A Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb For Iran

Michael Ledeen;

Just last week, for example, Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said Iran is preparing for all-out war with the U.S. and its allies, and has vowed Iran will continue advancing and testing its ballistic missile program.
Speaking at a gathering of senior IRGC commanders in Tehran Tuesday, Jafari declared that the U.S, “would not be able to do a damned thing” in the face of Iranian advances, according to the official Tasnim News Agency.
This echoed an earlier speech by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who, in response to Washington’s latest plea for new talks about the ongoing Iranian ballistic missile tests, coldly said: “Those who say the future is in negotiations, not in missiles, are either ignorant or traitors.”
Those who laugh off Iranian braggadocio might wish to rethink their light-heartedness. All indications are that Tehran is deadly serious, and has been all along.

38 Replies to “A Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb For Iran”

  1. “All indications are that Tehran is deadly serious, and has been all along.”
    This is the key difference. Conservatives have always taken the Iranian theocratic regime at its word. It’s always the liberals who prefer to stick their fingers in their ears, chanting “I don’t hear you.”

  2. *
    not to crow about this, (because i wish i was wrong), but here’s from last august…
    “Think about it. Barack Obama is freeing up 150 billion dollars in frozen Iranian assets. He’s allowing Iran, despite that regime being the premier sponsor of Islamic terrorism worldwide, to climb back up on the international porch with the big dogs.”
    the iranians also got to legitimise their nuclear program. obviously the mad mullahs don’t share obama & justin trudeau’s belief that, “if you kill your enemy, you lose.”

  3. The Liberals and their ever loving UN are all sitting on watch as Iran becomes a nuclear power. Any Western country who believes anything coming out of the Iranian leadership or anywhere else in the Muslim/Islamic led ME is doomed. They/we better be prepared to deal with the ultimate fate of continued terrorism and atrocities at the hands of the lowest form of humanity today.
    Canada is not taking it seriously enough under the Liberal cabal and their Mickey Mouse PM doing photo shoots of his acrobatics and selfies around the globe. This is why so many people are going for Trump in the US, he has it right, what he is saying is exactly what needs to be done. It’s not bringing more immigrants who we can’t possibly know exactly who they are, their intentions as citizens, etc, trusting them will be at our peril. Only time builds trust, we are not allowing for it, we are granting them permanent citizenship upon arrival, file that under “dumb and dumber”.

  4. Iran, next after Syria….order out of confusion. Independent nation states are more and more verboten.
    International regulations, trade deals, confederations…one out of many. That’s always been the communist aim. These so-called threats are a useful excuse.

  5. Think Valerie Jarret & her place in Iran, she will take over from the Mullahs. She ran Obama’s Domestic & Foreign policy…The only place for her in 2017 is IRAN and she got a cut of the 150 billion already.

  6. I continue to find it absolutely amazing, that there are many in our Liberal Societies who refuse to believe in the axiom that history does indeed repeat itself.
    MEIN KAMPF…being an excellent Example..
    Their belief in Multi-Cult – Freedom of Religion – all Human are equal…etc, is unshakeable and will remain so whilst the nukes rain upon us. When ISIS said we willinfiltrat eth migrants….they did and will continue to do so. As such when these scumbags in Tehran say they will obliterate Israel, you can take that to the bank folks…they ain’t shittin anyone…!!
    F’n MORONS the lot of them….(Liberals)

  7. Speaking at a gathering of senior IRGC commanders in Tehran Tuesday, Jafari declared that the U.S, “would not be able to do a damned thing” in the face of Iranian advances, according to the official Tasnim News Agency.
    US Air Force deploys B-52 bombers in Middle East to combat Islamic State
    money quote:
    “The B-52 will provide the Coalition continued precision and deliver desired airpower effects,” said Lt. Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., commander, U.S. Air Forces Central Command and Combined Forces Air Component.
    Lt. Brown also indicated the B-52 bombers could be ready to bomb elsewhere in the Middle East should the need arise.

