Black Crimes Matter

Police officers –of all races– are disproportionately endangered by black assailants. Over the past decade, according to FBI data, 40% of cop killers have been black. Officers are killed by blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than the rate at which blacks are killed by police. Some may find evidence of police bias in the fact that black people make up 26% of the police-shooting victims, compared with their 13% representation in the national population. But as residents of poor black neighbourhoods know too well, violent crimes are disproportionately committed by black people.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of murders and 45% of assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, though they made up roughly 15% of the population there. Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force.

Heather Mac Donald on the myths of Black Lives Matter. One of these.

14 Replies to “Black Crimes Matter”

  1. Holy crap, David, did no one tell you that we’re not allowed to point out facts like that, anymore?
    Quick, hide the article before you get us all in trouble!

  2. The fact that most of the cops are white in areas predominantly black should be a key to what the real problem is. Start by hiring black cops and let’s see who complains.

  3. There are black cops. And sometimes they shoot people, too. When they shoot black people the press tends to not report that the shooting officer is black. And when they shoot white people the press tends to not report that the shooting officer is black.
    So far as any police force considers the race of an applicant for employment, they favour non-white recruits.

  4. Stef Bernal-Martinez, a self-described “radical queer progressive educator” at Central Park School for Children in Durham, North Carolina, took her entire first grade class to a local Black Lives Matter rally this past Thursday. Yes, during the school day… “The project that my class took on in this quarter was a study of the Black Lives Matter movement,” she says. “And so, we’ve been investigating and asking questions about the issues and the causes that people are fighting for, and my kids… were very excited to, sort of, join the movement themselves.”
    It is shameful that a public school teacher (if this is a public school) remains employed after engaging in the radical indoctrination of tiny (First Grade) children entrusted to her. Any society that allows this, deserves to disappear from the face of the earth. No SANE society would empower and enable a whack job like this by FUNDING her poisonous rhetoric through a school teachers salary. Let me just say that MY WIFE, who teaches First Grade in an inner city school, whose students are 85% Black, focuses ALL her efforts on TEACHING these children the skills and knowledge they need to SUCCEED in our society … starting by SUCCEEDING in the Second Grade ! She doesn’t have time to shove her own belief system down these children’s gullets. I am ONLY interested in the test results of this teachers classes ? Is she equipping them for success … or FAILURE ? My wife has to struggle, daily, with little children who are already so severely emotionally damaged by their parents that they need intensive psychological help. Many of these children are not qualified or emotionally capable of functioning in a classroom setting. Yet each year she has to “integrate” these kids into a social setting for which they are ill-equipped … AND … teach the remainder of the (disrupted) class. This effort alone, leaves no time for my wife to further cripple these kids by exposing them to a dysfunctional and dishonest movement like BLM. This mental-case of a “teacher” should be relieved of her duties … immediately.

  5. There are two obvious big problems here
    Black activists lie
    The main stream media lies
    They are accomplices in this fraud committed against us.
    And then they wonder why so many people are distrustful of blacks and of the media.

  6. “Start by hiring black cops and let’s see who complains.”
    I’ve a better idea: Let’s take the “Ferguson Effect” to it’s logical conclusion and quit policing black areas altogether.
    Then they’ll have nothing to complain about. They can crank up their own damn police departments, militias, whatever, to deal with their own problems.
    Wall off their areas, let no whites in whatsoever, grab a whole lotta popcorn and beer and watch let the games begin.
    I am sooooooo beyond caring anymore.

  7. Coming to a neighborhood near you soon.
    The usual suspects are getting all worked up because some cop in Tranna shot a Negro who was coming at him with a hammer. He was exonerated of all his actions after an extensive investigation. Not good enough for the militant racist industry. Soon we will have our own Baltimore north.

  8. So ironic.
    “Black Lives Matter”.
    Except to other blacks in Detroit,Chicago,Ferguson………
    Yet “All lives matter” is racist and mocking the black activists.
    There is a weapons grade stupidity afoot here, in the media and progressive circles.

  9. Just watched Turdeau’s Feminist Sermon. The words creepy and Frankenstein came to mind.
