30 Replies to “Max”

  1. I am one of those Western conservative voters who is more than skeptical of eastern conservatism. Eastern conservatives generally sacrifice their beliefs to progressive forces in the east and yield to eastern economic interests. Mulroney was the classic example. The cultural and economic divide in Canada simply grows every year and will simply accelerate with eastern leadership.

  2. I sure like him, more than Ambrose and maybe a bit more than Kenney. He seems to say the right things, hopefully his actions match his words.

  3. I like to think that Harper’s demise originated when he ceremoniously dumped on libertarians while going all “law and order” but I’m not that naive. Bernier gets my vote.

  4. What does it matter. The regressive conservative party is CINO. Want proof? Tune in to cbc. Is it still there?

  5. I like Bernier and think he could have broad appeal. He would likely not be painted with the anti-Harper nastiness (much of which is unfair, but still out there big time.) I am pretty indifferent to most of the others.

  6. Kate;
    Your infatuation with Max has me curious. I wonder if he has a Trump-like quality that I’m missing?
    Max made me cringe when he was caught on camera with running shorts so revealing that I thought he was doing a Richard Simmons ad. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/150378075030914052/
    If he can do something to overcome that image I may be persuaded. In the meantime when I think of him I think of Richard Simmons and his bimboesque date.
    Is she still his woman?

  7. I’ll believe he’s different when I see his plan for ending supply management and the subsidies to the CBC.

  8. I agree with your sentiments, but we will NEVER see a politician from any of the Big Three Parties who will address those issues.
    Bernier has my vote,so far, but there are surely more viable candidates who will enter the race in the near future.
    Mulroney is and always was, a Son of Quebec,a Quebecois even more so than Chretien or Trudeau. His greatest desire in life was to “best” Pierre Trudeau,for the title of “Greatest Quebecer of Them All”.
    I’d like to hold a poll, like the old “hamburger” polls we used to have in B.C., but with a bit of a twist. At my local rifle Range,I’d like to offer targets printed with a picture of Pierre,or a picture of Brian, and see which wins.

  9. Max likes women? When did that start?
    There are a few libertarians in quebek but Max isn’t one of them. Pierre Lemieux comes to mind. How could a libertarian get elected in quebek? A progressive conservative has trouble on most days but a libertarian? No chance.
    Max is a progressive conservative like most ‘conservatives’ east of the west. The west wing has a few fiscal conservatives. The CPC will go for an easterner this time. The result will be a party indistinguishable from the LPC or the NDP. Unelectable of course.

  10. “The result will be a party indistinguishable from the LPC or the NDP. ”
    Yup. And no different from any Conservative(note the large C) party in any province – east or west.

  11. No mention of his attitude toward immigration in general, and Muslim immigration in particular. Funny that.

  12. They are all going tell us that they want smaller government, lower taxes, etc
    To make up my mind, I want to know the leader’s opinions on:
    -firearms rights (gun owners are not second class citizens, to be subject to the whim of bureaucrats, their property removed for arbitrary reasons)
    -immigration intake and culture (strict control of our borders, no large number of Middle East/African immigrants/refugees)
    -the future of the CBC (fade it away)
    -defense spending (it has to increase. The time are coming when Canada really will need an armed forces)
    -the UN (deep skepticism and minimal involvement)
    -the role of religion in public life (none)
    Most of that could be addressed well by a Libertarian leaning conservative. Bernier could have my vote if he is an actual conservative.

  13. Maxine has been my choice for leader post Harper for about five years now. I look forward to talking with him at the upcoming cpc convention
    Why would he be the best?
    1.!He’s a conservatives conservative – interested in a gold standard and forthright about supply management etc.
    2. He’s from Quebec – yes that matters. A leader from western Canada is unworkable and Ontario has no prospects who fit point one
    3. The financial bedrock of the party is still Alberta. And no prospect who doesn’t meet point one will go nowhere. Don’t waste your time Peter and Bernard.
    4. He’s fearless
    5. He’s charismatic.

  14. I like Bernier but he needs to start talking about reducing immigration if he wants my vote.

  15. “He’s a conservatives conservative – interested in a gold standard and forthright about supply management etc.”
    What a hoot! What gold? The same stuff we have been selling off since Turdeau? It’s gone, gone, gone.
    “2. He’s from Quebec – yes that matters. A leader from western Canada is unworkable and Ontario has no prospects who fit point one”
    yeah because a westerner isn’t fit to be primeminister, only those from the most corrupt province need apply.
    “The financial bedrock of the party is still Alberta. And no prospect who doesn’t meet point one will go nowhere. Don’t waste your time Peter and Bernard. ”
    And now we know Alberta’s worth to Canada.
    “4. He’s fearless”
    Except where immigration reform is an issue, or gun rights, or property rights, or killing CBC, getting Canada out of the corrupt UN, or living up to our NATO agreements. Other than that, he’s a brave man. Certainly worth your vote, mine, not so much.
    “He’s charismatic.”
    Oh please! So was Turdeau 1, Mulroney, and this latest slag hoisted upon the poor Canadian voter.
    My vote is for an independent Western Canada. Makes much more sense to real conseratives. Even 51st state has more appeal.

