19 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. I’ve said it to friends, I’ve said it to acquaintances, I’ll leave it here just for posterity.
    Trump will win at least 40 states. Men want to be him, woman want to be with him. He’s a winner and everybody loves a winner. Dilbert’s right on all points and he’s not been wrong this year. Full stop.
    Killary will likely take CA, OR, VT and a couple others… perhaps WA (they did elect Patty Murray, after all).
    All the Trump haters here (yes, Lance, I’m looking at you) don’t realize that this is the candidate you’ve wanted for years. One who fights, who doesn’t apologize to the left, doesn’t pander to them either, and who doesn’t take no for an answer. You wanted a non-politician, you wanted a winner, you wanted someone to fight for you and beside you.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I present President Donald J. Trump.

  2. There are two things that would make me vote for Trump, Hillary and Bernie. Of course I would vote for a rotting turnip ahead of Hillary and Bernie. However my estimation of Trump did move up slightly yesterday with his speech on Foreign Policy where I think he hit all the right notes. Of course time will tell if he is elected if he can make the kink of changes he thinks is needed.

  3. The thing I like about Teflon Don- He scares the Shiite out of our enemies and friends.
    They called Ronald Reagan a Cowboy.
    They will call Teflon Don a Crazy Capitalists Bastard that is not afraid to push the red buttons.
    Adolph Hitler was a Crazy National Socialist Bastard that changed the world.
    Stalin was a Crazy Communist Bastard that changed Russia.
    Mao was a Crazy Communist Bastard that changed China.
    Castro was a ” ” ” ” ” that changed Cuba.
    Maybe it is time to have a Crazy World Capitalists Bastard, that might make the world a safer place ??

  4. Donald Trump for president. That’s the best that conservative thinkers can come up with? That’s the problem with democracy, even idiots get to vote.

  5. The fact that the pollsters are not asking the right question in their phony polls.. hides the truth. What type of women would vote for Hillary knowing that her family members, in the military, would be abandoned when under fire… She lacks the common decency to understand that what happened in Benghazi defined her (what difference does it make) as a useless untrustworthy turd. Hillary can’t ever be the commander in Chief
    Trump will defeat her with both male & female regardless of his MSM generated negatives….
    If the Benghazi report is released before the June Convention,
    Huge chance Hillary will be asked to go away.

  6. As Mark Steyn pointed out, constitutional conservatism has lost out to populist nationalism.
    Trump does not claim to be a conservative and the control freaks of the religious right are every bit as repulsive as the Bernie Sanders marxist utopian socialists. Christianity is based on the rejection of the world’s temptations and the individual’s pursuit of what is really important to his well-being, something that’s lost in the West.
    So, the choice for the US voter is between Hillary’s crony capitalism and Trump’s populist nationalism.
    Get used to it.

  7. No, they’re asking the right questions, Phillip. For them. It becomes almost impossible to sort out push polls from the many fewer circulated in public which are trying for accuracy.

  8. The left and MSM, have tried everything to tear down Trump,,,everything at least to which every other politician has bowed down to and over the decades, have yielded to, the powerful centralized media.
    Now that Trump will be the nominee for the GOP, what will happen to the Hildabeast? Will they allow her to go on stage and be decimated by Trump? They know they won’t be able to protect her like they did obama. If they indite her, then what do they do with old man Bernie(and his followers)? Can Biden still enter at the convention? Maybe with Warren at his side? Still what would they do with Bernie?
    Polls??? I believe now days, using facebook, twiter, et al, and collectively your electronic foot print, ANY POLL CAN BE TAKEN, to achieve, any KNOWN, DESIRED RESULT.
    I agree, Dilbert’s right, I’ve been thinking the same way for months too. Head to head, Trump beats Hill everyday. The 3:00am phone call, will politically forever, haunt Hillary.

  9. My vote for Trump will be a repudiation of the “party” that selected John McCain, and Mittens Romney as GOPe presidential candidates. Why were THEY selected ? Because it was “their turn” ? Because there was no other reason to run these dolts … oh … except for the party mantra … that they were “moderates”. We all know how that worked out … 8 years of a man too ashamed to reveal his college grades … too ashamed to reveal his affirmative action promotion.
    Sorry, GOPe … the people you have skrewed-over for years have spoken … and it is time for you to SHUT UP. Get with US … or get the hell gone.

