
A chicken in every pot, a gun to every head;

Things just got a whole lot brighter in Canada for the dismal electric-car business. Word has leaked that the country’s largest province is preparing to help buy a plug-in vehicle or hybrid for millions of families across the province — or will at least force those families to buy one. The details of how Ontarians are getting all those green vehicles weren’t clear in the confidential draft version of the Wynne Liberals’ “Climate Change Action Plan” leaked to The Globe and Mail on Wednesday. But the goals are crystal clear: A promise to get 1.7 million low-emission cars on the roads in the next eight years, and pull seven million gas-powered cars off in the next 14.
That’s in addition to making sure 80 per cent of us ride transit or walk or bike to work, and ensuring the majority of the buildings in the province are “emissions-free” by 2050. And to engineer this great, gleaming, green society, the Liberals will create a brand new monopolistic government behemoth, a “new ultra-low-carbon utility” that will have a sweeping mandate to micro-engineer how you get to work, how you heat your home, and how the economy is powered.

Or, there are always elections.

48 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. Forget bicycling or walking; we all need to get those little scooters “disabled” seniors use in malls and other places. Some of those puppies need racing stripes as they are downright dangerous to pedestrians. We can all rally at Queens Park with them, and roar up and down the hallowed halls. With a bit of luck, we’ll take out a fair few civil servants and MLAs.

  2. (Ontario bureaucrat with bad German accent)
    Joo vill be made to care!
    Joo vill get on train!
    Vee haff vays of maching joo obey!

  3. Circa 1967 I watched coverage of an event supporting the idea that everyone should use public transportation – buses – in Boston Massachusetts. I doubt that more than 3 percent of attendees arrived that way, but rather in chauffeur-driven cars/taxis, despite bus/subway service passing within a few blocks.

  4. These Liberal fascists should be dragged out onto the streets and strung up with piano wire, nothing less than the full Mussolini will do. Coming to a federal department near you (“environment and globull warming”) brought to you by the gangsters running the Government behind the scenes while the Media entertain themselves with their favorite drama teacher, Trudeautard. I can’t express enough how much I despise these Liberal gangsters and the assholes who enable them.

  5. This is agenda 21. I don’t think they will pull it off because there will be many governments between now and 2050, but they might. We could easily elect a “conservative” government that keeps this organization in place and carry on where the liberals leave off. The best case scenario will be more squandered billions for our grandchildren to have to try and deal with. Too late for voting to fix it but too early for shooting to fix it.

  6. In the Peoples Republic of Ontario it’s becoming more and more evident Chairman Wynne is unstoppable. There are no protests in the streets over taxes and energy costs which are through the roof as are all utilities, making it impossible for fixed income retirees to afford their homes.Health care is in shambles, Doctors are retiring early or leaving, they’ve had enough, The idea of bicycle paths and lanes along busy roads is not for the many but the few as are electric cars.
    The slogan for Ontario “Yours to Discover” should be changed to “Yours to Recover” if the idiots who voted for this band of incompetents wake up and boot them out, recovery will be the task for the next government.

  7. I can hardly wait. With all those cars plugged in the grid should collapse in about 19, 9 8,,,,,,

  8. Also in the “Climate Action Plan” is the freedom for consumers to choose any shade of red
    electric vehicle and a yet unspecified rebate for those who vote Liberal in 2018, plus
    the requirement to use Wynn’s Car Care products in all vehicles.

  9. Progressive Conservatives of Ontario, heavy on the ‘Progressive” are an example of stupid is what stupid does. Ontario is truly screwed.

  10. “Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”.
    On the masthead of Frontpagemagazine.com
    And I thought we had it bad in the Peoples Republick of Kalifornia…

  11. 1. As Kate used to say at the top of the SDA home page:
    “Not rioting in the streets is a failed conservative strategy.”
    2. Our 2 gasoline powered vehicles will be off Ontario’s roads when we move to South Carolina, where absolutely EVERYTHING costs less (even after dollar/currency conversion), where the weather can’t give you frostbite, and where no state government would dare try this kind of Ontario Librano $#!t because half of SC’s voters are LEGALLY armed and dangerous if aroused.

