46 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Of course there should be candles and memorials in public squares after horrific outrages like this.
    But I do wish municipalities could t lest enact by-laws prohibiting public performances of John Lennon’s loathsome “Imagine”.

  2. “Taste our hot tears of abstract cartoon sadness, genocidal lunatics” – IOWAHAWK

  3. Watch the Elois as they keep the flower, teddy bear and candle shops fat and happy…Pathetic!
    Marine LePen has a name for these bleeding heart dolts on a mass suicide mission:
    This French made up word means “Teddy bear Kissers”
    Here’s one slogan that applies to all Elois:
    “Je Suis Imbecile”
    WWIII will be the liberation of Europe (Again)…From it’s own immigration policies gone mad.
    TRUMP 2016!

  4. NYC 9/11
    PARIS 11/13
    BRUSSELS 03/22
    ISRAEL 24/7
    Oddly enough, I have yet to see any placards saying “je suis juif” or “je suis Israel”. Imagine!

  5. While the hard core Jihadists are playing chess, Western democracies are earnestly playing checkers.
    Witness yesterday’s firm announcement from Dion and Jr that Canada was not at war with ISIS.

  6. “While the hard core Jihadists are playing chess, Western democracies are earnestly playing checkers.”
    With some of the pieces missing.

  7. “Why do we continue to import it?” – Mark Steyn
    A truly baffling question for sane people. One answer lays with the mentally ill Islamic Apologists, who continue to thwart efforts to secure western safety. We read them everyday on SDA.
    There are plenty of other answers to this self destructive insanity, none of which bodes well for the future of western civilization.

  8. If we would all just embrace each other … like France is embracing Belgium. All we need is Love (McCartney).
    I am calling on ALL of Europe to hug a Muzlum today. Esp.all you blonde German and Swedish girls … go up and give a loving hug to a nice young immigrant Muzzie man today. Tell him that it is a purely platonic, political gesture intended to shower love and peace in the world. And that you got the idea from your old hippie grandparents who were still living-out their hippie fantasy world. And promise NOT to report their reaction to the police

  9. “‘Bizounours’
    This French made up word means ‘Teddy bear Kissers'”
    It’s actually “Bisounours” and it’s the French name for the “Care Bears”. It represents a combination of “bisou” (familiar/children’s word for a kiss) and “nounours” (children’s word for a teddy bear).
    In Canadian French, the Care Bears are known as “Calinours” (Cuddle Bears). This is undoubtedly because “une bizoune” is Québec slang for, er, a penis.

  10. By the way, that mawkish cartoon up there from “Le Monde” is just one more reason why I prefer to read “Le Figaro”.

  11. As I’ve said before, they better get bigger candles or different color ones for their vigils, the ones they’re using don’t do squat.

  12. Nice graphic of the nutless Eloi of Europe. May they die like flies to appease Islam. May their vigils be bombed and all the women raped. May their men be beaten and raped too. Fools get what they deserve.

  13. nick >
    Yup, a police state is the ultimate outcome of an Open Border policy. Who’da thunk?
    So our enlightened Liberal Progressive intellectual betters never saw this coming, with the abundance of history’s case studies dripping from their exquisitely developed educations?
    Aside from their support by hard leftist cool-aid drinkers, we can also thank the righteous PC Right and their sanctimonious but always subtle defence of Political Correctness and Globalization. “Moderates” LOL.

  14. And now this…..
    “Euphoric Islamic State supporters rejoicing at news of Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels have launched an online poll asking: “Which colour will the Eiffel Tower be next?” Worryingly, half of the respondents have opted for the red, white and blue of Britain’s Union Jack.”

  15. The Belgian Police “visiting” the Yoga instructor for the hate crime of reporting the fact of Islamic school children cheering the day’s Jihad event says it all. A nation that far down the progressive multicultural toilet bowel deserves the civil war that inevitably arises. I wonder if the Euro-weenies are even capable of fighting anymore or are sad cartoons about all they can muster. It’s too bad that the fight, if it happens, will have to start with the state that allegedly represents the citizens.

