31 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Some VIP and his/her family get blown up and we will. That’s the one upside of electing Shrillary, somebody rains on her Baby Boomer parade they’ll be sorry.

  2. Piers Morgan? Wasn’t he that twit that CNN imported and who bad-mouthed Americans for their “obsession” with guns?

  3. This is stunning that uber-lefty Piers Morgan is now stumping for Trump. I can’t wait for Trump to get into office and stop the US from its rapid decline.
    In one term he’ll clean up so many messes that previous presidents have left behind, not the least of which is $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. In two terms, people won’t know it’s the same country.

  4. Yup, those ISIS are real supermen who can stand up to two of the world’s deadliest militaries and still survive. Even stole a bunch of high tech American war machines in Iraq. Just drove off with them, and even knew how to operate them. Tanks, and all…
    One would think such high tech machines would have kill switches which could be activated by satellite. Guess not…
    If you believe ISIS could do all that on their own, I have a bridge…they want to carve up Syria and Iran. All this terrorism is just collateral damage in aid of keeping up the campaign to bomb Syrian infrastructure out of existence. Iran will be next…
    Piers doesnt have a clue, neither does Trump.

  5. This is stunning that uber-lefty Piers Morgan is now stumping for Trump. I can’t wait for Trump to get into office and stop the US from its rapid decline.
    In one term he’ll clean up so many messes that previous presidents have left behind, not the least of which is $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. In two terms, people won’t know it’s the same country.

  6. “…to bomb Syrian infrastructure out of existence. Iran will be next…”
    You’re saying it like it is a bad thing?

  7. Nicely done Kate. I don’t know how you find or remember these related items but it’s good to be reminded.
    Not sure what’s up with Piers Morgan. I’ll reserve my judgement. It’s hard to believe that he has had a sudden awakening….an epiphany as is were.
    And “yes” Gord, “Trump wasn’t alone among the GOP candidates talking about terror” but then ALL the politicians in the western world are “talking about terror” (after the fact) so it’s not very special.

  8. Even a blind squirrel can occasionally find a nut, Convincing Piers Morgan to agree with you on an issue is nothing to write home about.

  9. I have no idea who this Peers Morgan is ? Is this a stage name ? Is he an actor ? Why do I care what this actor thinks about anything ? Is he a British comedian, like Benny Hill ? Oh, that Benny Hill, he was so funny ! Is this Peers guy as funny as Benny Hill ?

  10. And so it begins.
    Unable to derail Trump campaign by braying their hatred and derision toward his voters, the likes of Peers, our Guild of Parasites, will now pretend to love and respect Trump instead.

  11. This is the only way it can go, if it’s to go at all well. By forcing the lefty journalists to take sides. They are the ones who fly the air cover for useless politicians who spout pious platitudes rather than contemplate meaningful action against the enemy. Five years or so ago, Morgan would have been denouncing neo-conservatives or some other such bugaboo.
    Not today and probably not ever again for him. This is how you start winning the war; convince the squishy left that there really is no compromise with religious fanaticism of the murderous kind. They will have to come to accept Winston Churchill’s old dogma that “There is no neutrality between the fireman and the fire”.
    And without the air cover of a compliant MSM, the politicians will have nowhere left to hide. With any luck, the simperings that came from Shiny Pony today will be the last he’s ever allowed to utter without having to justify what action the government of Canada is prepared to take. Other than withdrawing from a combat zone, that is.

  12. Pieres Morgan is a well know British lefty tv talk show host most notable in the US for his attacks on gun ownership.
    Having said that he indicated today that Trump is the ONLY politician that he knows of that professes to have a solution to ISIS.In fact he said that Trump has a number of possible solutions. He may not like Trump but he is probably as concerned about ISIS as most of us.

  13. If Trump is Hitler like all of the progressives believe, shouldn’t they all be strongly supporting the 2nd amendment?

  14. strad, stick to “religiously” bashing gays, because your stupid is hanging out with your comment. If you’v been reading the news lately, in the last 20 years or so, you’d be well aware that to date the worlds “2 deadlist” militaries have NOT been doing much as to the ISIS bullsh*t, and also that many foreigners are flocking to the middle east to join the ISIS, and all these people are not as stupid as you are, there are some who can figure the modern tech. out, or know how to circumvent it.

  15. Put one in the win column.
    Our purpose on the right is to convince the left that right is both right and correct

  16. I was also wondering, are there two Piers Morgans?
    cgh has it right. The media was the biggest factor in having Doofus Trudeau elected and will be biggest factor in society finally realizing that the west is at war, a war for civilization and survival.

  17. Hrumff
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
    I’ll reserve judgment on PM for now.

  18. WalterF, you’ve got that bassackwards. I never thought Piers Morgan would agree with me”

  19. …to date the worlds “2 deadlist” militaries have NOT been doing much as to the ISIS bullsh*t…
    Heh, I’m so stupid I said exactly the same thing. What does that make you?
    Yup, ‘many foreigners flocking’ to make up a 28,000 superman force that can’t be overcome by modern technology. Even though the number of their bases were reported early on, which assumes the Americans and Russia knew where they were. Strangely, the number of bases still remain the same, despite thousands of bombs.
    Gee, wonder why…
    Oh well, maybe Trump will make a ‘deal’ with them…because if he goes against the agenda he’ll probably have a ‘Washington heart attack’.

  20. Ah yes, Alex Jones and Info Wars.
    When all other explanations don’t fit your preconceived notions, a conspiracy theory is just the thing!

  21. So Brussels isn’t a hellhole? I’ll never truly know because it’s too much of a hellhole to contemplate going there.

  22. Indeed, AJ and “infowars” is basically a constant conspiracy theorist misinformation site.
    So much of his blatherings are hysterical paranoia, he’s more of a broken clock type, than a reliable source of information.
    CHEM TRAILS anybody, LOL!

  23. Maybe this will suit you better…
    2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”
    The document shows that as early as 2012, U.S. intelligence predicted the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as an enemy, the report envisions the terror group as a U.S. strategic asset.

  24. “Trump wasn’t alone among GOP candidates talking about terror”.
    Yes, Gordo, but he was the only one offering realistic solutions to deal with it:
    1 – Temporary ban on Muslim immigration/visas
    2 – US to stop meddling in MENA internal affairs
    3 – ISIS bombs us, we bomb ISIS back – harder
    All I heard from Cruzmissile is variations on option 3. How clever and innovative of him, Cruzmissile being so smart and all, yet Trump is the one we should one fear, right Gordo?
