51 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Quite possibly the best headline in the history of humanity:
    “Man, 27, who was arrested for having $ex with a stranger on a Las Vegas Ferris wheel is murdered in a carjacking while driving his stripper fiancée home from work.”

  2. I walked into a music shop the other day. I picked up a button accordion, with the brand name Hohner stamped on it. Hohner was once the world standard for fine musical instruments, the pride of Germany. I flipped it it around only to discover these words on the side. ”Made in China.” Disgusting! If not false advertising!
    The following is a popular French tune played on a real Hohner. Enjoy!!

  3. SDA bullied their bullying bill bull:
    (councilor Ann)”Iwanchuk said the ridiculing of the bylaw on social media “bordered on the ludicrous” and helped silence people who might have supported it”

  4. Girl, six, to be LEGALLY torn away from her loving foster parents of five years because she is ‘1.5 per cent Native American’ and the family is white
    From the article:
    “Department of Children and Family Services agents were expected to take Lexi from her home at 10am on Sunday but postponed after a large group of protesters took a stand against her removal.
    The family is under ‘specific orders’ not to tell Lexi or their other children what is happening.”
    Blood boiling, this is what pretending that there is some merit to the alleged “first nation culture” brought as for the jackbooted thugs that issue or execute those orders, in a just society they would be… (I probably should not finish my thoughts)

  5. Caught the ‘real’ Question Period today, as Rona Ambrose was sticking it to Boy Blunder and his Fiberals.
    NOT a habit to watch,just flipping thru and there it was on CTV NN.
    So, PM Care Bear stands up, and, starts to describe how Canada has the lowest debt to GDP ratio in the G8…….and the Conservatives cheer wildly!
    Trudope has to stop talking….foot in mouth………..PRICELESS.
    If anybody can post that clip, its wonderful.

  6. truly evil.
    I hope Ms Karma decides to seriously **** up someone responsible for this. my association with native ‘culture’ ended completely in 2011 the time I cashed a cheque for a native ‘friend’ and it bounced to the tune of $460.
    took me to a couple sweat lodges, taught me some nishnabe words, told me his grandfather was a band chief, bla bla bla. I did a 20 X 24 portrait of his kid.
    all nothing but a set up for a few hundred bucks. I considered it a very cheap lesson in not trusting natives. 5 years and I still wont have anything to do with any of them.

  7. The boy blunder is promising investment in First Nations, that woukd mean a return or growth of the money, not the usual red hole of the band council

  8. people who live in more densely populated areas tend to report less satisfaction with their life overall. “The higher the population density of the immediate environment, the less happy” the survey respondents said they were. Second, they find that the more social interactions with close friends a person has, the greater their self-reported happiness.
    But there was one big exception. For more intelligent people, these correlations were diminished or even reversed.
    “The effect of population density on life satisfaction was therefore more than twice as large for low-IQ individuals than for high-IQ individuals,” they found. And “more intelligent individuals were actually less satisfied with life if they socialized with their friends more frequently.”

  9. “Shouts in Arabic were reportedly heard before the explosions which sent shockwaves through the terminal building, shattering windows”
    Amish probably.

  10. This will give a H U G E bump to Donald Trump’s campaign …..
    But then it could have been planned so that Donald gets the Republican nomination and is later crushed by Hillary. At least that will be how some on SDA will see it.

  11. Diplomacy and reason do not work with terrorists. That is where Canada is at with the Liberal Cabal running the affairs of Canada. For the Liberal Cabal spokesperson acting as Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, it’s all about keeping peace and calling off the fight against the evil in the name of Islam/Islamic terrorism.
    The events in Brussels today is a reminder to all but the brain dead why we need to end immigration from all Islamic states…Trump is right on that score,nothing is more important than security, keeping the citizens of your country safe. I for one do not feel safe with McCallum or any of the tired old hats fronting the Liberal Government here and even less with those who are inexperienced, including the one who werars the PM hat,with his ideologies and learning on the job at a time when the world is facing the serious threat of terrorism. We are not in good hands, our leadership is weak from stem to stern.

  12. “Not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists, but the majority of terrorists are Islamic Muslims..”
    Well, it’s hard not to be Islamic if you’re a Muslim, sort of like being a Christian Christian, but your point is certainly valid so try it this way:
    Not every Muslim is an Islamic terrorist but every Islamic terrorist is a Muslim.

  13. Not every Muslim is an Islamic terrorist but every Islamic terrorist is a Muslim.
    My quote for the month..

    And we are bringing in how many more of these 7th century animals?

  15. We have no idea how many such “animals” are among those being settled as permanent residents cum citizens. Neither doe McCallum and his Liberal Cabal. We need to be very alert, we’re on our own with this pack of idiots acting like they know what they’re doing. Keeping promises isn’t always a good thing when common sense presents itself and requires a different tack. Sadly, only Donald Trump has it right and he is being castigated for it, stop Muslim immigration for a period of time.

