Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

The bureaucrats are always the last to know;

Six years ago, I became an assistant secretary general, posted to the headquarters in New York. I was no stranger to red tape, but I was unprepared for the blur of Orwellian admonitions and Carrollian logic that govern the place. If you locked a team of evil geniuses in a laboratory, they could not design a bureaucracy so maddeningly complex, requiring so much effort but in the end incapable of delivering the intended result. The system is a black hole into which disappear countless tax dollars and human aspirations, never to be seen again.

He leaves the rapes and killings for further on down the column.

45 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. “The bureaucrats are always the last to know;”
    I thought Obama was the last to know stuff …. He says he hears about stuff in the news like the other believers of news reportage.
    We need to get out of the UN before Agenda 21 is fully implemented. Then Canada will be like Rick and the crew fighting a world of zombies.

  2. Like a moth drawn to a bug zapper. justin is drawn into the bureaucratic quagmire armed with nothing more than blank checks and weapons grade stupidity.

  3. Yea climate change terrifies me to, I spend most nights when I’m checking cows, thanking climate change for not being 30 below like it has been other years, and will be again for this time of year. But yes lets all put up a windmill to appease the evil climate change gods, maybe we can even tilt at it to help. This clown is nothing more than the equivalent of the last crews that rounded up virgins to pitch into volcanos, I’m sure they looked at each other as the volcano spewed and said “this isn’t working and were running out of pretty girls and your ugly Mugwaa, I can’t do this anymore”.

  4. In the case of the UN (and most nation states), the inefficiency of bureaucracies is their best feature. Otherwise all those bad ideas would have been implemented and the bad ideas far outnumber the good ones.

  5. The guy must be some kind of racist. Heh.
    All he complains about is Haiti, Cambodia, Mali……
    Vat? (sic)
    No complaints about Germany, France, Great Britain……
    Sez, there are all these warm and fuzzy, hardworking people….. Being warm and fuzzy with a large pay without taxes is a hard work…..for normal people…..guess he might be right. Heh.
    He is right about the black hole, though there are those that don’t know what it means, there are those that don’t care, there are those that make world class cash that like it that way.
    Most don’t see it, black holes are out of sight. Heh.

  6. Agenda 21 is now Agenda 2030, and Justin is the poster boy. (Don’t forget, we are the first post-national State.) Justin was the globalist’s candidate in the last election and nearly everything he is doing aligns with Agenda 2030. All the publicity cones via the globalist’s agenda as well. Now some parts of the UN may be falling apart,but it is the chosen vehicle for implementing the one-world international socialist agenda and climate change money grab. Justin is the water boy.

  7. We are sure going to remain a member of the UN, Shrine of the Left. Our front man Trudeau is begging shamelessly for a seat on the Security Council. It’s probably about getting another punch at Harper who was not given a seat rather than making any real difference. It’s time the Liberals stop the game of expunging everything the Harper government put forward. They have been given a majority to do what’s best for Canada and it’s people and get on with it. Those who are struggling to survive economically in places like Ontario are not interested in glitz and glamour or selfies around the globe.

  8. Kinda book smarts vs street smarts thing innit?
    10000 person strong ‘response’ to a terrorist take over in Mali with explicit orders to avoid engagement isn’t “marching into the quagmire.” It’s more like a holiday in the quagmire. National Lampoon’s: UN Deployment, if you will.

  9. In a nutshell the United Nations is nothing more than 150 second and third world countries in a war against the 50 first world countries
    Or put another way,the United Nations is 150 wolves and 50 sheep deciding on what’s for dinner

  10. Re: Ignorance and corruption at the United Nations.
    Worry not folks. Trudeau has already began to fill the void.

  11. *
    was it libya or iran who got to chair the u.n. special committee on the status of women?
    also… you think it’s coincidental that it’s located in a city noted for it’s cultural and gustatory venues. this institution is just a huge stage for politicians of all stripes to posture and preen in front of the world’s media. change the locale to any african or middle eastern hellhole, er… country and see what the attendance rate is.
    it’s where you can stand up and say incomprehensible, hypocritical nonsense… and be applauded by your peers…
    “Trudeau did not specify how his government’s approach to such arms sales would differ, other than to say he’s committed to ‘openness, transparency and rigour around values the world expects’.”
    rodger dodger, skipper… you sure knocked that outta the park.

