Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Roger L. Simon;

This is my third Trump event to witness in person (many more on TV) and it strikes me that they are becoming “happenings” for Middle America. They are unlike political events I have seen before. The most similar I have seen were rallies I attended for Bobby Kennedy years ago.

Related: America First

43 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Yup. Sirhan Sirhan emptied 11 rounds from a 9 shot .22 revolver(without reloading) at Bobby from about 4 feet to the front of him in a tight utility corridor leading to a hotel kitchen and Bobby died from a contact gunshot wound just behind his right ear.
    It’s why all presidential candidates today have SS protection.(lot of good that did JFK)

  2. Bobby Kennedy? Robert Kennedy? Wasn’t he related to some commie named John who got what he needed,only a little late?

  3. I’m sure Lance was attending and that’s why he hasn’t posted this. No wifi there.

  4. I hope Trump becomes President and he comes up here to Canada and BITCH SLAPS turdoe II for being such and idiot. I would be glad to go to war with the USA over that and pull the same trick as the french army did at the Bastille, About face and shoot the government!

  5. What an ignorant and insensitive comment. It would be good if people thought about how their comments will affect others before posting something nasty. Kennedy was and remains an American hero for many, many people.

  6. “We have no one to blame for the Kennedys but ourselves. We took the Kennedys to heart of our own accord. We did it not because we respected them or thought what they proposed was good, but because they were pretty. We wanted to hug their golden tousled heads to our dumpy breasts”
    ” The Kennedys are living proof that sewer trout are able to swim upstream”

  7. So sorry. Tell that to Mary Jo’s family. And do you know where and how old man Kennedy earned his money. That’s ok. Mao and Stalin, etc. are heroes also.

  8. Yep, and 48 years later he still rots in prison..

    What bothers me about this election, my spouse now says she will not vote, because she doesn’t like Trump.
    She has never missed a presidential vote..
    I guess we watched too much ‘Glen Beck’..
    But you know and I know, if Conservative voters don’t/won’t vote, that frigging socialists Hillary or Sanders will be president.

    Its gonna be like ‘Romney Déjà vu,’ all over again..

  9. So true. Basically a cult adored and revolved around the Kennedy family. Much like the cult groupies around JT.
    From the comments to Roger Simon article, “Trump is a populist, something sorely needed in this country. Both Democratic & Republican Parties have abandoned the middle and working classes in favor of wealthy open borders globalist donors who wish to make more money off turning the US into Mexico, with lots of 3rd World government-dependent corporate slaves. Trump is the only candidate against this. I don’t like him personally, but who cares- if he stops open borders.”
    The comment was so true and John Boehner’s comment deriding Cruz yesterday proves it. Someone needs to clean house in Washington just like the Bolos did in St. Petersburg in 1917. Come to think of it, Ottawa needs a house cleaning of the complete Laurentian Elite thugocracy.

  10. It was the charisma of Turdeau doing the yoga Feathered Peacock Pose that won him the election. Trump’s charisma however is based on exactly the polar of opposite of the Peacock.

  11. Of course, I’m sure Mr. Bork would be thrilled with the Kennedys if he were still alive to ask.

  12. “It is also why I predict he will defeat Hillary Clinton, who has the charisma of a dead turtle”.
    Those who are slow to the starting line will miss the RACE
    The MSM have lost… The North/East has crowned Trump & a pink slip is waiting for those Journalists that piss-off all those that PAY them, even the NYT….Nice balanced coverage without the mentally crazed guest’s attempts at demonization….May not be that fair, but it won’t be deemed unhinged.
    The Trump family can begin planning the 2017 Easter egg hunt @ the WH… Don’t invite the Clintons unless Hillary dresses up as the Easter Bunny….

  13. Headline Feb 2017:
    Justin Trudeau squats and pees in Whitehouse foyer upon the first meeting between President Donald Trump and the failed Canadian Substitute Drama Teacher. Many present called it…..”Disturbing”.

  14. “It is also why I predict he will defeat Hillary Clinton, who has the charisma of a dead turtle”.
    Those who are slow to the starting line will miss the RACE
    The MSM have lost… The North/East has crowned Trump & a pink slip is waiting for those Journalists that piss-off all those that PAY them, even the NYT….Nice balanced coverage without the mentally crazed guest’s attempts at demonization….May not be that fair, but it won’t be deemed unhinged.
    The Trump family can begin planning the 2017 Easter egg hunt @ the WH… Don’t invite the Clintons unless Hillary dresses up as the Easter Bunny….