  16. “While the hard core Jihadists are playing chess, Western democracies are earnestly playing Tiddily-Winks.” Fixed that for you. Checkers does require a modicum of strategy.
    While Western Democracies are gushing crocodile tears after every Islamist attack the Islamists rejoice! Nothing easier to conquer than an enemy that refuses to show up for a battle, and the terrorists know this. Our leaders and media are unable to affix a label to these terrorists which plays directly into their hands . To compound this we are led to believe that we should extend our care and compassion to the refugees that these terrorists are using to infiltrate our society. Instead of going out of our way to welcome the refugees we should be taking a harder line. Instead of spending a Billion dollars on resettlement of displaced people who do not intend to assimilate, but are being told by their imams that the jihad is just, we should be learning from history. How about adopting a policy that every mosque and congregation that harbours or hides a terrorist should be deported. Not quite as revolutionary as WWII internment camps, which the Liberals and Democrats had no problem in implementing, but then we are a more caring and loving society today and that is the problem when dealing with barbarians.

  17. A comment by an instantpundent reader yesterday…
    The Pearl Harbor Switch
    Some Muslim Idiot on the Internet was telling me the other day about the Western Way of War. I paraphrase:
    “You guys will never beat the Muslims,” he opined, “Because Westerners are still nominally Christian, and Christians can’t fight wars the way they’d have to in order to beat us Muslims … You guys would have to murder half of the world to stop the tide of jihad that would follow.”
    My reply to him:
    “Can do.
    “Non-whites do not understand White people. Muslims do not understand Christians. We Snow Folk seek peace and justice, and will go to tremendous lengths to avoid war and indiscriminate slaughter as per Jesus’ instruction. We hold back because, in general, no one ever poses a threat to us great enough to justify a full effort on our part. Nuking the Vietnamese or Saddam Hussein would have been like smashing a hamster with a tire iron: pointless and messy.
    “‘Oh, you say, “But there’s no way even the United States could kill the entire Muslim population of the planet.”
    Care to bet? I guarantee you that right now, right this very minute, that there exists somewhere in the Pentagon a detailed, step-by-step plan for the destruction of Islam by means of military force, from the Ka’aba right down to the shabbiest plywood shawarma stand in Karachi. Do you really think that the United States lacks the capacity to carry out this plan? Friend, there are weapons in existence of which most people could never dream that could do the job in an afternoon.
    “We Americans burnt a million little Japanese kids to death just to win World War II. Do you think we’d hesitate to do the same or worse to little T-welhead kids in order to win World War III?
    Nagasaki, the smaller A-bomb
    Dresden, firebombs
    “Yep, the old Ultraviolence is in our blood. It’s what made us the masters of Europe. It was all peace and flowers while the Neanderthals were no threat — but when it came down to Who, Whom, we sort of elected ourselves to the office of Who. Believe it: we Caucasians are psychologically capable of going from lazy, TV-watching fat-slob mode to dead-eyed mass-murderer mode at the flick of a psychological switch.
    “Call it the Pearl Harbor Switch.
    “Everyone knows that Switch is there. The whole reason for the War on Terror and everything that flowed from it was to keep that Switch from flipping. Bush and Obama put our boys in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to deflect the righteous anger of White, Christian people from the actual backers of 9-11: the Saudis, and the worldwide network of assassins they fund and cover for. By sending in our boys to kick a little strawman a$$, Bush and Obama kept Whitey’s fingers far enough away from the Pearl Harbor Switch to keep it from being flipped.
    “My advice to you and to all your fellow Muslims can be summed up in six simple words: 
    Don’t Make Us Flip That Switch.”

  18. Thanks, FF. That comment is what the Like button was invented for. Up until the last sentence, that is. I would have rather different advice for our Muzzie brethren. Flipping that switch is overdue.

