16 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. To all organiacs:
    Tomatoes have more DNA complexity than humans.
    Try to be a bit more humble if yours compels you to constantly
    order the rest of us to obey your constantly spouted nonsense.

  2. They missed #11:
    Complain to you that you ignore the science of climate change, then tell you to ignore the science of GMO!!

  3. Ever since I avoided eating GMO foods, and began eating only RAW foods … my skin cleared up, I am off my diabetic drugs, I have no more brain fog, I stopped being a denier, I sleep better, I voted for Bernie, the Unicorns returned to my yard, rainbows appear over my house every morning, I put $ 1,000.00 down on a Tesla S-model, my wife came home, my kids want to hang out with me, and I started liking Prince music. Stop eating GMO foods and you will live forever.

  4. Humans share approximately 50% of their DNA with bananas, 98% with chimps, 70% with slugs… and how is that relevant to the GMO ingredients in all processed ‘foods’?
    It’s like ‘gluten-free’, ‘fat-free’, ‘natural’, ‘probiotic’, or any other label the marketing department slaps on a package to con stupid “TV-educated” consumers into buying more. People love junk-food and ‘organic’ junk-food is the most lucrative sector in the whole junk-food con game.

  5. You know you’re a socialist if you hate GMO products, but like today’s marijuana and popcorn.

  6. these back to nature freaks should go and live a totaly primative life and see how long they would last i mean no fire,no wheels,no boats,no nothing and see them do it for the rest of their lives

  7. Exactly! We were in Costco, Saskatoon today and their frozen veggies were all organic. They have more and more of that high priced junk all the time, and we buy less and less there. We left a complaint in the suggestion box. My wife would not let me give them the suggestion that I wanted to on what they could do with that garbage.

  8. Kenji,
    I had all of that ++++MORE. I have a great sex life (organic food is like lemon gin used to be … a panty remover), I don’t have anger management issues, hair grows were it should and not were it shouldn’t, my testicles droop at the same height now, I feel an urge to buy a cat … and a VW van … yoga pants (and a yoga mat), I get raises in pay every month, my sh*t stopping stinking … etc.
    What ever happened to the greatest “grown in pig shit” fan – northof60? Didn’t he live forever?

  9. What ever happened to the greatest “grown in pig shit” fan – northof60?
    Isn’t he ’60something’ now. I guess he’s doing real good.

  10. Anyone remember the pop-sci magazine, Omni? I remember this limerick back from the days of 80’s “Green Revolution” (which increased global crop-yields to the point where the Malthusian impending starvation/Ice Age/global catastrophe prophets of the day had to shut up and invent new catastrophes to instill fear and cash flow).
    But don’t you see where this is leading?
    This curse of genetic engineering?
    He turned, spat on the ground
    And carried on with his weeding.

  11. I would like to see mother nature pull a few quick tricks on the eco-wacko crowd of granola munchers/tree huggers after all this is Earthday when all green wackos get together and make total fools of themselves since they already are fools in the first place

  12. Of course not ! It’s medicine for my back injury. And as soon as I can get enough of it smoked … I might be able to go back to work, and stop needing food stamps for my non-GMO diet.
