Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

David Solway;

My own dim and politically gentrified country is no exception to the anti-Trump animus. In a March 21, 2016 cover article, Canada’s weekly current affairs magazine, the soft-socialist Maclean’s, snidely refers to Trump as “Trumputin” with its Putin-Rasputin implications, denouncing Trump as a “bullying Reality-TV star who breaks every rule of American political life” and condemning his promise to deport illegals, his refusal to coddle terrorists (“torture,” a “war crime”), and his picking Twitter fights with the pope — a liberation theologian whose white vestments might as well be communist red. So far as I can see, these are pretty sturdy planks from which to build a viable political platform.

But read it all, supplemented with this commentary from Ed Driscoll.

26 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. I’d agree that the media is insanely biased against Trump, but he’s not exactly helping matters with his boorish behaviour. Sorry, but I expect more of someone running for high office. If I were American I’d vote for Cruz.

  2. All Cruz had to do is tell the dopes running this ad it was tasteless, in Teds defence he did not personally run the ad about Mrs Trump, but then don;t let it go without saying stop. Trump should be above this crap as so should be Ted. Together these two would run a good business minded administration, but the current state of state run media throughout the world, (yes the media for the most part are state run lemmings) cannot allow outsiders into the coven, witness Canada and Australia in the last year, the medias marching orders are for a global warming big government leader, nothing else.

  3. Elie in TO’ Your so right the leftists news media are pretty much demacratic supporters the New York Slimes as not supported a republican since eisenhower and you can bet Hollyweird will be supporting Hillary the Windhag in november they have already backed two of americas worst presidents and Back Obama is the #1 worst presidents ever

  4. Apparently you’re not listening to Cruz… His mouth is worse than Trump’s. Trump is playing to the audience. Cruz harbours a whole range of disturbing opinions…
    In any case, the US NEEDS a brash take-no-prisoners Chief Executive who projects “I can’t be bought but will sell you a refridgerator whether you need it or not” type. After 8 years of the worst pussy the US has ever had, in a world that is melting down faster than the Arctic ice cap, the US needs needs someone who’ll stand up to the EU and call “bullshit”, instead of looking for box seats and the wine cooler.

  5. And yet pro-Cruz nuts (and not ALL his supporters) claim in comments sections like Ace’s that the MSM is *promoting* Trump.

  6. I wish Cruz would communicate with the cadence of a real human being, and drop the scripted Frankenstein Baptist preacher schtick.

  7. I like that Trump has clarified, to a large degree, what coalitions work together to keep things running “as they should.” The guys who go around wearing the V for Vendetta/Guy Fawkes masks? What a crock. They’d be better off putting on blonde, comb-over wigs…

  8. DAMN.
    I like Cruz, but prefer Trump.
    But Kate, I thought I was the only one seeing Cruz that way. That friggin cadence schtick is almost as bad as the scripted, uhhh, paused, uhhh delivery of OBlowhard. Even my wife starts screaming at the tube when OBlahblah does his, uhhh, pausing, uhhh, thing when he, uhhhh, talks.
    The current back and forth between Cruz and Trump is juvenile though, personally, I don’t give a shti what the wives say about each other, or the candidates, its just, actually, a media distraction. Another Trump strategy, he-he…..

