of sight. More on this here.”
    “Snowstorm to kick off spring in northeastern US”

  4. And I bet they have never voted or worked for the Liberals – oh, except Peter Harder. I heard him babble about how non-partisan he was, like he used to be a big fat liberal bureaucrat and was a non-partisan head of Trudeau’s transition team.
    All non-Liberals, everyone of them I’m sure.

  5. Well the kicker is Trudeau has made them all Independent, they are not allowed in the Liberal Caucus, It will be Conservative Senators and Independent closet Liberals in the Senate…should be a hoot. There must be some ancient law that could be used to shoot this nonsense down.
    We all recall how a vindictive Chretien dug up an obscure law to disallow Conrad Black to sit in the House of Lords and remain a Canadian citizen. Someone needs to start looking under rocks and in crevices for some old musty laws to deal with this nonsense.

  6. Enough is enough. So this Saturday’s National Post treats us to multiple pictures of the dashing PM dressed up like Mike Holmes — toolbelt hanging low, drill in hand, lumber slung over his shoulder. What is this? Is Trudeau not supposed to be running the country? How does he make time for this silliness? Is this not akin to Stockwell Day on a ski do (also a PR stunt, but at least grounded in reality — Day actually did ski do, but the Trudeau pics are totally phoney. I believe the PR people are in charge of the PMO. It is insulting to Canadians to have our Prime Minister exposed as nothing more than a photographer’s model. That none of this is criticized by the media (when Day was pilloried for a similar stunt) is very telling.

  7. Lol! It would be appropriate. Whoops, did I just break Saskatoon’s new bylaw?

  8. The Marketing Genius of Samuel Colt By Sean Braswell
    “God created men,” goes the famous frontier saying, “Colonel Colt made them equal.”
    So how did one man, even a legendary arms-maker, accomplish a task generally reserved for constitutions, wars and philosophers? Well, the saying itself says it all: truly sensational PR.

    Colt saved his most effective marketing ploys for convincing average Americans to pay a month’s wage for a device that required frequent maintenance and was known to malfunction.
    Colt capitalized on Americans’ romanticized view of the rugged frontier to sell pocket revolvers and other pistols — mostly to those who, like himself, lived in Eastern towns and cities. And to do so, Colt deployed a marketing and sales arsenal unlike any before.

  9. Re: new liberal senators. They will likely be the first whipped independents in parliamentary history.

  10. The appointment of new senators simply indicates that despite all the hype over Sunny ways it is business as usual in Ottawa.
