26 Replies to “Cam Broten Steps Down From Party of Left Wing Extremists”

  1. He’s the middle of the roader in the SaskNDP and lost in a landslide. The NDP thinks that happened because they’re not left enough. I wish them Godspeed in that.

  2. The NDP thinks they aren’t Left enough? I think there is not enough Left left in the electorate, so you are probably right Kate. If that makes those who are left in the NDP push further Left (hello Dr. Meili) it will make it easier for the Saskatchewan Party to hold on to support even though the economy probably won’t go as well in the next four years as is did in the previous eight. Seeing an NDP government next door making things worse there, and hopefully a Conservative one on the other side of us starting to slow the decay of Manitoba, while in Ottawa another not conservative government craps on us all from on high should keep most people here on the straight and narrow right path for good while.

  3. You must be referring to
    “Saskatoon Massey Place MLA Cam Broten called on Premier Brad Wall to distance himself from the radical and hurtful statements made by one of his prominent supporters, Saskatchewan blogger Katherine McMillan of smalldeadanimals.com.”
    Brad Wall is unbeatable right now, doesn’t matter how far left or right they move.

  4. That quote is priceless.
    The NDP should post it underneath his photo as a former leader.

  5. Notley goes to NDP convention and takes part in a debate that would put an end to Alberta. WTF, she should have walked out and told them to FO.

  6. Mulcair and Broten, an NDP too-fer.
    Next comes the hat-trick, Selinger, do-wacka-do

  7. I agree that this is a good time for him to move into federal politics so that he can not get elected at the national level.

  8. Full speed to the bottom, but only for the great unwashed. The urban leftist elitists that advocate such policies are usually rolling in loot themselves. I guess it’s guilt from having all that money that forces them to want poverty (and submission) from the rest of us, isn’t it?

  9. “Saskatoon Massey Place MLA Cam Broten called on Premier Brad Wall to distance himself from the radical and hurtful statements made by one of his prominent supporters, Saskatchewan blogger Katherine McMillan of smalldeadanimals.com.”
    Poor Cam Broten must be in a world of hurt now. Such a pity.

  10. Too bad Cam, there was an opening on the XL II Pipeline, however the project is shut down.
    Better luck next time!!

  11. Media reports Mr Broten saying he wants a job in public service. Like that would be news.

  12. Until this moment I have been forced to listen while media and politicians alike have told me “what Canadians think”. In all that time they never once asked.
    This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio – “You don’t speak for me.”

    Kate McMillan is a national treasure.

  13. I always knew that socialists operated illogically with no room for rational thought, however taking the party further left really reinforces my opinion.
    The NDP was soundly spanked (again) by a centre-right party so, by their way of thinking, moving further left is the answer to their woes. And after further sliding into the socialist abyss, just whose votes do they hope to capture? Sask Party supporters? Nope. Liberals? Not likely. Green Party? Maybe. If they did the impossible and persuaded all the Liberals and Greens to vote NDP it would, based on the last election, result in a whopping increase of just over 23,000 votes leaving the NDP a mere 114,000 plus votes shy of catching the Sask Party.
    I sincerely hope that they go ahead with their lunacy. Perhaps my dream of a 61-0 victory in the next election will be fulfilled.

  14. I agree that the ndp is about to make a hard left turn. They are once again trying to find themselves.
    As mentioned in other comments there are few social justice issues left to fight in Canada. Women’s rights, gay issues, 40 hour work week, mat leave etc. are all in place. The ndp find themselves admiring an American communist Bernie Sanders who openly calls himself a socialist. Who’da thunk it?
    The difference between the US and Canada is most progressive SJ issues are settled here. There is a long way to go in the US to achieve the same results. For example last year Obama decreed 6 weeks mat leave for federal employees. We have what 52 weeks? That is why Bernie has traction on these issues.
    The ndp if is not careful could once again be outflanked on the left, this time by the Greens.

  15. A lot of leftist BS is being exposed on this fine spring day. Federally, Mulcair is done, it’s only a matter of time. Rachel Notley has been betrayed by her own party. Cam Broten has resigned, adios my communist amigo!! And the CBC is now saying that last federal budget is misleading!! Enjoy the carnage!! Nothing smells sweeter than the decaying body of a dead enemy!!

  16. Yes, I nominate Kate, Kathy, Mark, Arnie and Ezra for the ROC (real order of Canada). I’d throw in Brian as bonus winner.

  17. Re the “rolling in loot” – some nice phraseology in this comment

    I must congratulate you on that phrase “virtue-signalling from middle-class poseurs”, it really does sum up the fact that the left today far from being the hard nosed union bosses are now well off and middle class. They are also ignorant of any facts and deluded as to the reality of any situation.
    Apr 11, 2016 at 9:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterTrefor Jones”

  18. ah the unwashed. the swirling masses.
    I had a moment of perplexity waaaaaaay back when; found out Stephen Lewis was LOADED.
    how can this be? does socialism make us ALL loaded? how can THAT be?
    fast forward a bunch of decades. ah. I get it. *more equal than others*.
    remember Zanana Akande Toronto NDP MPP during bop ray’s 15 minutes of fame? pilloried for DARING to be MINORITY WOMAN who . . . . .wait for it . . . . . . was a LANDLADY, charging RENT.
    that was my 2nd major eureka moment about the real NDP.
    blech ..

  19. Naveed Anwar who ran for the Liberals in Broten’s riding was going to run for the NDP but rumour has it that Broten himself, not an underling, informed Anwar he could not run in the riding Anwar wanted. It turns out Anwar picked up just enough Liberal votes to torpedo Broten’s re-election hopes.

  20. I agree. The SJW dream of destroying the family is well under way. In the future, as the LEAP program strongly suggests, the NDP is going to go after nationalizing private enterprise companies. That is how they started in Russia, first the large commercial enterprises, the large farming estates, and then gradually over a couple of years they went after the medium sized commercial enterprises and Kulak farmers. Finally, after the short lived NEP program rejuvenated the economy, all commercial private enterprise of any sort including private farming was rolled into state owned corporations and state farm collectives and farming co-ops.