  15. The number of Republican wives who sit out this election … because of Trump … pale in number to those who would sit out if the DOPe GOPe’s try to cram another Mormon milquetoast, or faux evangelical Satan on the voters. I listen to Glen Beck … lately, just to hear the lunacy dribbling out of his lips. Yeah, I am so sad that he and Stewie won’t be voting for Trump. Boo hoo. But his Mormon candidate (who I held my nose and voted-for) was an EPIC FAIL ! A FAIL that delivered Obama’s 2nd term … resulting in A TIDAL WAVE of DEBT, illegal immigrants, gay marriage, gay soldiers, economic malaise, Isis …
    The Republicans are simply taking back their party from the FAKE evangelicals who pander to the religious right while doing the bidding of BIG Corporate selfish interests, and leftist policies. The PEOPLE are SPEAKING … exactly as our fore-fathers envisioned. The GOP’ers are putting their ignorance on display, when they dismiss Trump’s overwhelming support as a “cult of personality”. Rubbish. I have never seen a Trump ‘reality’ show, and believe his ego-brand to be quite-off-putting … his architecture banal and his net worth suspect. But Trump is the ONLY vehicle of REAL HOPE and CHANGE on my ballot.
    Re: the Kennedy Bro’s … I was in 2nd grade and 6th grade when each of the bothers were murdered. Those moments are forever burned into my memory as gigantic ripples in time. NOT because I was a young fan, but they were moments that changed history. And what I remember most of BOTH of these events was hearing my own father say … “Good riddance, he’s DEAD” … My own father revealed the malignancy of a HATEful right winger. Sure he could make some cogent arguments about the policies that wouldn’t be visited on America till Obama darkened the door of the White House, but the petty HATE he felt for the Kennedy’s never felt RIGHT to me … unto this day. For the anti-Trumpers here to conflate Trump with the DEAD Kennedys sounds remarkably like my own malignant, alcoholic, bi-polar, father. In a word – INSANE. I highly suggest that you rethink your HATE.
    BTW … my security words ? BUSH STOP … sometimes you just can’t make this stuff up.

  16. And he still loses in 40-50 states.
    Just as bobby would have been obliterated by Nixon.

  17. Simon was/is a closet #nevertrump ‘er. 
    Now he has a Come to Jesus Moment?
    F him. He’s a crappy writer anyhow and has mightily contributed to the downfall of PJM (along with the hateful and clueless Rick Moran) into irrelevancy. The *only* person worth reading there anymore is Richard Fernandez.
    Trump will win Indiana and then all bets are off. If the cuckservatives won’t line up to support him the Lizard Queen will be crowned and we (including you guys North of us) are truly screwed.

  18. Disliking or hating the Kennedys is one thing — many people do — but expressing this in a way that condones the assassination of a democratically elected leader by a cabal of self-serving thugs is too stupid for words. Civilized people recognize the importance of governance by the rule of law.

  19. “America first” supporters during WWII were right to say why bother liberating Europe from the National Socialists.
    Europeans want a big socialist-islamist government to take care of them, they enjoyed the freedom Americans gave them for a while, but it’s not really what they want.
    NATO’s best before date was years ago, it’s time to put it out to pasture.

  20. It was as unlikely to hear negatives about the Kennedys from the mainstream media at the time as it is now with Obama with the exception of Chappaquiddick. I had a forestry professor who was a former US Air force computer geek working for the Joint Chiefs during the Bay of Pigs and he held no delusions about JFK’s popularity with those in the know.
    Trump is the opposite, where all mainstream media take great delight in putting him down. Fox News is mostly in the tank for him. If I were a US voter and he becomes the GOP nominee, I would very reluctantly vote for him as he is little more than a risky loose cannon populist running against pure evil. All candidates are “flawed” but in this race, Cruz is the least flawed with the most potential to effect positive change but the prospect of winning is becoming more of a long shot.

