ISIS, genocide and why Trudeau’s Liberals won’t say the word

The US and the EU have declared that ISIS is guilty of genocide, so why won’t Justin Trudeau’s Liberals? Brian explores what Trudeau and the gang are saying about genocide, religious persecution, religious freedom, refugees and how they all relate. Plus Simon Kent of Breitbart London on Brexit, Ray Heard on The Globe refusing to use the word terrorist and Brian let’s loose on the labour minister for being ignorant and incompetent. Oh, and that police board meeting on morale and other problems at the Ottawa Police service.

13 Replies to “ISIS, genocide and why Trudeau’s Liberals won’t say the word”

  1. What a great show Brian Lilley has.Pulls no punches and delivers eviscerating attacks on these incompetent corrupt liberal stooges.As far as the genocide the us and eu have bolth labelled it correctly as such.Only the corrupt and sleazy liberals refuse to.It has everything to do with not offending their muslim voter base and the flow of soley muslim refugees from Syria.With the designation of genocide all these scumbags er liberal voters coming back to Canada from isis can now be hauled before tribunals now and years down the road.Conservative mps should immediately introduce private members bill for designation of isis as genocidal entity.

  2. I do as well. They are deceptive and manipulative and their strategies are nearly always about appeasing their friends. It is galling that many Canadians do not see this.

  3. American Thinker has an article about how, if the trends in Canada continue, our country will have a Muslim majority in 2050. One of the comments said something to the effect that, when they are a minority, Muslims are all about minority rights, but when they are a majority, there are no minorities.

  4. They won’t because then they’d have to admit that the CPC was right to give emphasis to religious minorities in admitting refugees and that’s just anathema to the Liberals

  5. “American Thinker has an article about how, if the trends in Canada continue, our country will have a Muslim majority in 2050.”
    A ridiculous article, by the way, relying on nonsensical Malthusian exponential statistics.
    There are something like just over a million Muslims in Canada of various affiliations and ethnicities. And in 34 years, they’re going to represent 51+ percent of our population?
    It would be better to be bloody-minded and focus on the very nub of the issue – violent Islamic extremism. But with governments, the usual bien-pensants and Muslims themselves in denial and everybody else simply indulging in gratuitous bigotry, fat chance of that.

  6. “and everybody else simply indulging in gratuitous bigotry, ”
    Gee, I didn’t know that! Here I was, thinking all along that everybody was else was busy concerning themselves with the real important stuff: Kardashian arses and Miley’s foo-foo.

  7. “Here I was, thinking all along that everybody was else was busy concerning themselves with the real important stuff: Kardashian arses and Miley’s foo-foo.”
    Well, sure, that and Kanye West’s bankruptcy.
    Oh, and the chance of getting a selfie with you-know-who.

  8. You missed the “if trends continue” (doubling their numbers every so many years) phrase as you rushed to indulge in gratuitous virtue-signaling.
    We get it, we get it … You’re enlightened and nuanced and non-bigoted, etc, etc. Go pat yourself on the back. The rest of us will take quiet note in the next decades of the increasing Muslim-connected stabbings, honor-killings, acid attacks, assaults, anti-Semitic incidents, etc. in Canada as our beloved country follows Europe’s patterns wherever Muslim populations grow, and we and our loved ones will quietly do what we can to avoid being the next unfortunate statistic as the West crumbles and our traitorous elite shelter more and more behind their money, gated communities and security forces.
    Enjoy your feelings of virtuous superiority while you can.

  9. An American terrorism commentator has apologised for describing Birmingham as a “Muslim-only city” where non-Muslims “don’t go” during a Fox News interview.
    Steven Emerson told the channel that in London “Muslim religious police” beat “anyone who doesn’t dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire”.

  10. A generalized public fear and distrust of Muslims is a natural, understandable human response to continuing Islamic terrorism. But bigotry is still bigotry, whether we direct it at Muslims or, for that matter, they direct it at us.
    If accepting this difficult moral precept somehow represents “virtuous superiority” on my part in your mind, then so be it.

  11. Your definition of a “bigot” will change to suit wherever the discussion goes. You might do your best to equate us with white-hood-wearers in your first virtue-signaling, then you might down-grade it to equate us with those who would throw bacon at mosques, and when challenged, you’ll finally apply it to our expressions of intent to quietly withdraw for self-protection. So just keep flinging that shaming word at anyone who doesn’t phrase things to your satisfaction. We get it. We are suitably chastised for our inferior, base, unwashed opinions. Consider us sufficiently shamed into quietly going on as many Europeans have learned to do … avoiding sections of cities and sometimes whole cities themselves, as Rizwan pointed out, and meekly not consuming beer and pork at our festivals, lest we offend, and our women and girls will learn they can no longer walk freely as they did when “oppressed” by that feminist bogeyman, the Western male.
    We’re Canadians. We will quietly subside, and hope against hope that eventually JJM won’t label us bigots for having the temerity to go to a church on Christmas instead of a mosque on Ramadan.

  12. Do not forget that there are many more on the way — the 25,000 was just the start. Also, while terrorism (violent Islamic extremism) is always a concern, it is also rare. I have a greater concern regarding how successfully Muslims are likely to integrate. There is a substantial component who resist integration — which is exactly what the “no-go” zones in places like Britain and France entail. There is a push for Sharia. Women’s rights are not always respected. In Germany, there have been problems with the abuse of children. And, don’t forget about the “babaric cultural practices”. These are things that could easily change the character of Canada. Somali’s for example have not integrated well, in part because of their radically different cultural background. The young people are not successful in finding jobs. Education is not revered as it is in many cultures. The upshot is that not integrating leads to gang activity and these gangs are ripe for successful ISIS recruitment. You cannot expect that all newcomers will easily blend into our society.