  8. Way too sad and kind of funny.
    Lets see, a theocracy of a very fundamental persuasion, rules Iran, every action they have taken fits their humourless,dogmatic religions dictates.
    Naturally conservatives will see them as men of their word,dangerous zealots but definitely acting in their own self interests,as they see them.
    Of course Progressives, keep insisting that the Mullahs do not mean what they say,do not do what they have done,as in the Progs world,things do not work that way.
    Mullahs and conservatives agree; “Dead is dead”
    Proggs;”Never happen to us”
    ISIS is a perfect example of the delusion of our Progressive comrades,ISIS kills people and brags about doing so on any media available .
    Proggs insist the Killers of ISIS will change if hugged,pampered and given meaningful employment.
    Never enters their heads that Meaningful Employment for a Jihadist is killing the heretics.
    Nothing is so meaningful to a fanatic.

  9. Oz, you beat me to it. Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama, the Great Hope, The One Wh Shall Make The Oceans Recede…
    … is sending BUFFs to the middle east. Something that warmonger Chimpy McBushitler managed to avoid despite being in a no guff shootin’ war with Iraq.
    I got a question, all you Barry lovers out there. Who’s he going to bomb with a squadron of B-52s? They’re not know for their pinpoint precision, know what I mean? More for their ability to obliterate entire cities in one pass, not to mention their nuclear f-ing weapon capability.

  10. Oh pshaw! Don’t pay any attention to them. Obama guaranteed that there won’t be any war from Iran so it obviously can’t be true!

  11. Here are my first three rules for free nations:
    Never elect a Progressive to any position of power.
    Never let a Progressive teach your child.
    Never support Progressive media.
    We have failed miserably and that is why we have men in women’s change rooms, kids believing CO2 is a poison, tyranny embracing University students, anti-Canadian culture terrorizing immigrants, and tyrannical regimes on the rise around the world.
    Thanks to everyone who votes for the likes of Tru-doh and supports the CBC and their like minded propagandists.
    The near future looks violent.

  12. Meanwhile, after recent attacks, recruitment gets a boost.
    Proggs argue fighting them attracts recruits, if we kill them they win. OK, let’s let them win. They recruit them, we kill them, one by one if need be.
    At least that way the playing field remains somewhat level.
    Proggs see past Iranian nuances of “death to America.” Meanwhile that pariah state simultaneously wages religious war on Sunni Saudi Arabia, while funding and promoting Sunni & Shiite terrorists.
    It’s only propaganda Islamists yearn to fight the US Satan, the new Rome, at Daqib in ISIS’ apocalyptic cleansing world caliphate holy war. Fine, give them what they want while proving them wrong, or at least dead right, like good little martyrs.
    But they can’t detect any nuances of limiting illegal/terrorist immigration. They see verbosity in Islamists, but are apoplectic at any non-PC notion of Islamist extremism, oblivious anyone with an IQ above a tomato knows there’s a difference between the religion of Islam and ideology of Islamism.
    Our leadership rolls the dice, hoping we’re left alone, particularly in the US with Trump benefitting from further attacks leading up to the election. If they do, could they count on the mediocracy meme of Trump causing this violence, given the recent tolerance of Sharia communities in France and Belgium, given there are US Islamist training camps today in the US?
    Islamist leadership is not just bloodthirsty, they are intelligent and cunning. I think their fervor will get the best of them, so should a US or Canadian opportunity present itself, they would act in haste.
    Anyway, go bitch at ISIS about the religious fraud. Proggs can’t stop insulting our intelligence. They get to assume what others’ think but their obvious rants are justified or they are just blowing off steam or are least understandable given the “grievances” and the “racism” they see.
    One major attack every month, say a hundred plus dead, escalating to a radiological or other WMD attack perhaps. Is that too small a price to pay to halt Islamophobia? All six cases except for the faked one?
    If you are nice to thugs, they’ll be nice back. Cabin boy says so. It would be very rude to declare war on them, as the French have sort of done after Paris.
    Citizens who join ISIS need not have their citizenship stripped, just charge them with treason, facilitated by our declaration of war against ISIS et al.
    Oh no says cabin boy, that’ll just up recruitment. What doesn’t up recruitment? No, let’s dare ISIS by putting infiltratable refugees on military bases. Maybe they’ll leave us alone as long as selfies boy is in power. It’s a small price to pay to wreak havoc elsewhere. But it isn’t, showing weakness is fatal.
    Yes, stop the rabies from spreading, but first kill the rabid dog.