  19. I missed the sarc quotations for the last clause of my statement, but much in agreement with Fuel Filter and nick.

  20. The western way of war is annilalation, something the natives of NA didn’t understand and the Arabs haven’t understood since Charles Martel gave them a demo and they turned and ran
    Similarly the west hasn’t understood the slow infiltrate and bother way of Arab wars. Thru lies and deceit. Check out Moes early wars , usually won thru turncoats

  21. The policy of Jr, Dion and Goodale towards ISIS can be likened to Churchhill’s reference to feeding the crocodile in the hope to be eaten last.
    In a situation that cries out for a statesman such as Churchill, we have Obama, Trudeau Jr. and Jan Jambon.
    It is doubtful that Jr even knows of Churchill, but does any one of his handlers remember anything about the man?
    Probably not it being 2016 and all, WW2 is like ancient history.

  22. Check out my new online start up.
    Teddys,Tears ‘n Chalk.com Hip and edgy Vigil supplies for all occasions.
    Franchise information available. Get in on a new industry with explosive growth potential for under $250000!

  23. Churchill and his class were products of an education system that no longer exists,thus we cannot anticipate the return of the statesmen.
    There will not be any produced by our current system of higher propagandizing.
    By 2050 Canada will be 50% Muslim.

  24. John F. Kerry had such success bringing James Taylor to sing “You’ve got a Friend” to the French dignitaries … that I believe he should act as concert promoter and organize a whole soft-rock/folk-rock stadium concert with …
    James Taylor (singing – “Shower the People with LOVE, and shrapnelelll”),
    Sir Paul McCartney (can sing Ebony and Jihad-i),
    America (singing – “I’ve been through the desert on an abandoned Humvee …”),
    Jackson Browne (singing – “Doctor my eyes have seen the Tears … and the slow parade of detonators”)
    The Grateful Dead (singing – “Come, hear, Uncle Muzzies band, by the transit hub, they’ve come to blow the whole thing up, just before the evening prayer”)
    Crosby Stills + Nash (singing “Suite for Jameela’s Brown eyes … is all we can see behind the hijab”)
    This would bring soooooooooo much h-e-a-l-i-n-g … and John F. Kerry could sing along. He could even DREAM of replaying his pathetic youth, when he was ignored by all the girls because of his shovel-shaped face. He could bring Theresa along, if she can get a pass from the institution … Good times.

  25. Me No Dhimmi >
    “Baffling? – Knignt 99.”
    Yes, I made a rhetorical point but thanks for “unbaffle-ing” me anyway.

  26. Has our little Bunnykins lit a candle in front of the Belgian Embassy yet?
    Has Missy Bunnykins broke out in sorrowful (but hopeful) song about how todays dark clouds will be driven away forever by tomorrow’s sunshine?
    And all the people who voted for Bunnykins – can they please all tweet and retweet pictures of themselves lighting candles and leaving little teddy bears?
    You know, to show contrived solidarity…and total non-commitment

  27. Good.
    “Bomber” Harris wrote that the aim of the area bombing campaign against Germany and Austria was to kill workers and destroy their homes so that their families would be homeless. He said that the idea was Churchill’s but it was a good one and he regretted it hadn’t occurred to him first. The Americans were appalled and mainly used point bombing, and did very useful work against the German oil supply.
    With Japan, there were no Brits to do the dirty work; so Gen. Curtis LeMay carried out a campaign against Japanese cities which was, if anything, even more ruthless than the British campaign against Germany.
    Oh yes, there was much hand-wringing; but Germany and Japan were largely destroyed. The aircrews over both countries complained about the disgusting smell of roasting and burning flesh which wafted up to them.

  28. Ted Cruz in response to the Belgium attacks, urged immediate implementation nationwide of the mass surveillance of US muslim neighborhoods. And all you got from the US political class in reply was – silence.

  29. “Ted Cruz in response to the Belgium attacks, urged immediate implementation nationwide of the mass surveillance of US muslim neighborhoods.”
    The reason he got silence is because this is a dumb idea – a complete waste of time, money and resources.
    Focussed surveillance and identification of actual Islamic extremists, coupled with tough enforcement measures (including deportation when possible), would make far more sense.

