35 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. This sh*t was known about by the NGO’s on the ground years ago, and ‘passed up the chain’ to the criminals in charge. I do not mean the Haitians. It doesn’t sell news or support the narratives you are told to believe.

  2. A feces cesspool is a fitting testament to the farce that calls itself “United Nations….

  3. So, the UN has killed more people directly through this negligence, than have or will die from their made up CAGW.

  4. Haitians? … The United Nation Peace Keepers? … Feces? … Cholera?
    You must have mistaken me for someone who cares!

  5. I can’t believe everyone is in denial. I remember that at the time it was reported that Nepalese troops likely caused it.

  6. We need to stay with the UN,we may have an uprising here and need UN peace keepers. We are admitting “refugees” we really have little or no clue as to who they really are and what they stand for or if they will become loyal Canadians. Multiculturalism allows them to live as they did in the countries they fled, making it unnecessary for them to assimilate.

  7. Like mike, I thought this was common knowledge. When I did a course with the ICRC it was used as a case study in how not to provide disaster relief. Cholera was unknown on Hispanola before the arrival of the UN. It will now be virtually impossible to eradicate. The way the UN works, it’s very difficult to know why the Nepalese troops were there. Unfortunately, they may well have been sent there as a money-making scheme by the Nepalese government since the UN pays for troops’ salaries at first world rates to the government sending them which in turn pays the troops their usual third world wages, the government pocketing the difference. But I have no proof of that, so . . . whatever.
    When I worked in Haiti the UN was viewed with with very mixed feelings — nice compound to visit for a bit of R&R — no one quite sure what they were actually accomplishing beyond employing some lackadaisical security guards who seemed to struggle with matching passport photos to their owners.

  8. Eating poop makes you sick. I thought we learned that rule in the middle ages?

  9. One of the several key facts this map fails to note is that three months earlier there had been zero diagnosed cases of cholera in Haiti. In fact, there had never been a diagnosed case of the disease in that country before.
    The UN is the new colonialists bearing smallpox blankets. I was shocked to read that there had never been a cholera case EVER recorded in Haiti. My mental image of Haiti is a country and people so dirt poor, backward, and uneducated that I would have expected cholera to be a constant and present danger. Now I learn that the “civilized” UN unleashed a monstrous epidemic of cholera on these innocents.
    Not to worry … I understand the Clinton Foundation raised $BILLIONS$ of dollars for Haiti relief. What ? You say the Clinton Foundation has not yet built a single house promised by their fundraising pitch ? Well, don’t worry … your generous donation will help Hillary win the US Presidency … where she will simply pay for it all with taxpayer dollars. The taxpayers have deeper pockets than the Clinton Founation … barely.

  10. “The UN is the new colonialists bearing smallpox blankets.”
    The cholera outbreak was not deliberate of course. It happened because conditions in Haiti made it too easy to happen (raw sewage and garbage on the streets and in the water supply).
    Still, once again the UN has covered itself with glory.
    Or something, anyway.

  11. So smallpox was “weaponized” on blankets ? By European settlers ? Really ? I feel so sorry for people who were “educated” by leftist college professors. What a pathetic comment.

  12. “We need to stay with the UN,we may have an uprising here and need UN peace keepers.”
    You know it’s Monday when a fellow Canadian(I assume Canadian, and you know what assuming does) advocates for foreign troops to operate on Canadian soil under UN command.

  13. I have a close relation that worked there shortly after the Cholera outbreak and it was common knowledge even then where it had started. UN has (or then had) a rather poor reputation among Haitians.

  14. Colonialista wins the thread.
    Exactly who, again, thought it was a good idea to send armed soldiers from one third world shithole[1] to ineffectually tramp around in some other third world shithole?
    [1] Pun intended.

  15. “So smallpox was ‘weaponized’ on blankets ? By European settlers ? Really ? I feel so sorry for people who were “educated” by leftist college professors. What a pathetic comment.”
    I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say here.

  16. You suggested there was a difference between the accidental spreading of smallpox by European settlers in the 17th century and the negligent creation of a cholera outbreak in 2012 by careless UN employees. You suggested that smallpox was intentionally spread by Europeans, as if they had any biochemical knowledge of how to control it ? Nonsense.

  17. “You suggested there was a difference between the accidental spreading of smallpox by European settlers in the 17th century and the negligent creation of a cholera outbreak in 2012 by careless UN employees. You suggested that smallpox was intentionally spread by Europeans, as if they had any biochemical knowledge of how to control it ?”
    I suggested no such thing.
    You are the one who mentioned “smallpox” (in your 1:35 posting). I merely pointed out that the cholera outbreak was not deliberate.

  18. “…The taxpayers have deeper pockets than the Clinton Founation …”
    The Clintons will not rest until they get to the bottom of this.

  19. Or the streets in Nepal, oh wait, it smells exactly like the streets in Nepal! Poo in loo Abu! Poo in loo!

  20. You repeated my quote about smallpox blankets … which un-intentionally spread a disease over which the settlers had -0- control … then stated that the UN didn’t “deliberately” create the cholera outbreak. It certainly appeared as though you were comparing and contrasting. Implying that the European settlers DELIBERATELY and INTENTIONALLY gave natives smallpox-carrying blankets in an effort to murder them. This is simply a ridiculous MYTH perpetrated by all the native advocate groups and the intellectually dishonest college professors who perpetrate and disseminate this MYTH.
    OK. However, the UN (should) have a 21st century knowledge about basic sanitation and water supply. In law there is a thing called GROSS NEGLIGENCE which carries the same penalty as if the act WERE intentional. I would dare say that the UN committed GROSS NEGLIGENCE in creating the conditions for a cholera outbreak.

  21. “I would dare say that the UN committed GROSS NEGLIGENCE in creating the conditions for a cholera outbreak.”
    You’ll get no argument from me.
    However, in a country like Haiti, where the government is routinely quite grossly negligent regarding sanitation standards, good luck with prosecution.

  22. Haiti is the worst cesspool on the planet. My niece worked with Doctors Without Borders. You can’t imagine the filth. I won’t even write what she told me because it makes me sick thinking about it. Imagine flying over an urban area in an twin engine plane, and you can smell he odor of human excrement at 6000 feet altitude. I’ve said enough. God help them all!

  23. And if you think the smell is bad up there at 6000′, you haven’t lived until you’ve patrolled around downtown Port-au-Prince at night, with all the lights out (because of the haphazard electrical grid) and nothing but darkness, shadowy forms, small fires and streets full of stray dogs, ordure and rubbish.
    The atmosphere is positively Dantean.

  24. “The UN is the new colonialists bearing smallpox blankets.”
    Sorry to trash popular history as false but I am not sure there is any record of this actually having been done. There may have been some wishful thinking. According to a Canada’s History magazine a couple years back, the Hudson’s Bay Company went to heroic lengths to vaccinate the Indians in the wilderness for smallpox and to teach them how to do it themselves. Sorry if it doesn’t fit the narrative.