  12. I did my first UN Peacekeeping duty in 1960 and have participated in several others since then. That is well over 50 years ago. In 1960 our operations, as dictated by the UN authorities, were rife with bureaucratic incompetence and lethargy leading to terrible delays, inaction and criminal acts when exactly the opposite was urgently needed. They were soul-destroying experiences ……….. and we were supposed to be the good guys.
    I am not surprised that 50 years later the bureaucratic destructiveness has persisted or grown worse and UN “Peacekeepers” continue pillaging and raping the very people they are supposed to protect. In spite of the grotesque nature of how things were done in 1960 I saw none of the terrible activities of today’s troops as described (ie: the destructive Congolese and Democratic Congolese “Peacekeepers”) so I can only assume that things have worsened since my days with that hideous organization.
    God help us if the Mark 2 Trudeau drags Canada back into the “Peacekeeping” scam.

  13. “Never could I have imagined that I would one day have to deal with members of my own organization committing the same crimes or, worse, senior officials tolerating them for reasons of cynical expediency”.
    Any lingering hope I had for the UN disappeared forever with the Rwanda crisis; things obviously have deteriorated since then. The head of peace keeping,overseeing the Rwanda genocide was promoted to Sec Gen. As stated above, no one ever is canned for incompetence.
    How does one explain Liberal infatuation with the UN? Can nobody in the PMO read such news reports, the NYT is not some reactionary blogging out of his basement.
    Liberal obsession with the UN stems from L Pearson’s day and his Nobel prize. The feeling is if only officials prostrate themselves to ideas of collectivity, and ignore
    all scandals and abuses, someday another Nobel will come our way.
    Is it worth it? Definitely not, and I think most Canadians reading such reports nightly on TV news shows would agree. And there is the problem, Canadians are fed an optimistic gruel of “peace keeping” and “honest brokerism” that no longer has any connection with reality. The UN is broken and cannot be fixed.

  14. Something to remember should Kevin O’Leary decide to stick his hat in the political ring as a Conservative, he has said he believes in peacekeeping. Wonder where he start the process of peacekeeping in the ME where terrorism is fostered and taken around the globe?

  15. This has been going on for years. I remember reading a book written by a Canadian pilot who was involved in an aviation project at the UN. He commented on the endless meetings he had to attend where everyone droned on and had to say their piece (reminds me of our Native Indians) having dinners, cocktails and flitting from one city to another to have another meeting. No decisions were made, no accountability, but lots of money was spent but nothing was accomplished. Our current Liberal government and its illustrious leader will love this…lots of parties, and the opportunity to take selfies, and give speeches and doing nothing worthwhile. Canada’s population is aging hopefully, but the Syrian refugees may change that, and maybe common sense eventually will prevail in the political arena. In the meantime us peasants have to pay to belong to this corrupt, useless organization.

  16. When Lew Mackenzie commanded the troops in Bosnia, he complained that if something happened outside of regular office hours, there was no one to answer the phone at UN headquarters. He took initiatives himself when this happened, putting the welfare of his troops first.
    Poor old Romeo Dallaire was a bureaucrat first and general second. In Rwanda, when crap hit the fan, he was busy trying to get permission from UN headquarters rather than taking the necessary action to save the Belgian troops under his command who were eventually murdered.
    Now Prime Minister Zoolander wants us to play a bigger role in this outfit. Disgraceful.

  17. And THIS is exactly what a “one world” government will look like. Endless taxes paid for redundant upon redundant upon redundant upon redundant upon redundant … bureaucracies. It will be a boon for the untalented bottom third of our society, as they will have full employment for a government uninterested in results.
    This is what a borderless … we are the world … nonsense will look like.

  18. JMD – You beat me to it. I was going to comment on Dallaire, the Liberal darling, who is definitely not held in high esteem in military circles. And, yes, I have a UN peacekeeping medal too.

