48 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. Where’s the Beef? In the US apparently…
    I get my steaks from the local family run butcher, and do my
    own on the BBQ after a good 24 marinade.
    A few brew, potatoes and salad/rabbit fixins and your ‘good to go’.
    I only dine on happy cows, and the US is a considerable travel time…
    too much shoe leather on the hooves!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. sheesh guys,relax. We have it beat here in AB. Nutley will just out source to her buddy in Venezuela! No hormones in it,but lots of coke!! Earls has always had crap for beef anyways.

  3. Mohamed Jessa serving cheaper halal meat to the savage, inhumane infidels in the name of Social Justice™.

  4. This Earls campaign is another of the AW, anti Alberta and Saskatchewan beef efforts, “eat at our places while we piss in your face”. Well, I live and raise beef in the heart of beef country and been to many ranches and feedlots and know a hell of a lot of people who work dawn till dusk to produce the best beef product possible, if it isn’t, theres no money at the sales barn, and to see these idiots follow every limp wristed vegetarian city boy whim is baffling. Sorry Earls and AW but my dollars won’t be going your way but my bad mouthing will.

  5. I only ate at Earls once and promised myself to never return and I kept my promise. That being said if I were given a choice between Alberta barley fed beef or Kansas corn fed beef I would take the barley fed beef in a heartbeat. Funnily enough the chicken/turkey/duck/goose/cow/sheep/goat/rabbit I eat whether killed humanely or inhumanely is still just as dead.

  6. Love the tweet that shows a dead cow…”Earls serves only meat from cows that have died of old age”…lol…

  7. I don’t have to worry about going back to Earls. Apparently they gave up selling Albino Rhino beer so as not to offend white rhinos. I’ve only ever eaten there a few times because they were there and I was hungry – no special treat. Catering to meaningless political correctness ticks me off.
    Wouldn’t PETA find the term humane slaughter to be very offensive? Perhaps they need to target Earls.

  8. We have a Rodeo coming up this weekend and you know how they get the idiots from PETA and the Humane Society upset and they’ll be serving Burgers and Hot Dogs The Obama’s Menu not welcome

  9. Earls is now off my list…..anybody see any connection between this stupidity from Earl’s and the Lethbridge “tax” on herds? You can absolutely bet that the cattle industry in Canada is the next to feel the sting of radical left wing politics…..just like the pipelines have.

  10. Our family rarely eats out, but we will not be spending our hard earned dollars at Earls. Comments from numerous family members and friends suggest that they will not be showing up at the chains door any longer as well. I have also sent Earls a lengthy email (for all the good that will do). Regardless, even if they were to reverse their decision, they are still off the list for being idiots.

  11. When I worked at Earl’s in the early 90s (kitchen) it was a real source of pride that we served Alberta beef.
    Such a shame.

  12. Lethbridge Cattle should file a humane rights action against Earls for unfair assisted-slaughtering. After all they pay taxes too.

  13. I guess there’s no such thing as bad publicity. I had no idea that Earl’s was still around. It was pretty trendy back in the 80s & 90s but then it fell victime to the Yogi Berra syndrome of “Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded.” The service was always terrible. Can’t remember ever having a good experience there.

  14. Earl’s is marketing to their base. It may backfire but that is the risk they are prepared to run. I do object to them suggesting their beef is humanely slaughtered. What’s that supposed to mean the rest of the beef industry is inhumane in their slaughter technic?
    I recall when mad cow hit. A number of steak houses mostly in the east said they were unaffected as they don’t use Canadian beef. Their customers prefer US corn fed beef.
    Beef comes in many forms. Grass finished, barley, corn. It’s all good and provides the consumer with choice. Whenever I am driving home from the US I bring home a small quantity of beef as I like the additional marble they finish with and the resultant flavor. You need fat to have taste.
    I wouldn’t think of purchasing Canadian ground beef to make a burger. It’s gotten so lean that it is dry and tasteless. Instead I buy a pot roast or something with fat and grind my own. 30% fat or more. Fat=flavor. Medium rare, a brewskie or two….bring it!

  15. The best beef in the world is Alberta and Argentinian. Those in the east are flooded with US corn fed. Can’t compare.

  16. If they are that goddamn concerned, then they should become a vegan ONLY restaurant.
    Guessing a vegan-only menu would not go over too well with the masses.
    This is as bad as that smarmy little twerp on A&W ads.
    But this apparently is what the millennial “demographic” wants .. WTF ever that is?
    Free-range, humanly raise and humanely killed, organic nonsense. What a load of hypocritical crap.

  17. So who’s organizing this boycott?
    I went to the Alberta Beef Producer’s site….absolutely nothing there.
    …went to the Alberta Cattle Feeder’s Association…nothing there
    …nothing on the Canadian Cattleman’s Association…
    …Alberta Federation of Agriculture…dick-all…
    Now, I may have missed a couple of orgs, but it’s starting to look like the folks that should have the most to lose in all of this really aren’t that concerned.
    So until they get up off their arses and say and do what has to be said and done, I guess I’m just not that concerned.

  18. Of course it’s nothing but a ‘marketing ploy’. When did any rational person ever believe that there was truth in advertising? Companies will state anything to appeal to the demographic they’re targeting. I’m surprised anyone here would fall for it.
    Marketing is a con to get stupid people to buy stuff they don’t need, with money they don’t have, so they stay in debt till they die. Slaves are easier to control.

