11 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. If the good Lord himself came down to punish me I would be afraid.
    If my RSM came back from NCO heaven (no officers , free beer and steaks) I would soil myself and jump out the window in fear.
    In the military , the sergeant major is god himself/herself.
    Your mommy should not bring his/her wrath down on you

  2. Didn’t we already go through this crap when the Army crybabys wanted to wear berets, like the Rangers. We are probabably gonna need the DRAFT if we ever get serious about taking out the Muzlim scourge … because these volunteers will be comparing their fake medals and patches at the LGBT overnight instead of joining the combat forces. We’re gonna need some REAL MEN (and a few women who can keep up) to erase the Muzzies.

  3. Her son will be wearing “standard issue boots” for sure. But taking them off will require a proctologist…

  4. This civilian is almost afraid to ask, but my imagination is running wild. What is a pizza party?

  5. The middle ground in mothering has been abandoned. Long live the extremes – on the tit forever, or ignore completely.

  6. Back when I was in ‘personnel’ I had to help in staffing a response to a “lady” who wrote to the Minister of National Defence using every four letter expletive in the book (and a few even more extreme) demanding to know why her son had been released as a cadet for lack of officer qualities. I suspect it was a case of like mother like son. I never thought I’d see another one!

  7. That poor kid. I bet he said something to the effect of…”wow everyone here wears a combat patch, I’m feeling a little under dressed since I don’t have one yet”…He’s been through basic training so it’s been inculcated in him to respect the guys who have been in combat and he’s awestruck. Mom read the situation wrong and took this upon herself…I don’t think the kid is to blame in this situation. I’m sure the Garrison Sgt-Maj will check to see if he’s a good soldier before he acts…However, woe to the private if he’s a slacker or a complainer…then it’ll be misery beyond compare.

  8. I can’t help wondering if this is for real. Can’t believe any military mom would be so clueless.