  9. Below is largely a repeat of comments I left at Instapundit. I think they may be interesting enough to repeat here (please forgive me).
    Some of us have tumbled to the political-media cabal’s strategy to forestall the Great Disruption:
    In the face of an insurgent electorate, there is one and only one way for the cabal to retain its control of, and that’s to decide the GOPe nomination themselves. And that requires that no one is allowed to get the number before the convention. If the cabal succeeds, they decide the nominee and it will, of course, be one of them.
    The strategy to stop anyone from getting the number is to (a) run a spoiler; (b) pit the two unacceptable front-runners against one another. The cabal is doing both successfully. A lot of foolish GOPers, voters and commenters who should know better are falling for it.
    The anybody-but-Trump effort now waged by the unholy alliance of the GOPe establishment, the conservative brain trust (e.g. National Review, Weekly Standard), The Dems, the MSM including Fox, is really the anybody-but-Trump-and-Cruz effort, even if many of its practitioners are ignorant of this salient fact. Cruz supporters who’ve joined the effort thinking their man will emerge the victor are delusional. Kasich spoils each equally. The contested convention will finish them both.
    The Trump-Cruz ticket at one time would have been a good bet. The cabal’s effort to prevent that by pitting Trump and Cruz against one another is working beautifully.
    The anybody-but-Trump campaign is judged respectable by the respectable members of the cabal: “He’s so vulgar, common, crude, etc..” The GOPe establishment can easily get away with being on board. But it would not be respectable to join an anyone-but-Cruz campaign: he’s an elected GOPe senator, after all, with deep support among the GOPe brain trust, which must join in the effort.
    There’s now only one way to stop the cabal: stop them from gaining control of the convention. There’s only one way to do so: have someone get the number before the convention. There’s one sure way to do that: Trump and Cruz join forces.
    The cabal, of course, has been wise to this for months and they’ve been working tirelessly to prevent it. (No one with any sense can believe for a second that the Cruz PAC that started the latest kerfuffle of the wives didn’t know exactly what they were doing. Who’s side do you think that PAC is really on? Surely not Cruz’s)
    Someone with connections to both campaigns needs to put them wise to what’s going on, why they are both about to lose, and what to do about it.
    (I just heard Rush say something very similar.)

  10. Totally agree Kate, that halting speech to gain drama and suspense drives me crazy also, he is a good man like Trump I think but the preacher delivery is to much.

  11. Apparently I have insulted someone. It’s a little off topic , but I need to vent. Recently on my Facebook page a young person commented on how unhappy he was with the recent budget deficit. Of course without saying so he was informed how misinformed he was and how many deficits Harper had run. He was also informed when interest rates are low and we are in recession , that is the time to run deficits .
    I felt the need to add a my view and defend his position. I pointed out that the deficits started in 2009 and at the time we were in an unprecedented financial crisis , and the government was in a minority position. As well ecomists agree at this time we are not in recession. Apparently my facts were all wrong, as the deficits continued into the majority mandate. Which is correct and I pointed out how difficult it is to regain a balanced budget was you start down the deficit road.
    Of course there was much more . Here we have areas of the country that are struggling, and yet all we get is headwinds to its recovery. In the meantime most of the money is going into areas which are already benefitting from the decline in oil prices and the subsequent reduction in the dollar . Of course I was informed that I have my head in the sand and that we must end the petro economy and green – clean energy is the future.
    They then sent me a link to a ” balanced ” Cbc article . This article claims by running these deficits we have embarked upon a brave new experiment possibly showing the world how to grow your economy. Well, this is not new. The last time we partied like this it took 20 years to recover. It was not without pain . As for the green energy – look at Ontario one of the highest debts in the world and some of the highest energy costs . The article mentioned Greece and I pointed out they may not enjoy lineups to get some of their own money to live on . I also mentioned I was glad they brought the Cbc into it – a corporation receiving 1.1 billion from taxpayers with all the same tools as the other networks whose only solution is to get more money from taxpayers.
    At this point I know we will not view things the same. I expressed that I doubted that I would change their views. I guess this is how I insulted them. You see they had expressed no views and were only interested in facts .
    Who am I am I to say what is right or wrong . Maybe they are right. Party on, it’s all good while you are receiving money. Maybe the we will get 4.5% growth without the resource sector and the budget will balance itself. I don’t see it that way. And in the end there is not much point in discussing it with people who so correct in their thinking . In the end they always get personal. So I admit it . I surrendered. I am no longer on Facebook. Thanks for listening to my rant.

  12. Trump is running for president with or without the Republican Party.
    Besides that, Driscoll and the entire PJ neo-con frauds hate Trump and are not to be taken seriously, even for a second. Their New World Order sponsors would not stand for it. After all, they have spent billion to get the right mix of bought and paid for politicians into office and a Trump presidency would really disturb their evil plans.