  19. Canada on the security council is like Iran on the Human Rights Tribunal.
    Only at the Useless Nutjobs.

  20. yup, I have a “friend” (nik named the pharaoh)who is related to Boutros Boutros Ghali, and the stories he’s told me would horrify you. It’s underlings that “run” departments, but they don’t have authority, so they need to contact the head person, who is quite often not available, and so the person in the field waits.
    and for you bible bangers, Ghali is a lefty kristian

  21. All institutions, organizations or groups that have been invaded and infected, then taken over by leftism have become extremely corrupt and mind bogglingly inefficient.
    Well they are good at one thing; having the masses brainwashed into believing more leftism is a good thing.

  22. “Too often, the only way to speed things up is to break the rules. That’s what I did in Accra…”
    Sadly, what Dallaire failed to do. Decisive action in the field would have saved many lives. He is not a hero in Belgium.

  23. “The world faces a range of terrifying crises, from the threat of climate change”
    “I believe that for the world’s sake we must make the United Nations succeed.”
    “If it is going to advance the causes of peace, human rights, development and the climate, it needs a leader genuinely committed to reform.”
    These statements tell me that despite all his years in the UN, he’s unaware of what their intended goal actually is – the imposition of one-world socialist government. He naively believes that the UN still has the same intent as when first founded.

  24. The useful idiots are always the last to recognize how badly they are used.
    Willing to do anything to further their great cause, to do such good.
    They lie,cheat and murder on command.
    For your better society , of course.
    Nothing seems to penetrate the illusions of the true believer.
    But bullets are cheap, ditto piano strings.

  25. The UN was *designed* as a do-nothing talk shop. It’s since been perverted into a sort of dictators, theocrat and fascist boys club, paid for by a few big cash cows. The US, Canada, Japan, etc.

  26. Unelected buffoons playing the “Masters” of world powers…Be gone you pompous fool & take your Arab spring with you.

  27. “I was no stranger to red tape, but I was unprepared for the blur of Orwellian admonitions and Carrollian logic that govern the place. If you locked a team of evil geniuses in a laboratory, they could not design a bureaucracy so maddeningly complex, requiring so much effort but in the end incapable of delivering the intended result.”
    So he’s never been to Egypt, legion for its mind numbing, non-producing & self interested red tapers. Maybe he could reference his need for climate change action. Another frog in the warming pot.
    Re: General Mackenzie. He told a group I was in he had to borrow a satellite phone from a journalist to phone the UN a Friday evening to tell them he wanted to close the Sarajevo Airport, but was basically told “the office is closed, phone back Monday morning.” In our meeting, he was asked how he dealt with snipers and other morons lobbing small arms fire, RPG and mortar down on his guys, always managing to “miss,” while creating a dangerous situation at a busy airport. When it stopped, he was asked, was that the work of his guys. His reply was he wasn’t going to let anyone take pot shots at his troops, with or without UN permission.
    Dallaire left Rwanda a wiser but weaker man; I’ll not judge the man from there – as a leader to lose people under your command, notwithstanding the way it happened, is the worst possible outcome and the greatest burden a commander can every carry. Blame’s got nothing to do with it.
    Meanwhile JT floats another lying false narrative, all of them enabled before, now, and in the future no doubt, by our unethical and incompetent mediocracy of course, that we have ended our Iraq “combat mission.” Then again why should he have a clue about military operations when he doesn’t have a clue about basic economics or human nature or behaviour.

  28. “…They have been given a majority to do what’s best for Canada and it’s people and get on with it. …”
    “…what’s best for Canada …” Yeah, but even if they realised that means lock themselves in a barn and set fire to it, is there anyone amongst them competent to strike a match?

  29. That’s one reason I stopped attending church. I got tired of hearing Sunday sermons that were nothing but “blah blah blah white man bad, socialism good blah blah blah”. It got to the point that anyone who didn’t spout Marxist/Leninist doctrine as being on par or superior to scripture would soon find themselves close to being branded a heretic.
    It all started when the false ideology known as liberation theology and its followers began creeping into the clergy.

