14 Replies to “This Is My Brother Mohammed, And This Is My Other Brother Mohammed”

  1. Lookee thar — Someone done throwed away a perfectly good sex doll!

  2. Sex toys from the sky,
    they are running out of Virgins..

    sorry kt- i just couldn’t help myself..

  3. They operate n a virtual world with social media and devices but cannot identify a rubber doll?

  4. Those backward Third World people and their primitive cultures!
    Hey, did you hear the latest about Kim Kardashian and Kanye?

  5. She has the breasts of an angel, I’ll give them that. ( hahaha! )

  6. The Gods must be Crazy … Muzzie style.
    Yeahhhh … I’m gonna have to say “no thank you” to that whole multi-cultural, moral equivalency thing

  7. Beautiful hair, flashing eyes,…just like turdo la doo…but smarter.

  8. If I knew who Kim Kardashian or Kanye were, and why I need to care, I could answer that.

  9. Poor jihadis, now there are only 71 inflatable virgins waiting in paradise.

  10. I’m pleased to see that the villagers restored her modesty, hijab and all. You just can’t make this stuff up!

  11. I get the feeling the guy was running a peep show for his more credulous neighbors, two bits to see the “sky woman” (five bucks if you want to grab her whatsit).
