51 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. Just one question: The people who encouraged/allowed the migrants into Sweden expected … what?

  2. It didn’t take long for the Islamo-violence to kick in. Maybe they should rename the TV program “6 Minutes”

  3. Religion of Peace.
    Cameraman trying to defend himself using a long microphone as a martial arts weapon.
    But that old fart on the motorized wheelchair running down that smart-ass wanna be terrorists.
    Ha……. Priceless !

  4. Couldn’t happen here? McCallum and the Liberal Cabal haven’t done a very good job of settling the numbers they have brought in which is only the beginning of the process. They need to become adjusted and learn languages, some will have time on their hands as this transpires. The fact McCallum et al have been calling for help from various organizations like the Salvation Army tells us they were not prepared and have no clue. We will be lucky if they were all properly screened.

  5. Gone in 60 seconds, is more like it.
    Just shows that the bright light of a camera exposes the rancid underbelly of the parasites.

  6. Beautiful French Canadian Women…
    Liberal PM Justnuts creating new green energy polices for Canada..
    Then bringing in Islamic rapists to roam your dark streets at night.
    What could possible go wrong ??

  7. It must be frustrating to leave your shithole country and go to place like Sweden and quickly realize that your society is a joke, makes no contribution to the world, you are nothing but a burden and than somehow twist it around in your head that its all the white guys fault and that they owe you a free life.

  8. 25,000 of them are about to be unleashed all across Canada. Which is why I have my daughter in Karate.

  9. Priceless.
    Should be on the Progressive Movements Tombstone.
    Immersed in their “idealized Future” they are the enemy within.
    Unable to comprehend human nature, everything is Unanticipated,unexpected and unfortunate.
    Seems you can tell these ,know it alls. what the logical outcome of their behaviour will be.
    But when it happens, it is always a surprise.
    When Canada reverts to the Zimbabwe Dollar, the 60% of our population who vote “Steal More for me” will be shocked and betrayed.
    When the inner city Muslim enclaves refuse to assimilate and impose Sharia Law within their ghettos, these same idiots will scream that canadians are racist.
    “They were more hostile than I anticipated”
    RIP A**hole.

  10. The only “news” was the incredible naivety of the Oz crew in thinking things would be otherwise. In Sweden, even the loggers are university or tech-school trained. They have imported Islamic savages who are illiterate, dysfunctional and qualified only for welfare. The post-imperial Africa produces little else.

  11. When “Journalists” use words like “intense aggression” or that the “refugees” behaved “unkind” … all in some lilting, vaguely British BBC voice … you realize how these people live isolated lives in the toniest of neighborhoods spending most of their time in posh restaurants and at all the “best” cocktail parties. They know NOTHING of the REAL WORLD that their experimental leftist policies have wrought on the people of Europe and the USA.
    We need a program to send liberals to LIVE in these neighborhoods for a month … as a sort of e-d-u-c-a-t-I-o-n-a-l experience … THEN see if they continue to throw open the borders to every Tom Dick and Harry of the world.

  12. Soon to be 300,000 as we move into next year. I am pretty sure that the Muslim Brotherhood has strong influence in the Liberal Party. (Sharia coming to a community near you.) Why else would Liberals support ongoing citizenship for terrorists who clearly will have violated their oath of citizenship. This can be very helpful for recruitment of terrorists — “Oh, don’t worry, you won’t lose your citizenship, they can’t deport you.” The fact that many Canadians and the media are uncritical of some of the new Liberal initiatives that allow undermining of our cultural values is very, very disturbing. The Liberals make no effort to distinguish between what is anti-immigrant and what is anti-extremist.

  13. I have wondered through the decades why the Jews of Europe were acquiescent in being transported away from their homes to concetration camps an ovens. Why not rise up and at least “take some of the National Socialist Party Individuals” with them?
    Terrorism incacipation and inadequate ability to defend ones self obviuosly, plus the ignorance of the goal of the government all were part of the mix. At least until the defence in Warsaw of the Younger and More Capable to respond Jews.
    However watching the situation in the Video S.D.A. has provided brought forward a thought of why Jews have been accepting of discrmination over the centuries and this was the desire to maintain their culture of Education and innate intelligence brought forward by tribal community and realistically by evolution through survival. The recognition by all of the cultural leaders in Judaism the important goal was an ellightened educated community.
    The centuries long understanding of assimilation throughout Europe by acquiescece failed Jews, even though the assimilation was as long as eight centuries in Germany, Poland et al. The failure of recognition created by the fear of their countries’ general population, facing the poverty created in the aftermath of WW One. This fear compounded when the National Socialst Party elite class of unenlightened individuals.
    We cannot compare the refugee situation of today’s present meme of accepting a broad range of Middle-East refugees into and enlightened population of Western Society operating within the present evolution of the Social Contract.
    A political response to the knee-jerk Guilting Response used for the control of existing Western Societies and exacerbated by the survival techniques of a struggling Media results in unassimilated enclaves, who are not capable of enlightenment at this level of cultural evolution and could seriously turn over expectations of Social Contract to the Tribal Leadership of the unassimilated groups.
    Possibly this is the Goal of the present Liberal Government of Canada/Quebec/Ontario. Development of Special Electorate similar to the Canadian First Nation’s Oligarchic Communities and the U.S.A.’s Inner city Black’s and other Black communites who believe they are entitled to a special Social Contract with the Democrat Political Party.