  10. Kenji et al, help me out here, how is Trump different than Romney? Trump is very liberal when it comes to health care(even talk of single payer like Canada), liberal on Planned Parenthood, liberal on LBGTQ, Trump is more isolationist/nationalist when it comes to trade. Both are wealthy self made men. Charitable, concerned about the direction of the country.
    Granted Trump has more celebrity, more cachet, more machismo, more gravitas, than button up Romney, but are the policies that much different than Romney?
    McCain wasn’t conservative, nor was Romney, or now Trump. Yet this election, the “establishment” is against the more liberal Trump, and those who often profess conservatism(like myself) are finding themselves behind Trump? I don’t vote but, 4 years ago I was rooting for Romney, even though he was liberal he was still a better choice than giving obama anther 4 years.
    How is it policy wise that Trump is not fitting in with the likes of Bohner/Ryan and McConnell, all four seem like liberals.
    Does it just come down to watching Trump beeatch slapping the media. What was the story last week, only 6% of citizens support or trust the media!

  11. Trump delivered big time yesterday with his foreign affairs speech. Especially by calling out who are true allies in NATO and who are truly “friends” in the Middle East…Hello Saudi Arabia and Iran! Trump wants the USA to remain a Sovereign superpower and like Breitbart and drudge sais, a “true blow to the world’s globalist cabal”.
    Like I have posted here before, the true test to see if Trump is the real deal will be when he really elaborates his position on Global Warming/Climate change. It looks promising from what he has said in the past about it; also he did mention the words “global warming” yesterday when he criticized that “the US army generals are forced to talk about global warming” (Instead of Islamic terrorism).
    If Trump maintains his words like “Hoax, scam” and that “China is getting rich over the lie” he is truly the real deal.
    Climate Change/Global warming is the Globalists major tool to engineer the world’s future society and has been a worldwide Media no go zone for close to 3 decades now.
    If Trump hit’s that hornets nest, watch out! Anything goes.

  12. Trump fits in the classical liberal camp with a cant to the right of conservatism, somewhat like Stephen Harper but more verbose with less policy depth. His job now is to hit on the bullet points, which he did well yesterday.
    The fusion of those two political cultures is the crucible of good government, which progressive fear for their very survival. Trump’s version does have many more rough edges so can be difficult to identify and define, his that has been his oxygen so far – his unpredictability.
    Re: Trump and Reagan. I remember when in my international relations class, my excellent prof, on the subject of disarmament, opined good naturedly that Mr Gorbachev was running diplomatic circles around Reagan. Three years later, the USSR dissolved and the wall came down.
    Trump walks a fine line on women, if he succeeds with them, it will be by far his greatest feat but which for now is his greatest challenge. He will try to simultaneously androgenize Hillary while expressing and demonstrating his love for women, which I think is genuine. He runs the risk of alienating doubtful women Hillary supporters and driving them into her arms.
    Is Hillary cunning enough to not overplay the sex card? If she does, it will be all in Bubba the sexual predator enabled by Hillary, standing by her man.
    Arguing his peccadillos were a vast right wing conspiracy will be problematic. Dirty pool? Yes, so what; after the garbage he pulled at the last DNC with his revisionist nonsense about Bush causing the damage of the first Obama administration, so all’s fair on that; tell the Dems to cry a river.
    The Trump train doesn’t need Indiana at all but Cruz desperately does, if only to force a station stop to pick up a few more delegates. If Trump overperforms again there, it’s done, but it already is imho. Only a Fiorina miracle in California can stop a closed convention. What are the odds on that?

  13. For starters, DT isn’t a milquetoast, half-hearted, candidate, like Mittens. I am f()cking tired of watching Republican candidates play tiddly winks while their Democrap opponents are playing Thermonuclear WAR !! Finally ! A Rep. candidate who isn’t trying to make everyone … “like him” … by “being nice”. We need a candidate who can kick sHillary right in the nutsack. So hard that her scissor-partner Huma feels it HER balls.
    After that … we’ll see. REGARDLESS of what his policies are … it won’t be as BAD as Barrack Hussein Obama’s last 8 years. 8 years of American malaise. All down to the GOPe. MY party has SOLD me and my fellow countrymen down the tubes … not some “liberal” … Donald Trump. NOPe … it was the GOPe !

  14. Democracy is not a way to get good government. Democracy is a way to get rid of bad government without using bayonets and hangings. And so all those idiots who get to vote are right. It’s time for the U.S.A. to get rid of a bad government, and I don’t just mean the Democrats in the White House right now. They need to get rid of the establishment of both parties and if the parties can’t adapt, they need to get rid of both parties. That’s why a President Trump is looming, and however bad he may turn out to be in office, if he doesn’t win, they will need to get someone else next time who will have the potential to be even worse.