  13. I agree your sentiments, but don’t understand why you depict the Iranian leadership as mendacious. It seems to me that they have never wavered in their publicly stated views – that the West is evil and must be destroyed, that Israel must be destroyed, and so forth. They have always been clear about their beliefs and their intentions.
    One American I knew said that the Iranians just wanted attention and money. I hope that his house is the first to get it.
    Many Americans take pride in their armed forces. What with the pogroms of the US officer corps I fear that the performance of the US forces at the outset of a serious conflict may be very weak, and that tens of thousands of casualties will be sustained before the necessary improvements are made.

  14. “They have always been clear about their beliefs and their intentions.”
    I know you must remember the Iranians swearing up and down, front and back, that their nuclear program was only for peaceful energy generation and that they had no intentions of building nuclear weapons.
    That is not being clear about their intentions, that is mendacious.

  15. Pointless in sending the BUFFs to the Middle East if they are crewed by the likes of the two characters piloting the drone in “Eye in the Sky”. The political characters in the cast portray the mindset of today’S Western leaders and the drone pilots well illustrate the mindset that is coming out of the halls of academia today. With the Muslims teaching their pre-teen children to shoot and stab the ‘infidel’ and our collegians demanding “safe spaces” it is extremely easy to see that we may be well on the way to losing the upcoming war. The Muslims have taken guerrilla warfare to a whole new level, the battlefield is now the entire globe and the West vacillates, shivers, and shakes in fear of being called racist, or Islamophobe. I wonder what Spaatz, Doolittle, or Harris would say if they were alive today and had to deal with today’s politicians and leaders, ROE’s, surgical strikes, and collateral damage.

  16. The Clinton presidential legacy gave us 9-11. A legacy that dismantled and fragmented our intelligence agencies. A legacy of policies that believed the USA should NOT have any tactical or technical superiority over any other nation. Clinton gave-away our military secrets to China in multiple ways from enabling espionage to SELLING our secrets directly. The “progressives” believe that America should be WEAK … at least no stronger than our enemies. Progressives belief in “moral equivalence” is at the heart of these dastardly deeds. Progressives deeply believe that America (and the Capitalistic West) is no better than an oppressive Communist state like China or a Sharia-observing Iranian Muslim Theocracy.
    The Obama presidential legacy is going to be far WORSE than the Clinton legacy. The Obama legacy WILL be nuclear conflagration. Perhaps it will start with the vaporizing of Israel … maybe London. Most likely not the USA due to distance alone, but the whole world will be drawn into the FINAL battle between GOOD and EVIL. Between a satanic religion of “peace” that routinely murders hundreds of “non-believers” aka apostates and infidels.
    Yes, as a matter of fact … I DO … believe that Obama is the Antichrist. Or at least a hound of hell announcing the Antichrist. Sorry libs … but there IS a MORAL difference between Izlum and Christianity. A moral SUPERIORITY to FREEDOM over enslavement to a religion. There is a GOOD … there IS and EVIL. Pretending there is no difference is perhaps the most dangerous EVIL of all.

  17. “Pointless in sending the BUFFs to the Middle East if they are crewed by the likes of the two characters piloting the drone in “Eye in the Sky”.
    Are you comparing real life SAC aircrew to characters in a entertainment show? Really?

  18. “I DO … believe that Obama is the Antichrist.”
    Obama isn’t even Jewish. Do you have any idea how many prophesies Jesus fulfilled to be recognized as the *Christ?
    By definition, to be mistaken for being the Christ, the Antichrist has to fulfil the same prophesies.
    Some say Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii. No one claims he was born in Bethlehem.

  19. I think they are parked near Doha , when you go to google earth they are just west of the main airport but fuzzed out

  20. “Who’s he going to bomb with a squadron of B-52s? They’re not know for their pinpoint precision, know what I mean? More for their ability to obliterate entire cities in one pass, not to mention their nuclear f-ing weapon capability.”
    Actually in all likelihood they carry JSOW or JASSM so they are very much pinpoint precise.