  30. “The system is a black hole into which disappear countless tax dollars and human aspirations, never to be seen again.” In other words, the UN works perfectly for what it is intended. It is the ultimate dead letter compound. Any government head wishing to avoid dealing with a problem in international affairs can simply hand it over to the UN knowing nothing will be done. Career bureaucrats can insinuate themselves into the UN and continue to draw obscene salaries in exchange for doing nothing of use all the while wrapping themselves in flags of moral self-righteousness vis Stephen Lewis.
    As for the author’s slowness in recognizing the blindingly obvious, as Mark Twain said, it’s easier to con someone than it is to convince them they’ve been conned. At least he can be commended for having belatedly recognized that piece of truth.

  31. He’s already been at the UN too long by the sound of it. The UN is a cesspool of corruption. Full stop. They may have started out with noble intentions but that was long ago and far away, before they welcomed despots and dictators into the star chamber. Harper knew that. Justin is having wet dreams in anticipation of playing big shot on the world stage with our tax money. As he said,”Canada is back”. And already bending over with 3 1/2 years to go. Painful to say the least.

  32. Yes Harper had the correct policy for Canada with respect to UN, pay lip service to it but not take it seriously.Dues could have been pared back more, but that would have brought howls from Liberals and their superannuated diplomats.
    Meanwhile Jr has already slated million of our dollars to the rat hole of climate change fund. He will spend even more for bribes to be included in the Security Council, with no influence whatever. He will be able to preen and strut on a world’s stage, and CBC will intone Canada is back.

  33. There’s no such thing as a ‘lefty Christian’.
    2Th 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
    2Th 3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.
    2Th 3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread

  34. I agree. I went to church for spiritual guidance, not to be indoctrinated with left-wing political claptrap.

  35. Thanks Stradivarious,
    I’ve though often about pointing these little things out, but realised it presupposes that they have any knowledge of the written word or as is the case with most so called christians these days have any understanding of whats written in that book called the Bible. I’d not be surprised to hear that even the annotations you’ve put are a mystery to some.

  36. Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people”:
    First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.
    Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.
    The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.

  37. Maybe the only time the U. N. was ever useful was in October 1962 when the Soviet Union installed nuclear missiles in Cuba.
    The Soviet ambassador denied that there were any but was later forced to eat crow. The American ambassador Adlai Stevenson provided irrefutable evidence that they did, and did so in full view of not just the U. N. but the rest of the world.
    That embarrassment, plus secret diplomatic negotiations between the two parties, led to the missiles being dismantled and shipped back to the Soviet Union. A nuclear war had been prevented. That might not have happened without the forum provided by the U. N.

  38. “I HAVE worked for the United Nations for most of the last three decades.”
    “Six years ago, I became an assistant secretary general…”
    And NOW you have a pang of conscience? The uselessness and counter-productivity of YOUR lifelong paycheque have only NOW become apparent?
    Go **** yourself, you piece ** ****. Take a bow and credit yourself with doing your own not insubstantial bit to screw up the world.

  39. “His reply was he wasn’t going to let anyone take pot shots at his troops, with or without UN permission.”
    This was the same replay and comment a general (shall remain unnamed, it wasn’t Lou) made at the last mess dinner I attended for Supplementary Reserve staff in the mid 90s. He also said that some of the “bast*rds” were better armed than his people, but not trained as his troops were. He also said that the media were not “allowed” to see or “report” when they took care of things their way.

  40. succinct there JM.
    curious, isn’t it? resignations come with some sort of lifetime record adrenaline courage rush. go along to get along, guard the job, the perks, ooohhh the perks at the U.N.
    same as it ever was. same as it ever was.
    me? well, I’ve been fired a bunch of times for bytching about inadequate equipment, safety issues, unequal pay.
    didn’t always have a backup plan, but Providence and boy-scout-be-preparedness sufficed.
    now I don’t give a shyt. I’m retired. I work as much as I ever did on all kinds of projects. AND *I* reap ALL the benefit. and no need to complain about all those work place issues.