  12. Yes, they are definitely no longer conservative, in any meaningful sense. How they actually differ from the Liberals and NDP in terms of policy – even social policy – is not clear to me. (However, because they are now indistinguishable from the Libs and NDP, it will be interesting to see if they can pick up some of the other parties’ voters next time around.) In any case, I have personally voted for them for the last time.

  13. Insanity is too modest a word for this latest Wynne initiative.
    Just as wind turbine plants would be impossible without huge direct government subsidies, electric cars in Ont’s climate would never attract customers without government interference. With sky high electrical costs conservation not only makes sense it is necessary. The idea of wind generated electricity and subsidized demand for electrical vehicles is mutually exclusive.
    The fate of the electric car was sealed in the early 20th century by Henry Ford and others. Sure grossly expensive racing cars with several engines are effective at Le Mans, but the application for consumer use is decades away from practicality. And what of rural use, again will rural Ontarians be expected to furnish the green wet dreams of GTA residents?
    The urban longing for a car Grandma Duck used is inexplicable but real, gullible people like Wynne have watched “Who Killed the Electric Car” too many times on CBC.

  14. The numbers won’t work without massive incentives and penalties. No one willingly switches from a superior product to an expensive inferior product. Good thing Ontario is rolling in excess cash and budget surpluses to be able to afford new bureaucracies and subsidies. It’s really regular citizens and taxpayers fault: all they have to do to get their concerns heard is to pay $10,000 for an audience with the premier and her cabinet ministers. I’m sure the sellers of Green products and services did just that and this is their payoff.
    If Ontario has shifted so far to the left that anything goes (corruption, high rax and fee burdens, poor services, extreme micromanaging) then those who are unhappy will vote with their feet. The young and the ambitious are always the first to leave so sane provinces should benefit from the exodus. Unfortunately, as there becomes fewer and fewer hosts the dependant class will eventually follow and bring their progressive ways with them.

  15. How is it that someone can hate their own province so much that they pursue power in order to destroy it?

  16. Even though you have more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia,
    you will buy electric cars, and you will like it.
    Justin Initiatives.
    How do you carry a 14 foot ladder on top of an electric car ?
    I guess you could put it inside..
    Have to make several trips bringing in stove wood..

  17. Told ya so, coming soon,the made in Canada Electric Car.
    Company entirely taxpayer funded.
    Company Owners all liberal insiders.
    Buyers all compelled by government force/bribery.
    Followed by the reinvention of the wheel.
    Can’t fix stupid.
    What do western and eastern canadians have in common?
    What is the commonality that binds this country?
    Not rhetorical question,I see nothing.

  18. If these governments and news agencies are serious about climate change and carbon reduction, why don’t they turn off the air conditioning in all the government offices, all the university classrooms, and all the news service offices?
    That would reduce energy consumption.
    They could show ‘leadership’!
    And next winter they can set the thermostats in all those offices and classrooms at 10C.
    Again; ‘Leadership!’.
    Might as well do the same in all the high schools too, in fact wherever the green brainwashing is going on they should be getting rid of AC and turning the thermostats down to a non-hypocritical setting.
    Shiny Pony and Wynne can set examples by being the first ones to do it.

  19. Mandating reasonable thermostat settings in all public buildings is a step so obvious as to be dismissed by Green ideologues.And as for AC simply end it.The government could also encourage mall owners in Ont to maintain a reasonable temperature, not sauna like conditions actually achieved now.
    Promoting wind power and electric vehicles together has the unintended consequence of increasing CO2 emissions, the very thing Ont is trying to avoid.The Professional Engineers have already told the government that wind plants given current FIT subsidies will increase emissions in the long run.This has to do with curtailing nuclear to make way for wind on the grid; a sudden drop in the wind means the slack must be taken up by gas fired generators.
    Ignoring the infrastructure for GTA especially means, the delivery lines for electricity are extremely vulnerable to extreme weather. A black out in GTA immediately causes all public, commercial and many private homes to fire up generators, powered by the hated gasoline/diesel. A few hours of running would negate any supposed emission savings by favouring wind power, or electric cars.
    The question that should be put to Wynne is, Wind plants are the solution to exactly what problem?