  21. “…Sirhan Sirhan emptied 11 rounds from a 9 shot .22 revolver(without reloading)…”
    I hope you were just being sarcastic and aren’t really one of those conspiracy people.
    And for the record, I think Roger L. Simon is completely wrong in comparing a Donald Trump rally to a Bobby Kennedy rally. In my view, there are absolutely no parallels with respect to the audience and to the attitudes of the audience.
    Bobby Kennedy rally and a Barack Obama rally is a far more appropriate comparison.

  22. And what exactly is “one of those conspiracy people.” If you think Sirhan was acting independently, you are completely delusional.

  23. Well said.
    Children are good at instinctively recognizing injustice.
    The SOROS-funded goon squads that line up to trash Trump rallies should not be aided by Republicans pretending to be righteous.

  24. correction: Sirhan Sirhan emptied 14 rounds from a 8 shot .22 revolver(without reloading)
    That said, Trump doesn’t have anything like the sort of enemies that Robert Kennedy had arrayed against him.
    It seems that Roger L. Simon didn’t attend any Obama rallies.
    Cultism is not good for democracy.
    The “followers” have so much of their id invested in these people that the Cult figure can do no wrong.

  25. Wow … You must not have been alive when Bobby was murdered … because he was going to crush Nixon … the way that Obama crushed Wimpy McClain in 2008.

  26. All well and good … however Cruz is even LESS electable than Trump. It’s not even close. IF Cruz were leading at the moment … the entire LGC*NTQ-DOODAH would be screaming, prancing, and dancing in the street in protest. Cruz has -0- chance of electability … I give Trump much better than even odds as of today.

  27. “Cultism is not good for democracy.”
    And you’re backing CRUZ?
    Better listen to what Ted’s father is saying.

  28. No. I’m a Canadian, I don’t get to back anyone for POTUS or POTUS candidate.
    To warn Trumpanzees that they are buying a pig-in-a-poke does not imply I back someone else.
    I do like Cruz more, but it’s clear that “the Donald”(cultish name alert) is going to win the GOP candidacy.
    All the Trumpanzees here at SDA who disdain the Zoolander or Obama cults are hypocrits who lack self awareness.

  29. “Better listen to what Ted’s father is saying.”
    All the Trumpanzees jump on the Trump wagon because he said he’d build a border wall.
    The mistook the long time Clinton pal for being “anti-establishment”.
    -listen to what “the Donald” says-
    “I would get people out and then have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal…. A lot of these people are helping us … and sometimes it’s jobs a citizen of the United States doesn’t want to do. I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.”
    ~Donald Trump
    And yes if Trump wins the presidency, he is going to build the wall. Such a Deal.
    He owns construction companies and he’ll make $Billions off of it.
    not that the wall will be relevant since he plans to expedite legal residency for the people south of the wall

  30. Actually, I think that is pretty reasonable. Most people only oppose illegals to the extent that they are criminals or taking American jobs. This process would address both of those issues.

  31. And you think the holy Jihad against any GOP candidate won’t happen with Trump? You’ll be witnessing the next best thing to civil war on the streets when the GOP runs someone who threatens the status quo (bankrupt leviathan state, green theocracy, degenerate progressive rot, economic stasis) that is the dominant culture of the US of today. If that doesn’t happen with trump then he will be seen as no threat to the status quo but rather just a popular unelectable blowhard.

  32. “Actually, I think that is pretty reasonable.”
    Fair enough. How many Trumpanzees know about this amnesty and also think it is reasonable?
    Further, how is this not the establishment position on the very issue that got Trump his reputation for being

  33. The establishment is status quo. Everyone gets amnesty and there is no vetting of people being given amnesty. The numbers of Mexican gang members and other criminals who are arrested and then just released on the streets over and over is shocking. I don’t most Canadians have any appreciation for that. Trumps plan cracks down and gets rid of them — while leaving the door open for agricultural workers, chamber maids, etc. Also, it prevents illegal Mexicans from taking jobs at a less than going rate.

  34. “The establishment is status quo.”
    Yes and no. The status quo is the presently existing immigration law.
    The majority of Americans(nearly 70%) want all illegals(criminals) deported, not just the violent criminals.
    The American people want foreigners to go through the existing immigration system or get deported, permanently.
    No line jumpers.
    The establishment, contrary to what most American people want, is pushing amnesty to become the new status quo.
    Trump is also for amnesty, his supporters just do not know it.