  21. $hit, yesterday was sunday today is Monday, so why the EFF are you 2 preaching like idiots. Antichrist!!!!!

  22. Aaaaw. Does the poor little blivet think free speech is only for Sundays?
    Jesus loves you, NME.

  23. “Are you comparing real life SAC aircrew to characters in a entertainment show? Really?”
    No I was trying to make the point which you evidently missed that while the Muslims are teaching their kids to hate and kill we are teaching our kids to go and find a safe space so they don’t have to face reality.

  24. Liz;
    Arab oil money bought the UN years ago.
    The question in the ME will come down to whether MADD deters radical Islam as they contemplate using their new toy on the Israelis.

  25. “I know you must remember the Iranians swearing up and down, front and back, that their nuclear program was only for peaceful energy generation and that they had no intentions of building nuclear weapons.
    That is not being clear about their intentions, that is mendacious.”
    Nah, Islamic version.
    Once we nuke all of the above,Israel the Great Satan,everyone else.. it will be peaceful.
    hence our nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes only,generation of peace,death to America.
    And the oldest gag in diplomacy, blame the translator.

  26. Maybe, but this morning on Fox (?) news the introduction of the B-52s carrying a large supply of smart bombs was described as offering “precision targeting” on a much expanded scale.

  27. I suppose that I am NOT a Bible literalist. No … I don’t believe God made the heavens, universe, man, animals, fish … the whole kit and caboodle in 6 days. So when I read about the Antichrist in Revelations, I don’t believe that I am reading a LITERAL description in finite detail. I believe it is allegory. And NO, that does NOT diminish the Bible as the word of God. God doesn’t ONLY communicate in the Kings English, with absolute precision of detail. Rather, God communicates IDEAS to man. The IDEA is that an Antichrist will arise, seize power, and lay waste to the physical world. No, I don’t really believe that the Antichrist has to be from the lineage of David. Sorry. That’s not the way I read it. I’m not a literalist.
    BTW … which one of the Republican candidates said that he was going to CARPET BOMB Isis ? Oh yeahhhhh … that was Teddy Cruz. I guess Obama didn’t want to be upstaged by the next POTUS. I guess Obama needs to say in his memoirs that HEY ! I bombed Isis, before I didn’t bomb Isis. Before President Cruz ever thought of it.
    PS … sorry if I sounded “preachy”. Just expressing my belief. No attempt to proselytize. History has already proven that multiple Antichrist-lites can spring up anytime and anywhere. Mostly in benevolent-sounding political systems like Communityism, Socialyism, Germania democratic socialyism … ususally = DEATH and MASS MURDER.

  28. So why isnt the so called United Nations doing anything about Iran? why are they not demanding Iran stop with its nucular build up? Maybe its time to turn the captical city into a smoldering crater

  29. I’m sorry. Did I miss something? Was there a time when Iran feigned willingness to abandon their nuke missile program? Did anyone fall for it?

  30. Indeed – I stand somewhat corrected. I never believed the mullahs when they said that their nuclear program was “peaceful”. It was obvious poppycock intended only as a sopfor the weakest minds – but yes, you are correct, they did say it.

  31. A rather foolish idea, perhaps, attempting precision bombing. I know that the Yanks like to go on about “surgical strikes”, “precision bombing”, etc. but bombing works when it is used to flatten everything, as with Germany and Japan in WWII. “The destruction of German cities, the killing of German workers, and the disruption of civilized community life throughout Germany [is the goal]. … It should be emphasized that the destruction of houses, public utilities, transport and lives; the creation of a refugee problem on an unprecedented scale; and the breakdown of morale both at home and at the battle fronts by fear of extended and intensified bombing are accepted and intended aims of our bombing policy. They are not by-products of attempts to hit factories.” — Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris; and similarly with Gen. Curtis LeMay and Japan.

  32. Best comment I heard lately was on the Rebel website. During the Sask. election. Muslim types
    standing in front of a mall holding up a sign “Islam – Liberal” Their supposed gateway into
    Canadian politics, I guess. A failed attempt, but, a sign of things to come.