  30. “They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind”
    -Sir Arthur Harris 1942

  31. Civilian bombing started with the bombing of Guernica by the Condor Legion so if you have to credit anyone with the idea it should go to Adolf Hitler. The Blitz of London was to terrorize the civilian population in the hope that they would force the government to sue for peace. Didn’t work then but now? The terrorists have succeeded in changing our way of life in less than twenty years because there is no political leadership that will accept the fact that we are at war. Islamic Jihadists are succeeding where Hitler and Yamamoto both failed because there is no politician in the West that has the backbone to call a spade a spade and declare war on the perpetrators and their backers that are slowly eroding our culture and way of life. Think about that the next time they bomb an airport, subway, shopping mall, theatre or sports venue, until we get a politician that can unify the West against this terror bombing the Islamic Jihadists are and will continue to win this war!

  32. It is unlikely that this will be tackled or resolved by any organized body of authority. If the Muslims are stupid they will take out the North American power grid. Damage that can’t be repaired in a day, a week or a month. Things will spiral into the unknown immediately the food supply plunges and city dwellers will be running to their country cousins. How does Islam do when that happens and the only recognized law is No Bag Limit?

  33. “Civilian bombing started with the bombing of Guernica by the Condor Legion so if you have to credit anyone with the idea it should go to Adolf Hitler.”
    The first true air raid was conducted on a village in Libya by the Italians in 1911.
    The first serious aerial bombardment of civilians occurred when the Germans attacked London and some other locations with Zeppelins during WWI.

  34. He was advocating NYC’s model, which is credited with stopping many attacks. Not a dumb idea.

  35. Pennyante efforts. The British (and the Americans over Japan) burnt their targets out. Some of the photos don’t even show much rubble. A certain part of the centre of Dresden clearly shows how complete the destruction was, even after all of these years. I don’t have the figures in front of me, but according to recollection the RAF planners figured on abut a month’s bombing per city, and were working through the German cities systematically.
    BTW this is Aaron Clarey’s take on the Brussels attacks: http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.ca/2016/03/terrorist-attacks-again-yawn.html

  36. “… immediate implementation nationwide of the mass surveillance of US muslim neighborhoods …”
    Should mass surveillance be implemented to stop mass shootings?

  37. I remember arguing about the morality of city bombing with the wife of a senior air force officer, after we heard the results of the Dresden attack. She was a well-educated and intelligent woman who worked part-time for the ORS. I asked her whether she really believed that it was right to kill German women and babies in large numbers at that late stage of the War. She answered, “Oh yes. It is good to kill the babies especially. I am not thinking of this war but of the next one, 20 years from now. The next time the Germans start a war and we have to fight them, those babies will be the soldiers.” After fighting Germans for ten years, four in the first war and six in the second, we had become almost as bloody-minded as Sir Arthur.
    Freeman Dyson, MIT Technology Review
    ORS: Operational Research Section, British Royal Air Force’s Bomber Command

  38. In a stunning twist of coincidence, the “World Court” sentences the Butcher of Kosovo to 4o years in prison….
    Just as the rest of the western world begins to realize ‘He was ahead of his time”.
    The duality of man, seems lost of Progressives, not progressive thinkers, there are none.
    We seek peace and stability, going to great lengths of forbearance to maintain these social conditions.
    We are capable of taking great glee in wonton destruction.
    So there are about 1 billion moslems and another billion useless parasitic enablers.
    Once we designate them fertilizer it is game on.
    Let the deserts bloom.
    The “world citizens” post nation progressives, encourage the Jihad as a means to extend their statist power.
    The citizen forbears exterminating both.
    As too expensive..at the moment.
    The moment is changing.

  39. It does appear that already some of the western European nations are fighting rear guard actions in defeat. Arresting yoga instructors, bigger teddy bears, and more verses of Imagine are no longer enough.
    John Chitick, good questions.

  40. re Allied bombing of Germany and “Bomber” Harris.
    If you didn’t see this interview with him, you may watch it on You Tube:
    At 3.31, you will hear Churchill say in the House of Commons what has always been attributed to Harris: Hitler and his Nazi gangs have sown the wind, let them reap the whirlwind.
    Harris was obeying the orders given him by the government. If blame is being apportioned, he does not stand alone.