  14. There is the Muslim brotherhood but is there a Muslim Sisterhood?
    What is a moderate Muslim? What definitions flank “moderate”? Since terrorism is being carried in the name of Islam are all those coming into our country checked for any connection to terrorism or support of it?
    Once here they are given permanent residency status which means they have Charter rights, one being freedom of religion which takes away our power to even check them out. The Liberal Cabal is playing Russian roulette with the safety and security of Canada and our people. With their stupid rush to get so-called refugees into the country they are not listening to security specialists who have voiced concern.

  15. “25,000 of them are about to be unleashed all across Canada.”
    The problems Sweden is having invariably stem from young Muslim men (and note here that the actual demographic in question is Somali). We certainly have similar problems too but not on the same scale as Sweden at all. Geography has a lot to do with it: it’s obviously far easier to make your way illegally to Europe from the Middle East and Africa than across the Atlantic Ocean.
    The 25,000 coming to Canada are almost all Syrian families and represent a wide range of people – yes, Muslims but also a large number of Christians including ethnicities such as Armenians. And the Muslim portion itself represents a considerable mix because Syria has been a fairly secular state relative to others in the Middle East.
    That said, I don’t doubt for a moment the risk of some Islamist extremists (or future extremists) or potential gang members or both in that number, though I doubt it is of a great magnitude.*
    Proportionately, those 25,000 refugees coming into Canada would be the equivalent of about 7,000 refugees coming into Sweden. As it is, I believe Sweden has taken in something like 30,000 refugees in the current crisis (mostly young men); this would be like Canada taking over 100,000.
    * This should be taken only as my assessment of the size of the risk and not as an attempt to minimize the risk itself.

  16. Of COURSE there is a Muslim Sisterhood ! It starts at about 8yo, when some fat old greasy Muslim Uncle penetrates the little girl for the first time, whereupon she starts wrapping her head like a DEAD Egyptian mummy, learning how to cook, clean, and “service” her husband (like all his other wives). She is ordered to squeeze out as many poor, wretched, little Muzzies (that her husband is incapable of supporting without help from some UN Relief Fund), as possible. She’ll produce a litter of 8-10 of em … if she is good at the whole fertility thing. If her womb isn’t damaged from the (Koran-authorized) beatings she takes from her husband. You GO sistahs ! Obey Allah’s ORDERS !!

  17. “What is a moderate Muslim?”
    Good question. Just what is “moderate” supposed to mean? And against what benchmark is it applied?
    Put it another way: what exactly would “moderate Christian” mean?
    “Since terrorism is being carried on in the name of Islam are all those coming into our country checked for any connection to terrorism or support of it?”
    If you mean the 25,000, the short answer is yes. But of course the ability of Canadian security agencies to conduct such vetting is limited by the information they have access to. It’s not like they can phone up the Syrian embassy and ask for reliable background data.
    “Once here they are given permanent residency status which means they have Charter rights, one being freedom of religion which takes away our power to even check them out.”
    Wrong. If there are sufficient grounds to believe a Canadian citizen or resident is engaged in activities detrimental to our security, they can certainly be “checked out”, as you put it.

  18. Right.
    Just like little Omar and family were “checked out”.
    Assimilation takes some empathy and enthusiasm for the culture one is joining, seen any evidence of either in Justin’s People?

  19. “Just what is “moderate” supposed to mean? And against what benchmark is it applied?”
    It should be remembered that “moderate Muslim” is a Liberal pigeon-hole term for western citizen consumption that Muslims themselves reject.
    That said, they all follow their prophet’s religion and think that their prophet was the perfect Muslim man.
    Muhammad’s life was/is the benchmark of how a Muslim should act and how Islam is to be practiced.
    Muhammad was evil and those who follow his example might be categorized as moderate to extremely evil depending on how closely they follow Muhammad’s example and how they want to be seen to be practicing their religion by their fellow Muslims.