  35. Cruz’s position on the issue.
    “I introduced an amendment that made anyone here illegally permanently ineligible for citizenship.”
    “Let’s have a moment of simple clarity: I oppose amnesty. I oppose citizenship. I oppose legalization,” Cruz said. “I always have and I always will, and I challenge every other Republican candidate to say the same thing or, if not, to stop making silly assertions that their records and my records on immigration are the same. It is demonstrably false.”

  36. Nice words Oz. People, although you might have not noticed, are getting sick of “nice words”. This is what is going on big time … the people are starting to noticing the crap.

  37. Nice addressing of the important points that I have broached above, urinal. I feel they are rebutted now, small time./
    I’m sure by your deep, cerebral effort, that you have influenced a lot more people than I have here.
    Keep up the stellar work, I shall expect nothing less from you in future. Perhaps you will shock me./
    ps. I hope you get over being sick…and the delusion that you speak for others

  38. Oz, You don’t know how to read an “Executive Summary” made up of bullet Points, or write an Executive Summary that identifies bullet issues and obtained, or desired results…..I do…
    The executive summary is not well suited to political analysis unless you ferret out the details
    Trump is a real CEO and his early presentation WAS the normal bullet Points that just identified the issues & provided a guide(limit) to obtaining results. The actual process within Trump’s key points is a Congressional task. That is why I think Rubio
    has a head start once he dropped Citizenship
    “I introduced an amendment that made anyone here illegally permanently ineligible for citizenship.” OZ
    Existing Immigration LAW prevents anyone who has miss- represented themselves as an American ineligible for Citizenship…Full stop
    That is why the communists (Obama’s) don’t want police to ask Illegal Aliens their Status (if they can’t be undone)
    Cruz is miles behind the curve and just spouting nonsense..

  39. Phillip, you don’t know me. You don’t know what I do or do not know or can or cannot do.
    1) anyone here illegally and miss-represented themselves as an American are not the same thing however much you may want to conflate them.
    2) IF-anyone here illegally and miss-represented themselves as an American were the same thing, THEN Donald Trump is either going to break the law or change it so that the statement of his “I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.” might be true after knowing that they broke the existing law, which makes them criminals regardless of the law being changed later.
    Cruz is trying to strengthen existing law the same way that the Reform Party of Canada was trying to strengthen existing law when they tabled the proposition that “Marriage is only One Man and One Woman” even though it was already the law of the land but there was a movement afoot to change that law and allow SSM.
    3) since such a law change would have to originate in Congress, then when Trump is saying “we’re going to move them back in and let them be legal” Trump is saying that he is going to be working with the very ELITE people that his Trumpanzees hate, to bring about the very result that they do not want, although fighting against that result was what motivated them to support Trump in the first place.
    Trump made his political inroad as a candidate being “that guy who said he was going to build the *fence, and deal with the problem of illegals”.
    What his Chumpanzees don’t know, is that he is planning to make a deal with the Congressional ELITES(party doesn’t matter) to grant illegals **AMNESTY and strengthen the Democrat vote for generations to come
    4) now that Trump is a bona fide Cult figure and can do no wrong, the Trumpanzee chumps have forgotten why they supported him in the first place and he can do whatever he wants including working against the issue that inspired them to buy into him in the beginning.
    *guaranteed he is going to build the fence if he wins the general, building stuff is how he made his $millions and how his father made his $millions and how his son Eric is going to make them too. And Trump’s father made a lot of those millions under U.S. government contract. The border fence will cost $Billions to build and it’ll be a Yuge Deal.
    **sure, Trump calls it ‘expediting immigration’ instead of amnesty, and he is going to get them out and then let them back in(which is like paying people to dig a hole and then paying them to fill it up again), but regardless of quibbling words, it’s amnesty.
    And Trump has a reputation for plain speaking? Puleeze.
    And Trump says he’s going to Make America Great Again?
    How? By giving 11 million illegals amnesty and insuring Democrat victory for generations to come, that’s how.

  40. Baloney. Rfk was a ultra-left candidate. Humphrey was a moderate and still couldn’t beat rmn. And Wallace would have gotten even more dem votes. I have read many histories if the election cycle and EDJ was very much a ’60s Bernie sanders.