  15. I am looking forward to Showman Trump doing his thing on Hillary the Android.
    Trump does not have to attack,just focus the mirror on a terribly fragile flawed human being.
    One does wonder at the push polls, the claim that the voter already knows Trump as a politician, is quite amusing.
    However for Hillary,this is as good as it gets.
    The gifts of “What difference…”and the Rabid dog impersonation..
    Yet in media world,Hillary is the professional?.If the matchup goes ahead, it will be a slaughter.
    The Guild of Parasites wanted another Romney, the democrat wing of these well established leeches were promised another loser to round out the trivecta.
    Now they are all in panic mode,they do not know what talking points to use,what meme to push, their media wing is all over the map.
    Serves them right.
    The rise of professional politicians turned politics into show business, now they complain when a master showman demonstrates how it is really done.
    Whiny little amateurs.
    After 8 years of Obamanation,preceded by decades of empty suits in the white house.Go Trump..

  16. What we are witnessing is a Gender War pitting women against men in order for women to win. It’s happening in elections, business, politics and even the schools of the nation where boys are suppressed in favour of girls, mostly by female teachers who cater to the girls and “feelings”.
    In our schools the emphasis is on how you express your “feelings” about non-scientific subjects…. and your “mark” will be based on how well you express yourself. Girls are naturally vocal while boys are reduced to grunting and struggling to express their feelings. It’s easier to teach “feelings” than to teach arithmetic tables or scientific facts. Sex education is a prime example of “feelings” education even though it is a scientific subject.
    Canadian men are becoming thoroughly effeminatized, pussy-whipped, and it shows in the social environment where women are aggressive and men are passive penii waiting to be propositioned. It’s a jungle, I tell you… a jungle ..!!!

  17. “Democracy is not a way to get good government.”
    Indeed. Democracy was never intended as a means to get “good government”. It was intended as a means for everyone to have a say in choosing their government. Beyond that, there are no guarantees at all about the quality of government the voters will end up installing.

  18. I’m now questioning my judgement of following this website all these years, when I read these comments. I would vote for Trump over Hillary. Because better an idiot, ignorant, bloviating, egotistical, business-failure, I say I hate China but I do a lot of business there, money-grubbing President, than a murderer, serial-liar, money-grubbing ( ok there are lots of things they are tied on), sell-out to the highest corporate or middle-eastern bidder, US security law-breaker, Alinsky-ite, fairness tax levying President. It’s like the Mad Magazine Spy vs. Spy election.
    Who knows what either of them will do as President. Neither will say with specificity or consistency with their previous public pronouncements.
    Go back and re-listen to that foreign policy “speech” of Trumps. I’ve listened twice. It’s truly incoherent and frankly fantasy-land. He’s the Obama of the right. The world will be a better place and America will be great again because it’s ME doing the talking and I win at everything so there. I, Trump will make all the world treat us better or we won’t do any business with them and it will be peace and prosperity for all because things are bad now and I will make them better.
    But Trump might be forced to honour his promise to build a wall, although I have no doubt he’ll try to reneg. And he might not undermine the second amendment, and he might do better with Supreme Court appointments. I don’t know for sure but I’d be prepared to risk it over Mrs. Bill Clinton. Bonus points to Trump re AGW is BS statements if he means it. On just about everything else they are identical. And I like Ivanka. Chelsea not.
    But don’t believe he’s what the left and the MSM are working against. They are actively promoting him for the primaries. Ever heard of Operation Chaos? This is that in reverse. Then the knives will truly come out. He can’t win liberals. No Republican can. He doesn’t have what it takes to heal the rift in the GOP and get the base to work and turn out. And the liv independents are going to be soooo easy for Mrs. Clinton et al to woo. He is about to get sued over Trump University, which is just the mean man bogey-man meme they need. He’s doomed and will potentially bring the House and Senate down as well. Ok they deserve it. And maybe the NY-Beltway cabal needs to be fumigated, but it’s all tragic none the less. Exactly as planned by Obama and gang.
    Regardless, Canadians had better be prepared. Our winters are long and cold, and we will now either have pay for our own defense, and maybe our own wall. But we might get a pipeline in return, with terms more favorable to the better deal-maker-in-chief of course. Or we won’t get a pipeline and will lose a great independent trading partner and friend, which is going to go all UN on us, much to the delight of Pony and the CBC.
    Ps. My wish is that Cruz/ Carly can work it out but I’m not dining out on that hope.
    rant over.
