Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me


This week’s horrific terrorist attacks on the Brussels airport and metro raised the pressure in the already tight U.S. presidential campaign. Candidates of both parties were instantly measured against voter expectations of how a president could and should behave in a similar crisis. Meanwhile, it was jarring to see a beaming President Obama relaxing at a Cuban baseball game, while grisly photos of the wrecked terminal and dazed, bloodied victims in Belgium were on steady media feed all over the world.

19 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

    * TBH, he’s been in FTM his whole administration. President Me. The rest of youz can **** off.

  2. Bernie Sanders “had little to say…..because foreign affairs have unfortunately remained a sideline for him”. That’s comforting and telling.

  3. Paglia is my absolute FAVORITE, leftist, feminist, lesbian thinker. She is an utter pragmatist and realist. We see eye to eye on virtually NOTHING … but SHE has the intelligence to discard all the FAKE political correctness which is nothing more than a flimsy tool to prop-up an idiotic leftist version of nirvana. I could literally see myself hanging-out with her getting slowly drunk or stoned together. She’s a brilliant thinker … but then, one only needs a few active brain cells to recognize what a total FRAUD Hillary Clinton is. It just takes BALLS to say it out loud … which Paglia appears to have in spades.

  4. I wish that lazy f–k would just go to the golf course and stay there all day until his term ends. He’d do less damage.

  5. “I wish that lazy f–k would just go to the golf course and stay there all day until his term ends. He’d do less damage.”
    And leave Kerry in charge??

  6. Reading the article….. “I laughed, I cried, I nearly died. The pain. The pleasure. In equal measure.” (unknown)
    Feisty little B (i.e., Bernie supporter)isn’t she. Confused in places, lucid in others.

  7. What a twit. She’s critical of everyone, yet … surprise …. “Bernie Sanders (whom I support and contribute to) had little to say, beyond conveying condolences to the Belgian people, because foreign affairs have unfortunately remained a sideline for him.” She supports the Commie candidate who doesn’t even have a foreign policy. Can anyone in their wildest imagination envision the Islamic terrorist war improving with Bernie at the rudder?

  8. Paglia is great.
    She is a fine leftie totally free of the usual progressive Borg-collective cant and claptrap.
    I can’t possibly agree with everything she says but she’s on the money regarding The Donald and the reheated leftovers that the Clinton clan represents.
    She is right up there with the late Christopher Hitchens as someone who is always worth a read.

  9. Paglia is great, yes, but she just can not say the words ” anti-white racist”
    which is what she is trying not to say when she said this in her article,
    “…If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, I will write in Sanders or vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party, as I did in 2012 as a protest against Obama’s unethical use of drones and the racially divisive tone of his administration…”
    racially divisive? …that is like saying a bald man is follically challenged, when we all know he is bald.
    we all know Obama is more than racially divisive, he is an anti-white racist.

  10. “we all know Obama is more than racially divisive, he is an anti-white racist.”
    We don’t know that at all. You might just as well say we knew Bush was an anti-black racist.

  11. What?
    The President cannot gloat?
    Hope and Change folks.
    After all his and Hillary’s hard work,creating,arming and protecting their Desert warriors, why can you hard hearted people not allow him to bask in their success?
    Hard to imagine such a small group of death cult loonies could be so useful to those wanting more government,more regulation and more statist power.
    Given the fear spread in the name of terrorism, the costs imposed on taxpayers for so little result..
    ISIS is an amazingly cost effective programme.

  12. But Bush is not an anti-black racist.
    He is the USA president who gave the largest amounts of money to Africa.
    What is your point??

  13. What exactly was yours?
    Obama can be taken to task for plenty of things. But there is no need to stoop to the kind of defamatory nonsense that was used so gratuitously against Bush in his day.
