36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. how many of you heard about this fighter pilot?
    howcum NOBODY in public school hears about his contribution? Conservatists have had ample opportunity to correct this shortcoming. what, too busy playing politics? the one thing your crew has in common with Lieberals is the law suit denying benefits to veterans of the Afghanistan war. politishuns all. playing politics. suck up to the chief. get reelected, scaREW the citizens.
    At the time the law suit was working its way thru the courts, on Remembrance Day I would try to corner the MP and ask about it, but naturally in their insular existence, set apart from the consequences of THEIR meddling and screw ups, they remained unreachable.

  2. Wow…
    Citizenship, as it should be.
    Where will the greatest generation be, when we need them again?
    Which will be very soon….

  3. I remember briefly reading something about him in one of my schoolbooks when I was about 10 or 11. Then again, I grew up during the 1960s.
    If you *really* want a Canadian whose obscurity is unjustified, look up who Reginald Fessenden was. Every schoolchild should know his name.

  4. I remember briefly reading something about him in one of my schoolbooks when I was about 10 or 11. Then again, I grew up during the 1960s.
    If you *really* want a Canadian whose obscurity is unjustified, look up who Reginald Fessenden was. Every schoolchild should know his name.

  5. Bombardier- French.
    Oil and Gas- white guys from the West a/o Nfld.
    So endeth the lesson.

  6. http://sputniknews.com/politics/20160317/1036485001/gaddafi-gold-story.html
    A recently declassified email from the illegal private server used by ex-Secretary of State and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton during the Washington-orchestrated war against Muammar Gaddafi sheds some light on the US establishment’s genuine motivation.
    Engdahl draws attention to the fact that there was something very fishy about the idea of the US-backed Libyan Islamists to create a Western-style central bank ‘in exile’ (as well as its own oil company) amid the fierce fight against the Gaddafi government.
    The aforementioned “sophisticated interests” could have been tied to Wall Street moguls and the City of London bankers who sought to eliminate the very idea of a Pan-African currency.

  7. “Rex Murphy questions the handouts to Bombardier.”
    An excellent column by Rex, though I doubt the media in general will hold the Liberals to account if they toss yet more of our money onto the Bombardier bonfire.
    If climate change is really so all-important, then both the oil patch and companies like Bombardier should, on principle, be allowed to wither on the vine (I increasingly think Bombardier should probably just be put out of its misery anyway).
    If the economy is really so all-important, then Federal largesse should be extended to both the oil patch and companies like Bombardier. Jobs, jobs, jobs! (And if there is going to be any useful infrastructure spending done, let’s get those pipelines laid down ASAP).
    How the government handles this issue could be a telling indicator of its true persona.
    Could be, maybe.
    But more likely: “OMG! Hey everyone! Selfies on the rooftop of the embassy!”

  8. Not too far from me, at the Sandy Hill Cemetery in Prescott, lies Lt William Sharpe, who was killed in a flying accident in the UK in February 1915. Few know either his name or his role in the earliest days of Canadian military aviation.
    From OBSERVAIR October 2015, the monthly newsletter of the Ottawa Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society:
    “New Plaque Honours First World War Pilot
    A new plaque was unveiled on Water Street in Prescott, Ontario over the summer. This plaque was put in place thanks to the efforts of the Grenville County Historical Society to honour William F.N. Sharpe.
    Sharpe was born in Prescott, Ontario in 1892, he moved to Ottawa at a young age to attend school. His interest in aviation would see him travelling to California to train as a pilot. At the outbreak of the First World War Sharpe returned to Canada in September 1914 to enlist. He was one of three personnel appointed to the newly established Canadian Aviation Corps.
    Sharpe was soon sent to England to train with the Royal Flying Corps. He flew several sorties over the trenches in France before returning to England for further training. It was while he was in England training on a new aircraft that he was killed in a crash on February 4, 1915. His body was repatriated to Canada on March 22, 1945 and buried with full military honours in Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Ontario.”

  9. I would recommend learning all you can find about Canada’s esteemed fighting history, before the left erases it completely in favor of their more politically correct PEACEkeeping myth.