  16. “A leader from western Canada is unworkable….” – reinforcing the stereotypical image of Central Canadians / Quebecois being the only legitimate rulers of Canada! What bigotry! If only the West were in control back when a successful referendum was possible and that had been our mantra only instead of the West it was anyone from Quebec as unworkable – Quebec would no longer be attached to the udders of the ROC.
    I can see political advantages to an Easterner but your words mean Westerners need not apply. “Back of the bus Ni…. I mean Westerner”!

  17. As you are for a separate western Canada your opinion is invalid. Just like obamas opinion on the brexit

  18. No, his opinion is NOT invalid.
    He is a Canadian citizen. Alberta is not a separate nation, so his opinion is quite valid. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it.
    I don’t much care for Bernier. He’s just another Quebec asshole who believes because he’s from the anointed province that he has the divine right to rule.
    I decided during Harper’s minority governments that NO PARTY has my guaranteed vote.

  19. After watching Harper steal the hopes and dreams of Reformers across Canada and morph them into a Lib-lite reign for his lil’ ole self, I will never again trust another conservative politician any more than a leftist one.
    Bernier’s answer to the question on media bias displayed utter ignorance of the depth of the hole conservative politicians have already dug for us.
    Until conservative politicians get off their PC-tainted asses and openly counter-attack the media as the biased and hostile enemy they are, I see little hope.

  20. I agree, and am also skeptical of eastern conservatives. If he is a part of the Laurentian Elite he will sell us out like Mulroney did with the F-18 contract.
    At this point I am leaning toward Jason Kenney, but am willing to give Bernier a hearing.
    I will not support a red Tory like Joe Who.
    Brenda in BC, ‘What’s his policy on “global warming”?’ Excellent question, and we need to know if he has sold out to the socialist snake oil salesmen.

  21. It’s my main issue. Every bad policy seems to emanate from the religion of global warming. This affects the economy, and well, everything from that to possibly jailing ‘deniers’, which some idiots are working towards in the U.S. I’m already disappointed in Bernier in that he has no problem with legalizing pot. But I guess that’s expected with a libertarian stance.
    But if he agrees with Big Climate and Big Green, then he’s no libertarian.

  22. Wow. Commenters here are a bit wound up. Why so curmudegon folks?
    I thought he was a more well known figure so I’ll provide a bit of feedback.
    Max Bernier is one of the most dedicated “movement conservatives” in Parliament. He is a climate change skeptic…
    He worked for the Montreal Economic Institute which is a right-wing think tank akin to the Fraser Institute.
    He’s personable and friendly. Qualities that Harper had trouble with.
    I don’t see any other potential candidate on the field that would be better than Max right now. Maybe MacKay, but that’s about it.

  23. McKay is no conservative. He’s as progressive as they get. He would be completely comfortable as a librano – much like his old buddy scott brison. Within the Party ranks it’s probably his turn.
    There is considerable cleavage between eastern conservatives and those from the west – who tend to lean to the fiscal side.
    If the SW ON conservatives – the Bill Davis Jason Roberts types or the Elmer McKay John Crosby types take over it’s lights out. There is no Preston Manning or Stephen Harper to balance out the scale. I fully realize that these are names from the past but the CPC is bereft of legitimate names that aren’t tied to Harper. They have no chance.
    A long time in the wilderness awaits conservatives if the wrong leader is picked. They need someone who resonates with very liberal voters. Not an easy task. Probably impossible.

  24. Abtrapper I am with you. People don’t seem to realize that harpers real opponents were the PCs. It’s a testament to Harper that he was able to not only fend them off but control them, while dealing with a hostile media, and trying to balance it all out while trying to govern from the center and maintain the base.
    There is no one in the Party that has the balls to step up and double down on conservatism and call the media out for the lying jackal lib synchophants they are.
    That person would win the leadership and the next election.
    In my opinion Harper actually set the table for such a person since there are few conservatives out there who think Harper was too conservative.
    And frankly anyone who thinks that media criticism of Harper was anything but a massive and ongoing alinsky smear campaign is an idiot.

  25. Never understood the “MacKAy is a Red Tory” smear.
    He was elected as a Blue Tory to bolster support against the Canadian Alliance. Then he did what needed to be done and destroyed the redness out of the party by merging it with the Alliance and creating the proper Conservative Party of Canada.
    Then he reset the foreign affairs file with the Bush adminstration, took over as Defence minister and was all about killing terrorists for 7 years. Then took over the Justice portfolio and tried the ram through “tough on crime” bills that liberal judges fought him over constantly.
    The big scandals were: Using a helicopter to get to a meeting, thus giving Sea rescue guys a chance to fly. He wore a sweater with a picture of a rifle on it in support of gun rights. He sent out Mother’s day messages congratualting Mother’s for balancing work and home life, but didn’t include the same thing in his Father’s day message (SCANDALOUS!)
    Not sure what people expect here. They seem fixiated on the fact that he was the last leader of the PC’s and that somehow makes him a Liberal. If you’re pulling names of politicians and divisions from the past beyond ten years (which at this point includes the PC/Alliance merger) then you simply need to get up to speed with the here and now. East-West divisions aren’t what they used to be. French-English divisions are that interesting anymore.
    It’s 2016.

  26. Probably a nice fellow, but His Candidacy will be blocked by the Laurentien inheritors of Chateau Privelege & Family Compact. This will force Him to play the “Quebec-Card” and this time will wipe out any support from West of Onatariooooo

  27. I was a reformer back in the 90s. I even put myself forward to be a reform candidate. Bernier sounds like my kind of guy.
