51 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. I open the Daily Mail every morning praying I’m not going to read of another Islamic terror attack somewhere in the world. I can’t stand the daily accounts of the raping of children, attacks on women, and the beheadings and torture of my fellow believers.
    I’m sick and tired of people like the Toronto police chief lecturing us, his fellow Canadians, about how we should react to attacks by Muslims. I don’t need a lecture. It’s extremely simple: I hate Islam.
    I suppose we’re all going to be subjected to more lectures today. I can hear it: The Muslim community is afraid of reprisals in Canada (and every western country) so be careful what you say. Do not tarnish all Muslims with the acts of groups, cells, or individuals inspired by groups like IS.
    I do not hate individual Muslims: I supported a Muslim girl and sent extra gifts of money and animals to assist her family for years through World Vision. There was only one stipulation: I must not ever use the name of Jesus in my correspondence.
    To whom it may concern: If you haven’t expressed your Christian love for Muslims in some practical way, don’t lecture about anti-Muslim rhetoric today of all days.
    One thing has happened: I am beginning to understand why people want to elect someone like Donald Trump.