  10. Powerful stuff…and you can sense he is acutely aware of the Evil that would destroy our Democracies today.

  11. “The Solar Industry Is Dying. Good Riddance.”
    “If you still own shares in solar energy it’s probably a sign that you’ve been in the sun too long: the sector is tanking – and deservedly so – as reality dawns that this is a Potemkin industry, an Enron of a con-trick, whose survival depends not on the energy it generates but on the subsidies it squeezes from the taxpayer.
    Consider Exhibit A: the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the California desert.”
    “Failing Ivanpah solar power plant gets temporary repreive, but is producing ‘prohibitively expensive’ electricity”
    “Last week we reported that the Ivanpah solar power plant might be forced to close if it didn’t get a break from the California Public Utilities Commission. According to this article in the Press Enterprise, it got the break:”.

  12. “A recently declassified email from the illegal private server used by ex-Secretary of State and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton…”
    Wrong. The Clinton server was always completely legal. The question is over the presence of US classified material on that server; that, if proven, would certainly be illegal.

  13. Hmmmm. A Likely story. The elections over now. When there’s plenty of pork to go around and the LIV is falling for everything coming out of the new government.
    Why not absolve the senators of improper spending. “Nobody really knows the rules”
    Just shutter the red chamber already. Bar the doors and end the waste.
    Turn it into a unicorn breeding center or something more useful.

  14. The Clinton server was always completely legal.
    Heh, except if it was set up to be used for illegal purposes…

  15. Maxime Bernier recently gave a speech entitled If I decide to run, how will I do it?. I hope he’s just being coy here. The guy would be a shoe in as far as I’m concerned. The only drawback is he would probably not support a YES vote on a referendum but realistically no federal politician save the Bloq would.

  16. I am o.k. with that. I would even defend Duffy’s right to collect a housing allowance in that he had to maintain two residences. The rules were never clear and the whole thing erupted into a brouhaha solely as a way to discredit Harper. Notice how the Duffy trial has pretty much disappeared from media interest.
    There was a lot of complaining about political divisiveness when Harper was in charge. That divisiveness was almost exclusively attributable to the nasty attacks on Conservatives coming from the leftists. Things that would be given a pass had the Liberals done them were disparaged and criticized relentlessly. The Liberals were never about good governance (as is evident from the various good initiatives they are currently undoing — e.g. transparency for unions, natives, upping the age for Old Age security, etc.) Liberals have always been about getting back into power using any dirty tactic they could. Well, Canadians will now pay a price for failing to understand the game that was being played. Liberals are now busy rewarding their friends to the detriment of middle class and Western Canadians.

  17. remember all, the head of Enron whose name escapes me now, was promoted by george dubya as, get this, *secretary of energy*. ouch.
    what does THAT tell you about bush 2.0’s sense of perception? sizing them up? carefully ignored by the right wing at the time . . . .

  18. They can’t let them pay it back ,it would result in criminal charges right. And we now have a new reformed senate. We now have non partisan non appointed senators. And the quality ! Not a journalist among them . Well, maybe one. I feel a disturbance in the force !

  19. Buzz Buerling. Fought the good fight at Malta. I have a book buried somewhere with his story. A real maverick when mavericks were needed. Didn’t fit the model fighter pilot schema. Can’t remember how many he shot down, or the times he crashed a shot up Hurricane & flew again.

  20. Its all good now. The Liberanos have won.
    A month to pay it back. How about a loan? Perhaps someone in the PMO could help with a small loan. The rules are vague. No one knows the rules.
    These are all Duffys arguments.
    Write an expense cheque to an old friend for consulting when none was given.
    Pork. Political patronage and political football at the expense of the taxpayer.

  21. Its all good now. The Liberanos have won.
    A month to pay it back. How about a loan? Perhaps someone in the PMO could help with a small loan. The rules are vague. No one knows the rules.
    These are all Duffys arguments.
    Write an expense cheque to an old friend for consulting when none was given.
    Pork. Political patronage and political football at the expense of the taxpayer.
