23 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. A few days ago the WHL’s Lethbridge Hurricane’s goalie, Stuart Skinner, scored an empty-net goal.
    Forbes, the announcer, became unglued. The audio and video made the Tonight Show (USA) and Jimmy Fallon got a kick out of Forbes. Here is the video …
    Pretty funny​. ​

  2. Trump will demand RESULTS & efficiency… That will result in the self pruning of the useless agencies in the civil service….He will get results and that is the key
    NATO….Why would Russia want to invade & “own” basket case EU countries. If they can’t defend themselves they need to find a bigger FOOL. Piss-ant countries are a liability that nobody wants…

  3. That’s not surprising. I’ve heard his current trip referred to as “America’s Apology Tour”.

  4. Wondering when the Democrats will bring out blowbag Al Gore? It would be interesting to hear an exchange between Gore and Trump but that won’t happen, Gore doesn’t debate, his voice is the only one he wants to hear.

  5. This quote from Thomas Jefferson rings true for Ontario and our federal Liberal governments:
    “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have”.

  6. “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have”.
    There is no evidence at all that Jefferson ever wrote or said this. Nor does it even sound like something he’d write or say (the phrasing is too “modern” in style). The closest Jeffersonian statement to it on record of is:
    “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield [Jefferson’s spelling], and government to gain ground.”

  7. Well I certainly have no proof either but it was attributed to him in an article I read.

  8. Remember when there was so much violence in hockey the joke was I WENT TO A FIGHT AND A HOCKEY GAME BROKE OUT and theres this disney cartoon with Goofy in a hockey game and at the end all the spectaors are in the rink fighting while the players are in the stands watching it all

  9. “Whatever you do, don’t graph renewables output in actual megawatts. Don’t graph it in CO2 tons saved. Never ever even mention the number of global degrees of cooling.”
    Nice! And just to add my two cents, I say if the world was really concerned with CO2 we would be implementing a crash program to build nuclear plants. I am however interested in seeing solar panels and “batteries” progress. I like the idea of energy independence for the consumer.

  10. “Hillary Clinton says barring any national security risk, she would like to open up the government files on Area 51 to the public if she is elected president.”
    Heck, they’re probably already on the Clinton private server anyway.

  11. Obumbles says there’s little difference between communism and capitalism.
    Yeah, its infowars, but, it quotes OBarky here.
    Can it be any clearer than this, that he is the great imposter, the false one, disguised by sycophants for their own self-interest.
    In the 80s, he would have been hung from the closest lamp post, and deservedly so. No, he’s just cool, according to the Hollyweird set