  20. The commonality that binds this country is passivity. People bark & growl but do nothing else
    more active than writing comments on blogs or sending a letter to the editor.
    It’s well past time Canadians started standing up and saying “enough” and flouting the law when the law is unreasonable. Take for example any further restrictions on gun ownership.
    There’s over One Million firearm owners in Canada. If all stood together and defied the law, the law would become unworkable. Imagine one million people being charged with an offense.
    Where will all the judges come from? How many more courthouses would need to be built?
    How many more prisons would need to be built to accommodate the guilty?
    It’s time to tell these petty little tyrants to shove their laws up their asses.

  21. Coming soon to dealerships near Toronto and Montreal the All New “2020 Kickback” with
    progressive transmission, by Bombardier.
    What does the West and East have in common? All I can see is st

  22. As someone else said, where is the juice coming from for millions of plug-in vehicles? My guess is that gasoline powered home generators will take over as the grid fails. As an Albertan, I used to think that Ontario voters were particularly stupid but we are giving them a run for the money.

  23. Mandating electric vehicles in this manner is nothing but virtue signaling with a pseudo-technical stamp on it. I have to wonder if anyone really thought it all through before coming up with this scam–er, scheme.

  24. Earl;
    The Reform Movement was not passive. The sad outcome was a watering down of the message to appeal to eastern voters. Can another Reform movement take place? From my experience I doubt it will. Many of the original Reformers actually had a philosophical base from prairies Social Credit as strange as that might sound. Many of that movement, who had organizing skills, have passed on. Fiscal and social conservatism seems dead.
    If another grassroots conservative movement cannot be resurrected then the alternative is likely a ‘Atlas Shrugged’ process. A collapse and then hopefully a rebuild.

  25. When I tell friends and co-workers how thrilled I will be to learn of the opening of the first Kathleen Wynne Memorial Public School, they force a smile and laugh, uneasily.
    But they get it.

  26. When I tell friends and co-workers how thrilled I will be to learn of the opening of the first Kathleen Wynne Memorial Public School, they force a smile and laugh, uneasily.
    But they get it.

  27. How do you carry a 14 foot ladder on top of an electric car ?
    The same way you carry one on a motorcycle. Motorcycles are completely impractical in Canadian winters, nobody will buy one if the government does not subsidize them.
    Stupid voters get the government they deserve.

  28. “The Reform Movement was not passive. The sad outcome was a watering down of the message to appeal to eastern voters.”
    I think that where it all went wrong was when the Canadian Alliance was created and they absorbed the PCs instead of keeping Reform separate and waiting just one more election for the PCs to go bankrupt and die.
    Those Progressives poisoned the conservative movement.
    The new party, Conservative Party of Canada, actually had Belinda Stronach as a contender in it’s first leadership race. That was only possible because of the Progressives in their midst and a harbinger of things to come.

  29. When I tell friends and co-workers how thrilled I will be to learn of the opening of the first Kathleen Wynne Memorial Public School, they force a smile and laugh, if uneasily.
    But they get it.

  30. “…if the government does not subsidize them.” Shouldn’t that read “taxpayers” instead of “government”?
    There was an announcement the other day that the guvm’t of Onscario was going to put $20 million into a plan to install more electric car charging stations.Besides being a waste of money(like a washroom for every letter of the alphabet), just who is going to pay for the power consumed at these stations? Nary a mention. Also, for those not in the province, the power rates here are scheduled to rise May 1st, and Ontario is still selling excess power to the US at a net loss.

  31. Being cynical but not pessimistic I think there is an opportunity for conservatives and libertarians. The federal LPC seems determined to replace FPTP so it’s time to adapt to whatever comes next. First there needs to be more nonprogressive choices. If it’s a ranked ballot then people like me have no party other than CPC to vote for. There needs to be a competitive second choice.
    Personally, I’d like to see a party that shamelessly promotes the interest of taxpayers and non crony capitalist businesses without attacking other groups. Not progressive conservative or social conservative. Focus on getting rid of corporate welfare and pay to play politics. Don’t alienate the working poor and underprivileged but reveal how many billions are spent enriching the already wealthy via back room deals, subsidies, tax havens, preferential CRA treatment, anticompetitive regulations that favor big business, etc. Appealing to people from low to upper middle class income classes is the key. Steal the revenue neutral idea – all money saved from ending corporate welfare will be returned to people via income tax cuts and enhancements of existing programs for those who pay zero income tax (GST rebates, CLB, etc.). Smile instead or snarl.
    Even public service unions are receptive to tax cuts if you don’t threaten layoffs. Instead cut the public service by attrition and limiting spending growth. Ditto for other unnecessary subsidies to special interest groups – don’t advertise, just quietly restrain and cut back spending.
    The new party doesn’t need to get a majority. They just need to be large enough to influence the agenda via informal or possibly formal coalitions.

