45 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Cruz did Calgary proud. He captured the American Dream and will defend it to the end. Definitely Supreme Court worthy.

  2. Cruz would be a VERY suitable replacement for Scalia. Although it might be awkward when President Trump introduces ‘Lyin Ted Cruz’ as his SCOTUS nominee.

  3. Trump may be pretty much unstoppable at this, as the momentum is all his after that Northeast sweep. Plus, I think a lot of Cruz supporters (myself included) have had it with whole process by now and are willing to go with Trump just to end the divisiveness for the good of the party and to increase our chances in November.
    That photo says it all. It’s a friggin MOVEMENT like hasn’t been seen on the R side since Reagan.

  4. Rafael Edward Cruz for NOTHING, not even dog-catcher.
    Rafael has been a government employee – a bureaucrat – nearly all his working life.
    The guy’s wife, Heidi, was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations for 5 years. She was a co-author of a CFR-sponsored report “Building a North American Community,” which essentially calls for a EU-style version of North America thereby effectively erasing the borders amongst Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.
    Rafael doesn’t seem to have had any objections to his wife’s membership and activities in the CFR.

  5. Ted is not a priest nor a king entitled to a transfer of wealth. Somebody should straighten the Cruz family out on this.
    And yes, Ted Cruz is a globalist in sheep’s clothing.

  6. Doesn’t matter which candidate a Republican supports,it’s obvious the people want Trump,so get behind him and defeat EIGHT MORE YEARS of Obama-Clinton-Alinsky government intent on destroying America and the West!
    I’ve never “liked” Trump,although I don’t know him or any other candidate personally, but I would, in the words of a great statesman,”make a kindly reference to Hell if the Devil Himself came out against Clinton”.
    I comes down to; save America and the world we have built over the centuries,or capitulate to the progressive communists and watch it all go down the drain.
    Think of YOUR children,and don’t worry about the Left’s kids,they will all hold government jobs as bureaucrats in the new dictatorship.

  7. But do not worry,the selected ones will ignore the voters in their first ballot and then anoint the party favourite at their second ballot.
    or so we are told.
    Funny how dumb the voters are seen as, by their self proclaimed leaders.
    That Trump knows Clinton at social level may very well be what motivated him to run.
    Hillary the android, popular with all dead and brain dead voters across USA.
    I wonder how many Democrat states would be up for grab by Trump,if voter identification was mandatory?
    Or if the dead are denied their vote?

  8. Yes read and listen lots. At 65 years fully expect Trump to betray conservatives just like those who led before him. I concede he has done well with all those democrats (unions) voting for him in his big tent.
    I’d suggest you spend some time here
    And here
    Before you become so enamoured with Trump.
    We have all been conned in the past …and it will happen again.
    The silence that will follow when Trump nominates left leaning judges will be HUGE!
    And gosh…for a guy who’s winning. He sure is a whiner.

  9. “The guy’s wife, Heidi, was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations for 5 years. She was a co-author of a CFR-sponsored report “Building a North American Community,” which essentially calls for a EU-style version of North America thereby effectively erasing the borders amongst Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.”
    When Fox (Megan Kelly) had Heidi on she skipped the fact that Heidi was schooled in Brussels…..Hiding the EU connection! That says a lot about Meghan’s agenda..
    Although Carly made a strange remark about Trump outing her at the same time as the Brussels event…not nice
    Trump can’t do any worse than GW & Cruz.. They picked Roberts

  10. Trump is going to surprise (and disappoint) a lot of conservatives if he wins the white house. I’ve been saying this for over a year, and I’ll keep saying it. Trump is NOT a conservative. He’s a big-government progressive in cino clothing.
    It never ceases to amaze me how gullible the LIV’s are.
    But go ahead, and vote Trump. He’s all but got the nomination now. I’ll concede that. I certainly hope he turns out to be better than Clinton, but the funny thing is that I’m not so sure that would be the case.
    What a ghastly choice. To choose between “Extreme” liberal, and liberal-like phony con!
    If those were my choices, I’d just stay home, pack it in from politics, turn my residence into a bunker, stock up on supplies and ammunition, and watch all the fun.

  11. The only conservative ideal that matters in this election is the border, for without it there is nothing else left to conserve. Otherwise, in 2020 the vote will be Republicans versus Democrats-plus-illegal-aliens-voting. If this election is lost, you can just forget all about the rest. The constitution won’t matter anymore – Democrats hate it to begin with, and all the illegal aliens they will have voting won’t give a rat sass.

