14 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. You’ll need to be in the billionaire class, with a multi million dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation from yer off shore tax havens…
    One government for sale, one government for SALE!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. bigger bills? higher denominations or maybe large dimension ‘reproductions’ the size of a living room carpet. after the exaggerated jackpot cheques from the lotteries or the donation cheques from charity fund raising.
    several million of them. one gigantic pile 5 stories high, with Hellary at the bottom.
    that would stop her.

  3. strange goings on in the hermit nation and other communist lands:
    so, being top dog in that category dictatorship gets you to spend your remaining days (that is, ALL of them regardless of the biological viability status) in an oxygen free ie much reduced decomposition environment, with the mold and fungus carefully dusted off. or whatever the adherents do about such matters . . . . . .
    I suppose THAT is the communist version of an ‘after life’.
    what say the bearded academics clutching their dogged eared copies of the quotations of chairman mao?

  4. “They’ll need bigger bills if they expect her to stop.”
    Ha! That’s got to be the “Quip o’ the Week”!

  5. Oh come on! You peeps have got to stop picking on the biggest whore in the world. Poor Billary. Only in America.She makes the Kardisans look good.

  6. Who would make the least disastrous POTUS? A corrupt, deceitful and evil whore or a grumpy old green and socialist zealot?

  7. I’d be askeered of throwing a dollar bill at Hillary. It might induce to take her clothes off.

  8. In the immortal words of James Carville: “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

  9. They’re also going to need a BIGGER SUV to cart this JUMBO pant-suited candidate to and fro … apologies to Steven Spielberg … who was also seen showering her thighness with large denominated bills