  32. Should be fun in Ontario when we have no more monster trucks on the roads, gas stations will become charging posts, electrically powered motor bikes, bicycles with little trailers and side bags and kiddie carriers all over the place. Yeah, that’s the dream of the enviro green freaks who have been given the GREEN light in the form of majority government….that’s the reality in the People’s Republic of Wynnetar-i-owe.

  33. Thanks for the laugh.
    Do I get a D?
    As in STD’s?
    Earlis right,we are passive but that is a good thing if you want a civil society.
    however we have far too many fools and bandits who mistake politeness for fear.
    The theft by government is accelerating into uncharted territory,for Canada.
    Passivity will not last.
    Perhaps the E.A party as in Enough Already.
    The parasitic overload is killing the host.
    And negotiation with parasites is impossible.
    The current Kleptocracy is beyond reform.

  34. .
    It’s a good thing electricity comes from a plug in the wall. It would take an awful lot of coal and gas and oil and nuclear power to provide for the millions of giant batteries charging up all day and all night … in Ontario where the clueless are running the vortex.
    In Ontario they’re going to have to equip those windmills with diesel engines to make those bird killing propellers spin fast enough to generate the electricity they are going to need to get people to show up at work in their tax-payer subsidized pile of expensive electric junk.
    Wait until the streets are littered with electric cars that ran out of juice and nowhere to plug in for a few hours until they can go again.

  35. One of my liberal friends was talking about the need for more electric vehicles on the road and the crying shame that more people weren’t buying them. I then pointed out that until they come up with a car that can go 300 km’s on a full charge in the middle of the winter no one will want one.
    The response was a light bulb going off. Her first comment was that the cold would drain batteries faster. Not to mention using the battery power to generate lights, heat, and accessories.

  36. “The federal LPC seems determined to replace FPTP so it’s time to adapt to whatever comes next. First there needs to be more nonprogressive choices.”
    It is classic how the GOP attempted to prevent Trump from getting 1237… They opened the Field to 17 candidates which divided the VOTE such that his share would be held to less than 50%. A good strategy, but most understood the game and he pushed it up their butts…
    If Canada drops FPTP, Conservatives can run 3 or more candidates in close ridings. The party with enough Money to fund multiple candidates Cons 01, Cons 02, Cons 03, will have a Huge advantage….
    I remember a professor from Temple was pushing a represented scheme in the 80’s until modelling revealed the obvious flaws.

  37. I then pointed out that until they come up with a car that can go 300 km’s on a full charge in the middle of the winter no one will want one.
    Exactly!!! Nobody want’s motorcycles, or electric scooters, or small urban electric delivery trucks, or any of the electric vehicles sold in Canada because none of them “go 300 km’s on a full charge in the middle of the winter”.

  38. I agree. It is starting to look like some of us might be sitting out a few elections in the future. Might as well let them drag the country into Venezuela territory.
    So far it appears that Brown is more progressive than conservative and there seems to be nothing but progressives angling for the Conservative leadership. Reform/Alliance is dead.

  39. You could try asking the MOT.
    10 or 15 years ago an ingenious citizen of Montreal was converting Renault Daphines to electric drive.
    Actually making a nicer unit than the original gas engine.
    However Ministry of Transport delayed,denied and denigrated his roadworthiness approvals until he gave up.
    If governments were serious about electric vehicles in urban settings,they could approve golfcarts right now.
    Forget cycle routes.
    They have no interest in reducing inner city air pollution,unless they can extract more tax from or gain more power over, the citizens.

  40. They tried that scheme in New Brunswick in the 70’s during the Hatfield administration. Does anyone recall the fabled Bricklin? It was a tax payer funded idea to create high paying manufacturing jobs. The rest is history.
