15 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Now if Lortta Lynch would just go after the IRS with the same tenacity for targeting the Tea Party or the FED, we might all feel a bit better about the job they appear to be doing…

  2. A friend of mine who’s a SCADA expert, and who has worked for utilities in Ontario marveled at how these utilities would build fabulously expensive, secure, stand-alone networks for their supervisory infrastructure… and then decide that opening that infrastructure up for easy reporting via the Internet was a good idea.

  3. I’m a little surprised these charges are only criminal (mostly aiding and abetting computer hacking) instead of espionage/sabotage. These are pretty clear casus belli by a foreign power.

  4. “I’m a little surprised these charges are only criminal (mostly aiding and abetting computer hacking) instead of espionage/sabotage.”
    Like catching Al Capone on tax evasion, it’s sometimes better to go with the charges that are most likely to convict.

  5. what?? old VJ (valery jarret) couldn’t bail their sorry asses out?
    does lynch hate old VJ?

  6. Surely if there is anywhere that the Patriot Act actually applies, it’s here.

  7. Exactly David –
    I carefully read the whole indictment and saw NOTHING to describe the arrest of these Iranians, OR describing … WHERE … they were deploying all this malware and attacks. I want to KNOW if they were HERE in the USA, or Iran ? or one of our Allies countries. I want to know if any one of these saboteurs was here on a student visa … or WORSE … on an H1-b VISA.
    How does ANYONE argue with Trump’s call for the CLOSING of our borders to Muzzies till we “get this all sorted out”. We can START by Undoing anything and everything instituted by Jehhhhh Johnson.
    And we can do MORE than “unseal” this indictment to “send a message” to our Muzzie enemies. I suggest we put each of these co-conspirators in a cage, then BURN them alive.
    Ohhhhhhhh, wahhhhhhh, I am allowing myself to become just like “them”. Well, I consider this nothing more than “translating” words and actions into “their language”. If the State Dept. uses “Iranian Translators” to communicate with the Iranian leadership … consider my barbarity nothing more than a “translation” of our military resolve. Into the language they speak and understand.

  8. They’re building a case against Iran. They’ll be next after Syria. Expect terrorists, er…rebels – insurgents to pop up there next. A few terrorist attacks to spur on public opinion of the LIV always helps.
    More Arab Spring to come…well, Iranians are really Persian, but whatever.

  9. The only way to make a computer/control/network safe from hacking is to not physically connect it to the internet.

  10. absolutely. cripes, all the`authorities` have to do is watch a couple episodes of `Person of Interest` or some such spook flic to get a hint of the stakes.
    `what`s the frequency now of major DDOS incidents, major hacking of control systems, credit card processing, even the CIA web site got fudged back in the days.
    firewall schmirewall. do NOT have ANY electronic link anywhere. want a report via a remote site, easy. set up a monitor cycling thru the pertinent data and a video camera permanently aimed at it and feeds going out to only those authorized. but NO digital communications link anywhere.

  11. In all fairness, the press release didn’t indicate how he accessed the SCADA system. So we really don’t know that it was via the Internet, or that he necessarily had any capability to send commands to anything.
    It’s not uncommon for SCADA systems to be built in such a way that, yes, maybe it’s possible for supervisors or managers to access it remotely for the purposes of monitoring — but the only people who can actually issue commands are physically located in the control centre. Basically, for remote users it’s “look but don’t touch”.
    My hunch (and I could be wrong) is that they’ve left the details vague enough to spice up their press release and throw a scare into lay-people.

  12. Your control system is only as secure as the moron who posts a picture of his (or her) house on failbook that include the spouse, kids, pets and grandma named saying “it’s my birthday!” and has a never happen to me attitude towards passwords.
    Not that said idiot wouldn’t cough up his(her) login to an official looking e-mail.
    No need to hack when MPAI.

  13. Gee, I was pretty sure there that Iran was now our ally and, indeed, our BFF. Obama told me that.