  12. I really don’t care who wins the Republican nomination so long as who ever they are beat Hillary and/or Bernie or any other replacement the dems come up with.

  13. Honestly, Trump doesn’t even try to hide it much. On the campaign trail, he’s talked about his support for higher taxes, single payer health care, climate change legislation, Planned Parenthood, etc., etc. The man is a left-leaning Democrat, and a whole lot of ‘Republicans’ are going to have the opportunity to feel as let down as the Obama voters did in 2009.
    The problem with most of the Trump supporters is that Trump has essentially campaigned as a blank slate that they can project their own beliefs onto. Criticize Trump, or point out his very un-conservative beliefs, and to his supporters – who view Trump as an extension of themselves – you’re not just critically analyzing a politician’s promises, you’re making a personal attack on his supporters!
    It’s brilliant, scary, and sad all at the same time.

  14. Once again I see the useful idiots are out in full force. The most important political skill is this; quickly ascertaining what people want to hear, then saying it. No sympathy from me, when it turns out like every other time before this, you swallowed the hook, line, and sinker.

  15. Cite the conservative who at the time opposed Roberts. Who did trump support?

  16. So Kate, how would you respond to someone who turned ” lyin’ Kate ” into a bumper sticker?
    Cruz would the the absolute perfect head of the scotus for the next forty years.
    I think it tragic that trump probably guaranteed that won’t happen for at least four years.

  17. Agreed Don, but if I may, I would like add Karl Marx after Alinsky after your listing, just to make the lineage complete.
    Other than that it appears that we here are still agreeing to disagree.
    One thing we know for sure is that the American people on the right and on the left are fed up with the status quo establishment. Hillary is too big for Bernie to topple and the left this time is somewhat divided with some wanting four more years of Obama or move to what by any other name is a communist. It does appear, for the good or for the bad, that the Donald is going to take the nomination unless the Republican Party pulls some fast ones.
    We also know for sure that unless there is a radical turn the American people are on a downward spiral in many ways. The best military in the world means nothing, as Rome had the best military and engineers in the world at the time, but the rot was too deep.

  18. Gord, you’re losing it; your comments getting more irrational every day. Your dissonance over Trump’s victory is clearly testing your grip on reality.
    Here’s some rational advice for you: if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

  19. In the world according to Tulk, 50% of those at the Trump rally are Cruz supporters. So that, and about 20 people at the Cruz rally … give Cruz a clear win!!!

  20. Lots of people out to Trumps rally. Cheering like he’s a celebrity. I guess he is though. So I suppose that qualifies him to be president. Same as Justin. He’s cheered everywhere he goes. And he’s just as qualified to lead a country. I’m all in…Justin for PM and The Donald for POTUS…cause everyone else is.
    That’s the rationale I’m reading here. No surprise really. Conservatives can be idiots too.

  21. Really?: You can draw a parallel with Trudeau and Trump?
    Get fitted for a dunce hat, and fast.

  22. Levin is as mentally unstable about Trump as is Glenn Beck. I simply cannot listen to him prattle on anymore about how awful Trump is, and how brilliant Ted “Christ is on MY side” Cruz. Harvard-reeducated Ted Cruz. The same old establishment politician who has fkc()ed the Amerian people, Ted Cruz ?
    If what you mean by “read and listen a lot” is all taking place in the echo chamber of lunatics like screaming Mark Levin, and bat shit crazy Mormon convert Glen Beck … then you might want to consider getting out more often.
    A 4 year experiment with Trump is worth the gamble of all his supposed “liberal leanings” as screamed and shouted by your “intellectual” resources Levin and Beck … and Cruz’s own demented psycho-Christian father. If Trump fails to deliver, then this SAME MASSIVE VOTING BLOC that is electing him now, will be replacing him in 4 years. But the BONUS is that Hillary will have been sent on her way … to spend her twilight years wondering whether defending Billy-Bobs philandering was worth it all. Trump is JUST starting to poll ahead of SHrillary … and will expand his lead after he is nominated. It’s OVER for the nasty piece of work sHrillary. OVER. She can take her lesbian partner Huma and go at it to her hearts content. Scissor her timbers.
    And it is OVER for Ted Cruz and his deranged supporters who hurl insults at all us “Trumpeteers” . Give it up Ted … don’t embarrass yourself and your Christian Army any further. Stop it ! God is NOT … ONLY on your side … but on EVERYONES side … so how DARE daddy come to your rescue by insulting Believers like me. God is gonna give daddy a very angry lecture when he dies … apparently soon. Frippin lunatic. How DARE he throw MY god in my face as though HE is a Pope of Gods word (and voting law). Loon !