  19. If you go vegan, you had better go all in. No moderates in that religion. Vegans aren’t much different than Muslims. They do not look kindly on apostates.
    Top L.A. Vegan Restaurant Owners Receiving Death Threats for Slaughtering Animals
    The owners of the most prominent vegan restaurant chain in Los Angeles were found to be raising and “harvesting” animals at their Northern California farm. Now Hollywood’s vegan community is angry, and death threats have been made. “People have taken up the mob mentality,” says Cafe Gratitude owner Matthew Engelhart.

  20. The dirty little secret is that the cattle are euthanized by lethal injection before they’re butchered.
    That’s as humane as it gets./

  21. There are almost twice the amounts of natural hormones in chicken as in beef. And don’t get me stared on beer. Does Earl’s now advertise they don’t add any additional hormones to their house beers? What a bunch of metrosexual maroons. They should treat their staff more humanely.

  22. Gave up Earl’s years ago anyways, as just another girlie, metrosexual foodie place, that serves small meals int he middle of big dishes……all at a nice overpriced cost.
    And, doesn’t matter where I go, the steak coming off my barby is FAR better, bigger, and yeah, cheaper, than the loan one has to take for a little 6 ounce at any eatery

  23. the steak coming off my barby is FAR better, bigger, and yeah, cheaper
    I stopped going to restaurants for the same reasons. I’m a better cook.
    Most restaurants like Earls are more into style and pretension rather than good food.

  24. “the steak coming off my barby is FAR better”
    The peoples that frequent establishments like Earls, would probably kill themselves if they tried to light a BBQ.
    The management of Earls, being off the main track of being “Canadian”, think their clientele are of similar mind – I hope they are right … cater to like nutbars.
    I stopped going to Earls when they decided what made them successful, a good place to get a burger and a beer, wasn’t trendy enough. Like I need 6 pieces of pasta on a big plate for $20.

  25. It was a joke. See the / (sarc) backslash at the end?
    I was gassing on Earl’s ‘humane’ claim. I know the cattle get a pneumatic bolt to the head.
    As if people who want ORGANIC food are going to eat beef injected with sodium thiopental, potassium chloride, and pancuronium bromide to provide a humane kill. Duh.
    (at least they still play Judy Garland’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in the abattoir to calm the cattle)

  26. Yes, and we haven’t been back to either A@W or Tim Hortons since they pulled similar nonsense.
    We were in the local McDonalds today and they advertise the use of Canadian beef. Not mention of Luddite/Malthusian nonsense.
    Jean @4:50, exactly. Sadly, there seems to be more stupid people every day.

  27. A view from the ranch…
    “I visited the http://certifiedhumane.org website and most specifically their producer page. On the page directed towards the farmers who would use their certification process, there was zero information on what they considered “humane”, zero mention of how becoming certified humane would benefit a farmer’s animals, zero mention of ways to make a farm more humane for it’s animals. So what was the producer page for? Sales”

  28. and… apparently these folks are a pro muslim group, voicing support that the sole source for Earl’s beef is of course… halal:
    “Thousands of American Muslims recently expressed excitement at the news that Creekstone Farms Prime Beef, being served at top restaurants throughout America, is certified Halal. ”
    Which in today’s political climate, would make complete sense. (possibly both sarcasm and ridicule).

  29. Certified Humane® farmers wear jogging shoes instead of Cowboy boots,
    Cowboy boots frighten the Cattle..

  30. Humane® farmers believe that Cowboy Boots are Racists.
    How would you enjoy eating grain with someone walking around in your dead herds leather ?

  31. Most people especialy the ignorant flatlanders have no idea where their food comes from and it don’t grow on the shelf and piles of milk bottles are not cows nests as dumb as sticks flatlanders think

  32. Flatlanders have no idea?
    Try the dumb clucks out here on the Far OUT Left Coast. This is the ultimate center of clientele, that thinks steak comes from a shrink package at Save-On, chicken comes from a roaster oven, and fish swim as fillets, ready to quick serve! ANything else is just SO ickypoo, yucky.
    My faves here are the organic crowd, all too willing to pay DOUBLE for their food, so they can feel high and mighty about the marginally better product they eat, with minimal benefits from it.
    The West Coast is full of sanctimonious, superior fools, their supports built on foolish foundations of political correctness and faux self-centered superiority

  33. ural
    Nailed it. Its actually scary to see how far down the rabbit hole our society has gone. Simple things like lighting a BBQ, checking air in the tires, changing the oil, how to make a lasagna, a gravy, cook a turkey dinner, properly prepare and roast/bake/sautee a fine salmon, has become like studying for brain surgery, for our typical citizens.
    When it comes to food, our current day zombies either want to buy it ready to eat, or, put it in the oven for 15 minutes, then ready to eat. We have a pathetic, useless society today, who will spend hours at their Facebook, Xbox, texting nonsense, but can’t make pancakes.
    Our young are near useless. But they sure whine and snivel with the best of them

  34. I think the producers in Alberta didn’t do their homework. Certification is a huge industry, or scam, but every industry needs to subscribe to whatever ISO or other certification the customer requires. I know most of the time it is bullsh*t, and for Earles and A&W it is just marketing, but they are the buyers. The association for Alberta beef better get a plan.
    As far as the consumer goes, a sticker on the cellophane with “humane” on it will sell. You can’t argue with that.
    As far as consumers who are indeed independent and take control of their nutrition, a pressure canner for when the sockeye run, and tomatoes, and a smoker and a vacuum packer should be in every household. And have a lamb, a deer and a turkey in your freezer.