  20. Why ? Why would anyone even care to ask what a “moderate” Christian is ? NO Christians advocate MURDERING unbelievers. To conflate Islam and Christianity is the typical clap-trap of people who buy-into “moral equivalency” There is NOTHING equivalent between Islam and Christianity. NOTHING.
    And BTW … if you don’t believe that there isn’t ALREADY a definition of “moderate” Christianity, then you simply are NOT paying attention. Are you unaware of terms like … “Bible-thumpers”, “Fundamentalist Christians”, “Biblical literalist Christians”, “Clingers”(to bibles and guns) ? Of course there are “moderate” Christians … defined as EVERY OTHER Christian than the aforementioned Christian slurs.

  21. “Assimilation takes some empathy and enthusiasm for the culture one is joining…”
    Are you talking about the 25,000 Syrian refugees or the Khadr clan?
    If the former, no observations on whether they are successfully assimilating or not can be made until they’ve actually settled in.

  22. To be fair Trump should be banning ALL Europeans as well!
    The best of Europe left generations ago, and the only thing we import today are the leftist Liberal rats leaving a sinking ship of their own failures!
    Their are only few more places left in Canada, the US, and globally to exercise your God Given Right to White Flight, be careful those sanctuaries are drying up faster than most think.

  23. Why the liberal sprinkling of CAPS? Is lower case not generally sufficient for discussion?
    My question was aimed at what it is exactly people seem to think is meant by “moderate Muslim”. The same can be asked of Christians. I’m a Roman Catholic – does this make me a “moderate Christian”? Or should I be, oh, a mainstream Protestant of some sort? In other words, “moderate” according to whom?
    Incidentally, don’t try putting words in my mouth. I am not conflating Islam with Christianity in any way. Merely questioning the objective validity of the term “moderate”.

  24. There is no such thing as a “moderate Muslim” in the war of western self preservation – There are indeed Muslims who support Extremist Terrorists from all colors of the Islamic spectrum and they are counted in the tens to hundreds of millions.
    Murderers, Money Launderers, Financial providers, Recruiters, Propaganda distributors, Sanctuary providers, illegal document makers………and just plain old sympathisers who get in the way any chance they get, without getting their hands too dirty.
    Oh and of course the Western apologists, our own traitors that wish to use Islamic extremism and immigration as a proxy biological weapon to tear down western cultures and civilizations from within.
    That’s only a small part of the BIG picture.

  25. The natural progression when you allow thousands of young unskilled men to immigrate to your Country,and who can’t find jobs and aren’t particularly interested in working for infidels anyway is: street gangs.
    There are already Somali street gangs in Winnipeg,maybe other cities in Canada as well. The natural way of earning money by street gangs is drugs. There really isn’t much else.
    So,Sweden can look forward to a massive increase in dope dealing in their cities,and all the gang members will have to do to escape police is run into one of the “55 no-go zones” mentioned in the video.
    On the bright side,Sweden will soon be able to make it’s own TV cop dramas like “The Wire” and “The Shield”, right at home!

  26. My cap usage is not “yelling” as is the popular belief. It is just me EMPHASIZING a word, as I would do in my normal speech patterns. Don’t take it personally. There is no hostility behind it. And don’t believe I was attacking you or inserting words in your mouth. However, you have clarified a detectable measure of protestant-envy … 😉
    I agree with you completely … that a “moderate Muslim” is an elusive (nay, meaningless) thing. I have met plenty of (outwardly) peaceful Muslims who were almost Buddhist-like in their peaceful, serene, interpretation of their religion … but sadly, so have other “moderate Muslims” who later detonated themselves. So I totally discount the entire concept of a “moderate Muszlim” Uh-oh … now you will disparage my use of quotations and intentional misspellings.
    I’ll tell you what I BELIEVE the modifier “moderate” to mean (for anything to which it is attached). It means “lukewarm”. As in the passage in the book of Revelation. It is anyone who is neither HOT nor COLD. This seems to be the current vogue. To be indifferent to anyone and everyone. To be an “Independent” voter … neither liberal or conservative. To be t-o-l-e-r-a-n-t of everything. Sadly, I don’t believe that being moderate is something to aspire-to. As Chrissy Hynde wrote:
    The middle of the road is no private cul-de-sac
    I can’t get from the cab to the curb
    Without some little jerk on my back
    Don’t harass me, can’t you tell
    I’m going home, I’m tired as hell
    I’m not the cat I used to be
    I got a kid, I’m thirty-three
    Baby, get in the road
    Come on now
    In the middle of the road

    Yeah … !

  27. “However, you have clarified a detectable measure of protestant-envy…”
    Far from it! To the limited extent I ever do view the myriad manifestations of Protestantism, I view them with a mixture of bemused curiosity and cultural detachment.
    The Christian connection I do get – though not necessarily always; for example, I have no idea at all what the United Church of Canada is supposed to be about but, hey, chacun à son gout!