  23. If you’re a conservative and want Trump to win then you’re going to be disappointed. If he wins, there’s a Democrat in the Whitehouse. If he loses, there’s a Democrat in the Whitehouse.

  24. I constantly read on this site how much Trump is NOT a conservative.
    That may very well be true, but after watching his astonishing accomplishments against what is ultimately a stacked deck, I am far more inclined to ponder this….
    How come he has almost single-handedly done more for conservatism in the good ole USA than any professional GOP politician? Even if he somehow loses to Cruz, he has ALREADY done more for the Republican cause than any elected Republican I can think of. The Mexican wall is already decades overdue. Who the f*ck else is going to build it if not Trump?
    I am quite happy Trump is a rude, in-your-face blowhard, I’ll take that over a fake smiling, back-stabbing evangelical career politician any day of the week.

  25. You know … the MORE I listen to Cruz desperately browbeat voters … the MORE I believe that all his filibustering and shutting down the government nonsense in Congress was just “theatrical cred” to bolster his “anti-establishment” identity. Because, at the end of the day, all his theatrics accomplished exactly NOTHING in Congress. I am getting the creepy feeling that it was all just a Kabuki play intended for this election. Because IF Cruz were REALLY interested in CHANGE in our disastrous bureaucratic government overreach … then he would have been NEGOTIATING change in the halls of Congress … not grandstanding, prancing, and preening in front of cameras. Sorry … but esp. after his fathers invocation of Christ and chastising of Christians to VOTE FOR TED … or face the wrath of God … I am convinced that Ted is a FAKE. All he wants is POWER. He isn’t interested in FIXING anything … other than his own personal legacy.
    The final “tell” will be whether he gets solidly behind Trump, or whether he continues to ATTACK the PEOPLES CHOICE for Republican President.

  26. What charms me about Trump,is the way Liberals heads explode.
    Now as a bonus CINO’s are getting in on the implosion act.
    I hear more intelligence in 5 minutes of Trump than I have in 2 hours of Obama, Hillary is so crooked even she can’t remember which side she is on.
    The most intelligent thing I have heard from Hillary was when she was barking like a dog, she really said something then.
    This time tomorrow we will have a real good idea of what Indiana Republican voters think.
    Best election in decades.
    And we are not even into the main bout.

  27. Ted Cruz will work to fix what is wrong with American politics via constitutional conservatism. He is thoughtful, does his research and can speak clearly and with authority on the important issues. What is going wrong with America is that it has swept aside and forgotten the principals of its founding, including individual liberty and responsibility. It has instead succumbed to a culture of government dependence and authoritarianism.

  28. Ouch.
    There seems to be an attraction to Trump that is not based on any policy, vision, or depth of character but simply because he says the things average blokes say while arguing after having too many beers. And heroes it with impunity which inspires the unintelligent.
    The only thing worse than Hillary Clinton as president would be Donald Trump.
    But he’s a celebrity so he must be the best candidate.

  29. kicking out illegals, securing the boarder , building a wall, sorting out Isis and Islamic terror in the USA, and putting AMERICANS first….sounds like a liberal to me …lol
    The crap people say about him is crazy. He is a liberal? Tell me one liberal that actually wants to build the wall…a republican for that matter…show me a conservative that actually wants to put america and Americans (black, white,Hispanic Chinese) legal citizens that are american he wants to put them first and everyone in here is calling his supporters low information voters….its unbelievable think of the options first Hillary or Bernie? After that think of the Iran deal what a stupid stupid deal for america and trump is right Iran got everything america got nothing …zero….and that is what he and all of those people in that stadium are sick and friken tired of.
    I am telling you what i hear on the hangar floor Mexicans alike are squabbling because they are tired of the illegals taking the jobs they support trump while some of them call trump a racist blah blah blah….these are Mexicans in the lunch room arguing in front of me (i am in Tucson Arizona working ) all kinds of people are supporting trump they are sick and tired of the crime and yes i see it everyday and if you dont beleive me look up suarhita Arizona its south of Tucson a bit there has been a massive influx of “arabs” over the last 4 years in that community why ? because they work in Tucson but act as safe houses for Muslims who come into the usa illegally the boarder patrol is over whelmed not a day goes by that i don’t see the boarder patrol on the way home along the I10 who have pulled over some vehicle with illegals on the ground under arrest EVERY SINGLE FRIKEN DAY and i thought it was just a show ….its real every day and that’s just one section of the boarder.
    i mean i can only speak to what i see and Mexicans do support trump in large numbers are they a majority of Mexicans probably not but many are tired of it.