  33. BUFFS are great for carpet bombing at altitudes SAMs have difficulty reaching.
    Carpet bomb all terrorist strongholds, any muslimes there are either terrorists or terrorist enablers. To win a war wipe out everything; the only good muslime is a dead muslime.
    The only ones who MIGHT be trusted are the ones who stand up and denounce terrorism in the name of their god, and they are seldom heard or seen.

  34. the common assessment was large scale bombing did not work. I disagree. it was new and just needed some fine tuning. how in blazes (pun intended) can factories churn out armaments when the workers keep getting killed, get no sleep, have scant to eat, etc etc. that is unless the factory got flattened as well. the older I get the more convinced I am Harris and especially LeMay were onto something.
    burn it all. smash everything they have. kill their military personnel, factory workers, food producers and anyone else remotely involved in supporting THEIR aggression. burn their crops, kill their livestock. poison their water. blow up their roads, bridges, buildings, houses, rail, factories, dams and even their mines and anything else that shows up in the cross hairs. replay Dresden until you run out of cities to burn.
    it’s biblical. Matthew 5:9. “blessed are the peace makers”. peace MAKERS. the ones you hire to inflict all that destruction. an unrelenting rain of ordnance. no quarter. no relief. 24/7. bombs, missiles, bullets by the billions. everything everywhere. they want a war? give it to them !!!
    and the ONLY thing that makes it stop, is when they show up on the deck in Tokyo Bay antsy to sign the surrender. the mark of success of the peace MAKER.
    it’s biblical, and I might add, NEW TESTAMENT.

  35. Oh THAT Michael Ledeen.
    “I’m not sure my friend Michael Ledeen will thank me for ascribing authorship to him and he may have only been semi-serious when he crafted it, but here is the bedrock tenet of the Ledeen Doctrine in more or less his own words: ‘Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.’
    Jonah Goldberg, “Baghdad Delenda Est, Part Two,” National Review Online, April 23, 2002.
    In 2005, Giraldi identified Michael Ledeen, the extreme right-wing former consultant to the National Security Council and the Pentagon, as an author of the fabricated letter purporting to show Iraqi interest in purchasing uranium from Niger
    US Intelligence Found Iran Nuke Document Was Forged
    Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, the Kristols, father and son, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Pipes, Michael Ledeen- might as well be equipped with masks, black cloaks, and vampire teeth. Assembling in the darkness of the Ford administration, the conspirators first set out to destroy Henry Kissinger, the arch-pragmatist and advocate of détente, then, […] they vastly inflate the threat posed to the United States by Soviet Russia. They invent devastating Soviet weaponry so secret that no Western intelligence agency is yet aware of its existence; they spin into being a worldwide terror network, controlled from Moscow, in which the IRA, Black September, the Baader-Meinhof Group, the Red Brigades, and numerous others are all financed and armed by their Russian masters.
    http://www.nybooks.com/articles/17676 2005
    Peter Beinart wrote, “Ledeen’s effort to lay virtually every attack by Muslims against Americans at Tehran’s feet takes him into rather bizarre territory. He says the 1998 bombings of the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania ‘were in large part Iranian operations,’ which would come as news to the 9/11 Commission, which attributed them solely to Al Qaeda. […] . In Ledeen’s view, in fact, Sunni-Shiite conflict—the very thing that most observers think is tearing Iraq apart—is largely a mirage, because Iran controls both sides. And Al Qaeda is a mirage too, a mere front for the regime in Tehran. ‘When you hear “Al Qaeda,”’ Ledeen writes, ‘it’s probably wise to think “Iran.”’
    Not surprisingly, he thinks the mullahs were probably behind 9/11.”
    Peter Beinart, “Enemies List,” New York Times, September 9, 2007

  36. Iran already has ‘a bomb’; likely more than one. They’re a rich enough country to buy them on the black-market.
    This is about Iran being allowed to have ‘a bomb’ openly. It’s like the difference between concealed and open carry of a handgun.

  37. words, words and more words. iran has been moving toward a bomb and the means to deliver it for decades now. failure to see that or take any action in the past will eventually kill millions.
