15 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. The thing I remember most about the Reform Party/Alliance is how the local executives were so politically unconnected. Many of them had no political involvement prior to the Reform Party and after the Conservative merger a whole whack of them were gone. Grassroots movements frighten the elites.

  2. The grassroots can SAVE America … we barely have enough voters to do it … so EVERYONE must turn out to vote these entrenched FOOLS out of office.

  3. … we barely have enough voters to do it …
    The 2012 voter turnout was around 57%. What do you surmise about the other 43%?

  4. scar;
    As one who was involved with early Reform thru to the merger a common theme by grassroots workers was to simply ‘get the job done’. That meant talking the issues thru, forming policy and then implementation. Much of this was monetary in nature as simply not spending more money than what came in. May experience was this approach attracted members from across the political spectrum. Many fiscal conservative NDP’ers were Reform members.
    It was my opinion at the time that the riding associations had to be the ‘base’ of the party. As you suggested there is always a fear by the ‘elites’ that the grassroots might make ‘uninformed’ or ‘unsophisticated’ statements that might be used against the leadership by the media or other parties. IMO that was a problem that the Party HQ had to address without losing or subverting the power of the riding associations. In our case and I suspect across the country that did not happen.
    Once the Harper government was formed the communication became one way and that was the same as during the Mulroney years, top down. Politicos are fully aware that most grassroots workers will not directly challenge leadership. Harper enjoyed many years of residual goodwill because he was our guy. Heck, I was one of many I am sure who wrote him personally to contend for Reform leadership.
    When I left the riding board we had +/- 1750 members. We were always told by HQ that if we had over 1500 members we would elect our MP. That was true. We actually quit spending campaign money half way thru the campaign as we knew we had won. I think that was ’94. This past summer I attended the riding AGM which had 14 attendees and I was told membership had shrunk to less than 500. I guess that tells the story. I am one very disillusioned CPC member who will not blindly support an org who really only wants to use me as a piggy bank.

  5. Massive turnout, I’d predict. May not be anybody you want to vote for, but plenty of people to vote against. Outcome unpredictable, pretty much by definition, barring shenanigans.
    Which are likely.

  6. I have to agree. The CPC organization is pathetic at this point. The local campaign this last election was the most poorly run I’ve ever seen. Sending out information to members on the day of events and expecting anyone to show up is beyond stupid. Not getting signs until a week before e-day is downright idiotic. We had advance notice and our candidate was supposedly “working hard” on her campaign for over a year. Yeah ok we came in third place and most people had no idea who the hell she was including me who worked for her.

  7. One thing you must keep in mind is that these scocial justice save the earth do away with white privlage people don’t care what you do, what say ,who you help , what you contribute or the kind of life and opportunities you have helped build for them – if you don’t agree with them you are a stupid uneducated worthless bigot who is at fault for all their troubles real or perceived.

  8. I cannot tell you the amount of AMUSEMENT I derive from hearing or reading leftist twits tell me how “uneducated” I am … just … because I am a conservative. I suppose when you live in a tiny little echo chamber of “liberal arts” college grads … you DO actually BELIEVE that YOU are the only enlightened-one. So young. So dumb. However, Hillary, Obama, Kerry and the whole washed-up, hippie-wannabe generation (oops ! MY Generation) … have NO excuse.
    I will gladly enter a knowledge contest with any of em. Or compare our results in a GMAT test or similar exam. However … I am sure they will cry “cultural bias” !!!!!

  9. On another post, someone gave a link to blacks who are supporting Trump and I watched two of the video clips. They all expressed themselves well so people who say Trump supporters are stupid had better be careful or they’ll be called racist bigots. You can do that to whites but don’t mess with blacks who have seen light and know Obama has failed them.

  10. This is the part that Cruz lovers/Trump haters don’t get. It’s not that his policies are perfect, that his peripheral things like Trump U are… Different.. Or even that he’s barely got an R after his name.
    It’s that he’s unapologetic, he’s speaking *for* white guys/working class and not *at* them, that he’s willing to fight for things he believes in. His statements are meant to upset people like a good sermon does.
    Also, if Cruz is so anti-establishment and such, why are the GOPe rallying around him? Why do his rallies not get protested? Why does his wife write screeds on pan North Americanism?

  11. “Also, if Cruz is so anti-establishment and such, why are the GOPe rallying around him?”
    because he’s a bible banger, that answer should be obvious to even a “clown” like you

  12. If things continue to go badly for our aristocratic class they might have to take some serious action to at least temporarily appease the masses. Perhaps it is time to sacrifice a politician or two and a few wolves on wall street to attempt to rescue the idea that everyone is actually equal under the law.

  13. elites elites elites elites. the citizenry have to learn the lesson every generation.
    it matters not a hoot where you are on the spectrum. not one titch. the elites of your persuasion WILL always milk support for all its worth and then enrich THEMSELVES once their power is well established.
    it’s like an evolutionary biological process, first the idealism, the sweeping demand for change, a charismatic leader, the groundswell, the landslide victory and then the entrenchment.
    you are dealing with *humahn naaaaaature* that DOESN’T change.