  13. What makes me laugh is that anybody would think for one second that there is anyone on the planet who could save the putrid mass that we know as the USA…and by extension, the Western World.
    What is missing is sufficient will…and once that has been lost, there’s no way to inject it back. Too many takers, too many shirkers, too many cowards, too many dummies.

  14. Okay, I get and share the disgust with the establishment GOP and their ilk and I gather people will support Trump despite of and to spite them but that doesn’t change the fact that the man is a total egotistical blowhard, has no policy, no couth and is a major league jerk.

  15. No policies? Oh really?
    While Trump has said that he does not have an answer for every problem facing the US today (does anyone?), he has taken the following listed policy postions and has also made it clear that in arriving at solutions to our nation’s ills, he will enlist the finest minds he can persuade to help in their identification. His stated positions, listed below, are spot on and warrant his being the Republican nominee and our next president.
    Long ago he has called this global warming movement “B. S.” (except he used the whole word:  And YES, THAT’S A DIRECT QUOTE!
    Prevent illegal aliens from crossing the border by supporting ICE officers in doing their job, enforcing the laws currently on the Federal books, ending H1B abuses, building a wall and establishing effective controls on future immigration which allow only those who will provide a benefit to the US to enter.
    Rescind Obamacare immediately and in its entirety while replacing it with market based systems which reduce overall costs and increase the individual’s ability to select insurance policies which are tailored to their needs based on age, lifestyle and current condition.
    Introduce competition into governmental drug purchases thus driving down costs and providing Yuge! savings to patients using those meds.
    Destroying ISIS’s forces in the Middle East utterly as well as its ability to 
    renew itself and gain new adherents worldwide.
    Revise the tax code to lower taxes for all catagories of individuals and corporations and incentivise the return of US corporation foreign held assests (dollars and manufacturing jobs) to the US.
    Restore strength to all branches of the US Military by eliminating political 
    influence in purchasing equipment and services which benefit only the 
    politicians pushing those purchases but do not satisfy the stated needs of the military leadership.
    Appoint supreme court and lower court nominees based on judicial philosophies which mirror those held by Justice Thomas and Justice Scalia.
    Appoint an Attorney General who will enforce the law fairly and, if warranted, prosecute Hillary Clinton.
    Evaluate the infrastructural shortcomings facing the nation at the Federal and State levels and focusing efforts and resources to eliminating those shortcomings.
    Eliminating all Federal aid to Sanctuary Cities and taking action against those entities which defy the law.
    Reviewing all foreign aid with an eye to modification or elimination based soley on its usefulness in promoting the commercial and geo political interests of the US.
    Reviewing all global trade agreements and relationships to ensure that all participants are treated fairly. Free trade only works when all participants play by the same rules.
    Renegotiate or rescind the deal with Iran. 
    Support Israel if attacked.
    And wait until he gets his teeth into the leviathan this wonderful essay has laid out.  
    Sounds. Like. Some. Pretty. Damn. Good. Policy. Positions. To. Me.

  16. I agree with most of your points and especially the last line. Everything you wrote is exactly why the Neo-Con frauds hate his living guts and are doing everything in their power to conspire against him and the democratic process.
    Trump is running for president with or without the Republican Party.

  17. Well put. All great policy points that need desperately put in place.
    I also agree with Kate about Cruz’s shtick. He can use those lines when he is talking to the members of the Baptist church in East Peoria, not to a national audience. It puts a segment of society off.

  18. You just ran into the typical young social justice warrior useful idiot on Facebook.
    As a youngster, it is typical to be blindly ideological, it just feels good. But they dont have life experience to know any better.
    And of course, the “It will be different this time” is also a favourite amongst the socialists to say, as if, trying the same thing, for the 100th time will yield a different result from the past 99 times.
    But it just has to work this time, right? Cuz Justy sez so. Its 2016. Harperrrrr suckssssss, etc…….
    You can’t reason with a young ideologue, they are blind, its like arguing with a drunk

  19. “You can’t reason with a young ideologue, they are blind, its like arguing with a drunk”
    I haven’t had any luck with the old bastards either. They jut get shriller and stupider.
