8 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Ace is right in all of it. Particularly trenchant is this bit:
    “…the various political classes which became so inbred, insular, and disconnected from reality they provoked their own destruction.”
    Indeed, Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety should serve as a warning for all time about the eventual consequences of a ruling class that becomes thoroughly out of touch.

  2. I agree. It is obvious if you watch American news that they still do not “get it”. Hopefully Trump wins, follows through, and sends the establishment into the dustbin of history.
    “…the various political classes which became so inbred, insular, and disconnected from reality they provoked their own destruction.”
    The same situation exists in Canada. It is just that Canadians have not yet realized that the Laurentian Elite run this country in every aspect.

  3. We need to name all the Laurentian Elites
    Probably all the Librano’s to start
    They are the real enemy, and control the puppet PM

  4. Ken, the codicil to this is that the insular elites never do get it. It always ends some day in some version of a beheading of Charles I. In 1985, the most monolithic government in the world was arguably the USSR. Five years later, it’s a pile of political rubble, and today, nearly no trace remains.

  5. Hate to tell this prig but there are a fair few of us who are very well educated but are conservatives none-the-less.

  6. “In 1985, the most monolithic government in the world was arguably the USSR. Five years later, it’s a pile of political rubble, and today, nearly no trace remains.”
    No. The Russians planned it to be understood that way. It was never rubble, the dissolution, which was an illusion, was a planned ruse.
    The Bolsheviks, which are an organized crime political entity, still run Russia, and the USSR was always Russia with a crush zone of hostage countries which, comprising the other 12 Soviet Republics, provided Russia with a defense-in-depth.
    Anyone who studied the USSR guise of Russia knows that Russia merely downsized and rebranded back to their original entity, which was always Russia.
    Russia ended up with all of the spoils after dissolution; nuclear weapons, navy, air forces, air defenses, the whole ball of wax which made Russia a player at all on the world stage.(only Russia’s militaries made anyone pay any attention to them, …nobody was or even still is interested in Russian culture per se, Russian culture is a slave culture)
    Putin was one of the elites of Russia’s KGB. Uri Andropov, one-time Chairman of the KGB, was the first KGB General Secretary of the Soviet Union. It was Mikhail Gorbachev, also KGB, that inherited the position to execute the plan to downsize the USSR and become the newly rebranded Russian Federation.
    Putin has been ruling Russia with an iron fist since 1998 and there is no end in sight of his totalitarian rule.
    Hardly an example of “no trace remaining”, Putin’s grandfather was Stalin’s personal cook.
    This, in a country where poisoning your political enemies is the unofficial national sport, Putin’s grandfather was adjudged to be an unerringly loyal Bolshevik or he wouldn’t have been so close to Yosef Stalin, who was famous for his purges.
    Oh!, you may say, “That was Putin’s grandfather, not Vladimir.”
