12 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. He could not have won this position without the active support of the current Liberal government.

  2. I never used to believe in movements to secede or split government boundaries … like the move to split CA into two states. However, I am starting to see the wisdom and necessity of splitting the SANE from the INSANE (leftists). Think of it as the state of the homeless (liberals) all packed into urban areas where they cannot afford a home, and the wide open spaces of “flyover” country (conservatives). And yes, the leftists can carpet THEIR urban hell-holes with windmills and solar panels … because all the clean, green,mhydro-power will be REALLY expensive for them to buy.

  3. Now if y’all think this Canadian is going to provide an Unbiased Opinion to the already biased to UNHRC is at least Doubtful and IMHO Wrong.

  4. “Canada’s back!” … Justin Trudeau
    Adapted from one of the comments in the Tim Blair blog linked to by JJM in the More Pavilions thread… “It’s no longer strong horse vs. weak horse, the weak horse has been sent to the knackers and we’ve bought a Shiny Pony for $29 billion.”

  5. This is just the admission price to the security council dance; We get the bill now for our new dancing partners over at the UN Inhuman Rights Council. Jew hating is back in vogue, now Justin has put us on that bandwagon, while undermining our national credibility, except to the green bigot class.
    Israel is the threat to peace requiring the admonition of a pro-Palestinian “rapporteur?” Are there Jewish hit squads roaming about, pulling off suicide attacks? No but it’s the same thing as what they are doing to the Palestinians; it’s “Israel’s fault” After all, look at how brutal they are when attacked.
    While constantly attacking Israel, PLO types mistreat your own people, trapped in ghettos by their leadership and closed borders, enduring counter attacks & use as human shields, as pawns of their kleptocratic regimes to cover their corruption & culpability.
    In their farcial world, cities are refugee camps and are “occupied” by the Israeli military, aka any of them over seven years old, who may be considered for attack as an invader. All that discussion about liquidation, though sincere, is propaganda from the Jew media. Palestinians don’t want to kill all Israelis. They just want them to disappear; that’s completely different.
    Harper kept us out of that garbage, gaining respect for his support of Israel, even at the cost of a SC seat, selected by a committee of Jew hating corrupt bigots. Justin wants to throw that away today for a chance at a seat well past his present mandate. We have our Canadian Obama with the same poor judgment borne out of utter inexperience or ability at leadership, willing to play any card that suits, any time.
    And these same clowns call Trump a racist Hitler. While our leaders say oh well, one attack a month isn’t so bad, but climate change is the existential threat. Will it take a multiple city attack &/or chemical/radiological attack with thousands of casualties to get us off this ISIS et al blind spot? I’m afraid so as so many, not understanding their own bigotries, level accusations of racism and such other insults.

  6. Quite so. The appointment of a rather rabid anti-Israel activist to be a “special rapporteur” on the Palestinian situation will be just part of the program of abasement that the Canadian government will go through to ensure that coveted seat on the UN Security Council. It will also be accompanied by the return to the 1970s and 80s for the Canadian military, reducing them to blue beret-wearing report writers.

  7. According to Elections Canada records, Professor Michael Lynk has donated $300, to the federal NDP, in each of the last two election (2011 and 2015).