  30. The difference between Trudeau and Trump should be pretty obvious. One has run a multi-billion-dollar company for decades, employing tens of thousands of people. The other was a part-time substitute drama teacher (which means he “worked” about 4 days a year).
    If JT had taken over grandpa’s gas station business and run it for a few decades, generating billions in revenue, you might have a point in your comparison.

  31. I’ve been hoping for a Saunders trump showdown so finally Americans can vote a direction. Rather than a vanilla steered down the middle miss the obstacles program of both parties.

  32. I really can’t believe there are people deluded enough to think Trump will actually deport illegals or do anything he says. Well, denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. There’s just no pushing back against majority stupid I guess. Wake me when you are disappointed enough, and ready to fall for the next one. With the department of education, I think we can safely say there are 30 million born every minute.

  33. Trump is horrible! He is poaching Democrats just like Donald Raygun did!
    We need Hillary in the White House along with her assistant Huma!
    Their partners, Bill Clinton and Carlos Danger, will bring RSPECT to the White House!!!

  34. Ha ha. I guess you Didn’t hear anything from Levin to reinforce your shallow thinking. I named but one source for alternate opinions but I could name many. Dennis Praget, Thomus Sowell to name two more.
    Sure Trump draws big crowds and maybe you find that reassuring but you know what they say. “Where everyone thinks the same…no on thinks very much.”

  35. Hillary has fitted Bill with a catheter & bag so he doesn’t piss himself every day. Yes! he will be the POWER “beside” Hillary, but Barbara Streisand will not be sucking that limp dick….
    Hillary tells WV who will actually be working for Coal workers… BILL
    BTW: With Cruz comparing Trump to Hillary (same same), why does he think he can beat Hillary if he can’t beat Trump straight up… Cruz has some dumb ideas.. Canadian values ?

  36. It likely would not be a matter of physically rounding up illegals, but rather if an illegal causes problems (drug pushing, rape, etc.) he gets deported. Currently they get arresteed like for about 30 days and then released back onto the streets. The other thing he might do is put in place a process for gaining legal entrance which would require leaving before being admitted again. This would provide an opportunity to vet who is coming in. Both of these strategies would be good. I do not believe Trump will be successful in bring back jobs. That train is too far gone — but he might prevent more jobs from leaving. So sure, Trump will not deliver on everything he promises, but at least his intentions are in the right direction — vs. the globalists (including Obama) who are looking to see the US collapse.

  37. Cruz is a LOSER … losing … LOST. Cruz has been a total psychotic, megalomaniac who somehow ‘believes’ HE KNOWS who Jezus would vote-for. Outrageously Presumptive … completely pathetic. How DARE HE … and his drooling father … tell ME who Jesus would vote-for. SHAME SHAME SHAME ! That kind of belief is … EVIL … PURE EVIL … eh, Glen Beck ? Your character assassination of Trump is decidedly UN-Christian. The GOPe is FINSIHED. Wahhhh, it’s just “crowds” and “mobs” that are voting for Trump and CRUSHING CRUZ. Wahhhh … you’re all just celebrity worshipers … wahhhh … wahhhh …
    The PEOPLE have SPOKEN. Now, go away.

  38. I’m very familiar with Mark Levin, who appears to have become unhinged in his loud and obnoxious campaign to see Ted Cruz ‘chosen’ as the GOP nominee. For instance, “Do the right thing,” he barked at his radio show fans, right before the New York vote. I’ve listened to his radio show, often read his blog, and we bought his book, “Ameritopia” (which was excellent). I’ve watched him being interviewed on ‘Hannity’. His recent transformation into a blind crusader for Ted Cruz and against Donald Trump had me stumped until I read in quite a few places that his fiance’ (or new wife?) HAS A SON WHO WORKS FOR CRUZ. Okay, I get it now.

  39. “loud and obnoxious” that’s an excellent discription of Trump!
    Now tell us…how is Trump not connected?
    And please tell us how Levins analogy of Trump is flawed.
    Bet you can’t.