  28. “What is a moderate Muslim?”
    It is easy, there are tow kinds of mooselimbs. The aggressive mooselimbs that want to kill you, and the moderate mooselimbs that want the aggressive mooselimbs to kill you. There. Simple really.

  29. And Justinmbecile Trudeau can not wait to bring in tens of thousands more of those animals to Canada.
    Voting liberal is voting for your own suicide.

  30. Far from it! To the limited extent I ever do view the myriad manifestations of Protestantism, I view them with a mixture of bemused curiosity and cultural detachment.
    Me too … there are quite a few snake-charmer Protestant sects out there … that are … uh … not to be found in MY neighborhood … But so too with Catholicism. Are you “bemused” by Opus Dei ? Or how about all the South American Liberation Catholic Churches that spawned nut jobs like the current Pope. Talk about smoking something ? When the first puff of smoke rose for this Pope, it ushered in a sinking of the Catholic Church into some odd amalgam of Socialism and Scripture (as interpreted by this dude who is supposed to have a mainline direct to God).
    Just sayin.
    I am absolutely NOT anti-Catholic in any way shape or form … but just have to give it back, when MY people get mocked. And crap ! I left all my French in the 7th grade … so I have to use the Google translator.
    vivre et laisser vivre
    If ONLY the Muzzies could learn this …

  31. “Far from it! To the limited extent I ever do view the myriad manifestations of Protestantism, I view them with a mixture of bemused curiosity and cultural detachment.”
    Good God (said reverently), here we go again on SDA.
    I ponder in my quiet moments how the Catholics are going to get along in Heaven when they discover there are Protestants of every denomination there. Won’t be surprised if they demand a room of their own.
    Said in jest in case you have to be mollified.
    Grow up, it’s 2016, as Kate sometimes reminds us.

  32. “Grow up, it’s 2016…”
    This in a thread of comments positively frothing at the mouth with anti-Muslim bigotry.

  33. I always give my age when I want people to understand my life experiences (87) so tell me, JJM, what is it called if it’s anti-Protestant bigotry, fairly mild which it might be since it is 2016, or maybe not-so-mild?
    People living in non-Muslim controlled countries have very good reason to be “positively frothing at the mouth” at the stupidity of their governments who are allowing too many Muslim immigrants into their countries. If you keep in touch with our Canadian moderate-Muslim Tarek Fatah’s comments, you’ll find he is frothing at the mouth nearly every day at Western governments. He’d laugh at you I’m afraid because he’d say, “about time”. Nothing annoys him more than acquiescing Westerners.
    There’s enough to worry about without in-fighting among Christians.

  34. And what, another 250,000 next year?
    We are watching the death of a civilization.

  35. “This in a thread of comments positively frothing at the mouth with anti-Muslim bigotry.”
    And what’s not to be anti about Islam? Please tell me why I should be tolerant of the intolerant.
    1. a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
    I suppose I am a bigot. Although I can be swayed by a reasonable argument.
    I used to be much more tolerant, until I realized that my own tolerance was being used as a cloak behind which bigots posing as Liberals who wanted to extinguish my way of life, to wipe the heritage of my ancestors who build this country from the face of the earth, were hiding to work their foul intent.
    Come on, JJM, tell me why I should accept Islam here and also tell why in the countries that the Muslims come from the Muslims can reject and slaughter not only those who reject Islam, but even murder those born Muslim who want to turn away from and quit Islam.
    Why should I accept Islam here in my free country where, by the Grace of God, I was born Free when those who have surrendered to Islam(Islam means submission) come here to make me and all of us to become subject to Islam?
    Yes, I reject Islam and I reject Muslims.(Muslim means One who Submits)
    Call me a bigot and I will be proud to accept that label from you or anyone else.
    I will ever be an Infidel and a Bigot where Isalm and Muslims are concerned, so help me God.

  36. “What is a moderate Muslim?”
    A secular Muslim. An oxymoron since Islam cannot be secular by its own tenets, but that is what progressives are talking about when they say “moderate Muslim” because they think themselves normal.
    Blame secularists for this Muslim mess because their understanding of religion is absolute zero and they think everyone has a magic secularist inside of them just dying to burst out. All they need is free money and housing and they can be like the rest of the depressed, pill-popping, suicidal Millenials out there in the western world!
    What a high bar of life!

  37. I wish someone could remind us all again what we benefit by filling our country’s with millions of muslims.

  38. As the saying goes, Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.
    I would bet Sweden’s immigrant problems would be reduced if there were plenty of jobs for the newcomers.
    It would also help if the Swedes pulled their heads out of the sand, and stopped trying to stifle dissent.

  39. nv53 >
    “I would bet Sweden’s immigrant problems would be reduced if there were plenty of jobs for the newcomers.”
    I would bet that Sweden’s “immigrant problems” would be reduced exponentially if there was less welfare for the newcomers to exploit.
