Trigger Warning

Safe Spaces:

Recently a fair number of college students have been complaining that various symbols and words (often false flagged) are making them feel ‘unsafe’. I am reminded of something Jim Chapin said: He felt ‘unsafe’ when a couple of 16-year old Irish kids had him down in the gutter and were trying to kick his ribs in. That’s pretty close to my personal definition, although there were three of them in the case I’m remembering….
The more I think about it, the more I suspect that a lot of our present and future ‘elites’ would develop some valuable perspective from having someone beat the living crap out of them. Certainly worth a try.

More here.

14 Replies to “Trigger Warning”

  1. Here I thought my white socks were only a poor fashion statement, nothing that would suggest “institutionalized racism.”
    When satire is so hard to separate from real news stories,
    perhaps it is an indication that a lot of these are really frivolous.

  2. It looks like these whinging little wanks left their play pens to early they need to go back to their play pens and kiss their pink monkey dolls

  3. I need to speak-up for the students of my alma mater, UC Berkeley. The student body recently attended our FIRST game, Round-1, of the NCAA basketball tournament against the Univ. of Hawaii. We were told that the game would be held in a “safe” “neutral” gymnasium. With great enthusiasm, a large number of Students and Alumni traveled to Spokane WA to attend the game. Well, we found the space to be anything BUT “safe”. Despite our very HIGH seed #4 vs #13 for Hawaii, the Referees and Score Table said that we LOST the basketball game ! This caused untold heartache and literally physical pain akin to the worst kind of torture you can imagine. Our team was BETTER than Hawaii, with a better record against superior competition, yet we were told that we LOST this game. How can we EVER attend another basketball game without feeling discriminated against ? We deserve the same number of 3-point shots as Hawaii were credited with. Our 3-point shots got close, and even hit the rim, so shouldn’t we get partial credit (say 2 points) for every one of those shots. Isn’t this what we were taught by Common Core ? We are used to receiving A’s for getting close to the right answer. Why should a basketball game be any different. If this isn’t corrected, we are going to launch a sit-in campaign to cease and desist all NCAA basketball games until our grievances are addressed !! Please join us by BOYCOTTING the Sweet-16 games starting tonight.

  4. I used to teach at a certain post-secondary institution. My last 2 years there were made miserable by antics such as what were mentioned.
    Specifically, I was threatened with severe disciplinary action simply because I had my students address me as “Doctor” after I got my Ph. D. Why? Apparently, it was seen as “intimidating”. I was told by a certain administrator that it made the students afraid to ask me questions and, by extension, they wouldn’t learn anything.
    Instead, I should have put more effort into creating a “safe learning environment”. That included allowing the students to call me by whatever name they chose. (I always addressed them as “Sir” or “Madame”, or “Mr.” or “Ms.”–whichever was applicable–and I expected the same from them.)
    One of the reasons I quit was because I refused to put up with such nonsense. I was there to *teach*, not soothe people’s feelings.

  5. Fast forward about 10 years from now: Joe and Jill Snowflake wake up to find that OMG their formative college years really was about psychological abuse, and they finally figure out that not only, at 35 years of age, are they psychologically damaged, they are really psychologically damaged, as a result of their college upbringing. Cue the individual and class action suits against the colleges and universities and administrators of their time for the willful and wanton abuse they suffered while at school. Since I don’t believe any college has a student sign a psych waiver, and given all of the social media history, you might see action rivaling the best of tobacco lawsuits.

  6. Anyone who raises their child to become a ‘millennial’ has committed child abuse!

  7. Anyone who raises their child to become a ‘millennial’ has committed child abuse!

  8. I noticed new parking signs at our local mall. After the two handicap spaces we now have two more
    spaces for pregnant moms even if they are ten days late I assume. Now I have to drag my seventy year old carcass at twenty below another 20 metres to safety.

  9. Here in Ontario those signs are ubiquitous. I make a point of parking in them wherever I can because there is no by-law preventing me from doing so. I may be an Ass#ole but I don’t care.
    This BS is getting to stupid for words. If you are knocked up and need a special parking spot then you shouldn’t be there in the first place. Biggest joke are the ones at the Liquor stores. When pregnant, you are told to eschew alcohol. So why are you shopping at the local boozers?

  10. these dandys have NO friggin idea the REAL need for a safe space.
    bullying is human nature. the strongest will impose their will (no pun intended) on the weaker sectors.
    the good news, I found refuge from a violent aggressive world where the ones who are *supposed* to protect the weaker are in fact the worst offenders.
    it started when I got my first decent salaried position and made a beeline to the weight room and over the course of oh, 2 or 3 years packed on 40 pounds of solid muscle. not an exaggeration. friggin arms were twice the size and 4 times the strength. I joked with my workmates I was looking forward to any challenges and confrontations as in yore, but for some reason, they were not forthcoming. LOL !!!
    the moral? EACH of us HAS TO make SOME contribution to our OWN and certainly the safety and well being of our loved ones who count on us to protect them; we create our OWN `safe spaces`.

  11. The only ‘safe space’ should be behind a door marked Tornado Shelter. Other than that, you’re on your own.

  12. Imagine these special little snowflakes having to gather their own food.
    Reality TV show time..”Starving for stupid”.
    I wonder if any of them could catch a carrot never mind snare a rabbit or gut a fish.
    Oh right, zero experience with sharp objects.
    I have come to realize, when these blind worms manage to gnaw through the foundations of civilization, I will come to love Vegans.
    While they last.

  13. “I have come to realize, when these blind worms manage to gnaw through the foundations of civilization, I will come to love Vegans.
    While they last.”
    Especially with a little mesquite BBQ sauce and a touch of fresh garlic and basil.