  16. Justine Liberal’s Jewish problem.
    “UN urges Ottawa to restore funding for Palestinian refugee program” (G-M)
    “Trump vows to move U.S. embassy to Jerusalem if elected”
    “The United States will move its embassy to Jerusalem, “the eternal capital of the Jewish people,” Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner in the race to replace President Barack Obama vowed Monday in a rousing speech to an influential pro-Israeli lobby group.”

  17. “UN urges Ottawa to restore funding for Palestinian refugee program” If the UN urges it, I am sure Trudeau will comply. Our foreign policy (whoops I mean “Global policy”) is now directed by the UN.

  18. probably warped ‘revenge’ for the capture of the Paris bombing ringleader. whatsisname ali.
    the Belgians brought this on themselves. it’s a tad oh, crass maybe to say that but Im sure there are Belgians thinking it.

  19. Joe Clark was going to do this when he was PM. It went over like a dump truck. No-Balls Joe quickly dropped the idea.

  20. “The Brussels attacks are a profound threat to the European project” (vox)
    “The truth must be told! All European life died in Auschwitz
    By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez*
    I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz.
    We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.”

  21. Thanks for the clip.
    For someone who’s been a cab minister and around Ottawa a long time Ambrose still has to read the question? She looks like ‘she’s not ready’.
    Bongo’s answer was lacking but at least it was spontaneous.

  22. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    “… explaining to users that apps starve them of the revenue needed to fund journalism”.
    “French news sites block the adblockers, telling readers to uninstall or lose access
    Websites including Le Monde, L’Equipe and Le Parisien join initiative explaining to users that apps starve them of the revenue needed to fund journalism”
    ““For our 400 journalists to provide you each day with high-quality, reliable and varied news each day … we must be able to rely on advertising revenue,” read a message from Jerome Fenoglio, the editor-in-chief of French daily Le Monde,…”

  23. With the Sask. election on the horizon, the public service unions have cranked up the rhetoric in a lame attempt to discredit the ruling Sask Party. I received my glossy and obviously expensive card in the mail yesterday courtesy of SGEU. Predictably it contained nothing more than the usual fear-mongering and warnings about privatization. Loss of revenue due to privatization (very limited) of liquor stores. Unappetizing food for prisoners in correctional centres. Dirty linen at hospitals. Poorly maintained roads. Loss of quality doctors and nurses to private clinics. Yada, yada, yada.
    Although the upcoming election is pretty much in the bag for the Sask Party, there still exist a few voters who are deathly afraid of losing their healthcare or having to travel five minutes longer to get to the Co-op. I wish that the Sask Party would make an effort to refute each and every allegation made by the union. A flyer in every mailbox responding to all the union’s unfounded notions would go a long, long way to shining a light on the union’s (and the NDP’s) lies and exaggerations. A little pushback against the NDP friendly unions might be just enough to bury the socialists for good.

  24. I moved to Saskatchewan in the latter days of the Blakeney NDP government. People nowadays forget one reason why it got tossed out by the Grant Devine Conservatives.
    The provincial government had a tendency for throwing good money away in financial sinkholes. For example, Uranium City was to the Saskatchewan NDP like Bombardier is to the federal Liberals.
    Voters eventually got fed up with it and chucked out the Dippers. Unfortunately, as I recall, the Conservatives proved to be corrupt in their own right.

  25. “the Belgians brought this on themselves” — how so? What is your rationale for saying that?

  26. In Canada the socialists will never be buried. We are a very liberal country. Think Europe.
    Wall is smart enough to lay off the privatization. He wont touch the 80 or so ‘Crowns’. Tommy Douglas lies (bad pun) just below the surface in SK – ready to ride again.

  27. “Wall is smart enough to lay off the privatization”
    That’s true but he will still be accused of it. “Hidden agenda” you know. I wonder how many terms in power it will take before the unions just move on, leave the politics alone, look after their members and spend the union dues in a more productive manner. Mediscare is well past it’s due date.
    I get a lot of crap in my mailbox but the propaganda from SGEU is insulting. Basically they’re saying “Here. Read this. You are a liv and too stupid to make a rational decision on your own. Ignore the province’s prosperity and good government. It is an illusion. The private sector is bad and only exists to screw you.”

  28. Liberal Wynnetario.
    Ottawa’s socialist mayor mouths his usual bee-ess.
    “Mayor says federal budget ‘good news’ for Ottawa” (cfra)
    “Saputo Shuts Down Ottawa Dairy Forcing Families Into Tough Times”
    “News that Saputo will be closing its plant in Ottawa during the Federal budget has shocked workers represented by Teamsters Canada Local Union 647. Saputo is forcing middle class families into tough times.
    Many of the plant’s 100 workers are parents who rely on their weekly paycheck to support their families.”
