27 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Nailed it Kate..
    Anti SJW. Anti-gun control, anti- Political correctness, anti- socialists, anti- Obama, tells the media to kiss his @ss, Megan Kelly, Carl Rove etc. etc.. Believes that Capitalism and jobs can make America great again.
    I always knew down deep that the bastard was going to win, I don’t like the son of a bitch,
    but I am still voting for him.
    And that is another reason why he will win..

  2. You have to wonder what kind of club it is in Washington when the moron media and the incumbents will expend this much energy to keep the man out. What exactly is so scary that Trump will find out them all?, and would it be so bad to have an accomplished businessman run the biggest corporation there is? Singapore is run like a business, doesn’t seem to hurt that place. It’s past time that political correctness was disposed of.

  3. now I worry that the Supreme Court in the USA will hobble President Trump like the Canadian SC hobbled Harper. The courts should not have the ability to make legislation!!

  4. Scott Adams, of “Dilbert” fame, was way ahead on this one.
    Poor Lance. I hope his shaft isn’t broken.

  5. I do not get Ted Cruz — hanging on by his fingernails. There is something very sinister in play. Cruz and some other Republicans still hope to win via a contested convention, but to ignore the clear front runner even if there is a second ballot would destroy the Republican party, I believe. Ted’s explanation for not throwing in the towel is that a Trump nomination will simply serve to elect Hillary. This may be true, but he is living in a fantasy land if he thinks any other Republican has a better chance of beating her.

  6. 4 years ago when Trump tried to run and everyone was rolling on the floor laughing at that “clown”, I said he could be President and that he was no clown, which caused more people to roll on the floor laughing even harder.
    and now it is 2016 and Trump is the most popular candidate.
    I love being right.

  7. Trump is an Icon of NYC… He was in the NYT everyday (entertainment) and as Cruz found out you don’t disrespect NYC. The MSM can’t find anything in Trumps past that is not Known by everyone in the North/east & South/east
    The Day he announced Macys KNEW and tried to stop him.
    The anti-women issue was created by the MSM…for the MSM.
    The TV show “Dallas” should remind folks that it was the Women that loved JR & the Donald will have them locked in by Nov.. He is like a live Soap opera. They will need their FIX every day. (It was the JR factor that saved Bill Clinton)
    His personal life does not need the angst of been President. It is a downer for a real successful CEO to have to detail every thought & objective…
    He will do what he says..take it to the bank
    He is a real American, for all Americans!

  8. The Trump “brand” = schlock redefined. If you ask ME what “luxury” is … the word “Trump” will never appear … ever. To call me a Trump Bot is laughable. Trump is a vehicle. Trump is a repudiation. A repudiation that American voters have only played with through a series of failed Independent candidates over multiple elections. But something has changed this election cycle: 8 years of Obama, following 8 years of Bush. 18 Trillion dollars in debt. Illegals employed and supported by the government in greater percentages than American citizens. Useless wars by feckless leaders. Stagnant wages. The fraud of Global Warming. Nonexistent business growth. Higher taxes, fees, and payments … the list goes on … and unlike the FAILED slogan of the last election … Americans NEED real change. Our political class, and our political institutions need a thorough bleaching. A thorough disinfection.

  9. Ted Cruz and his wife, Heidi, are both owned, bought and paid for, by Goldman-Sachs. Trump is only partially owned by all of the banks. G-S just wants to have sole ownership of the ‘Murrain president and THAT’S why Cruz is doing what he’s doing.

  10. Please take note of the “pundits” and sundry political creatures who wrote Trump off and who continue to – these are people who are so removed from the realities of politics and attitudes at the street level that their opinion is absolutely worthless.
    The reason I can say this with some certainty is because Trump’s popularity was and is totally a product of popular disgust, or rather “distrust” of the political system in America. These are the people who overwhelming give a 9% approval rating to congress and 6% to the MSM respecively. The people who media and politicians forgot.
    Trump’s popularity hinges on the fact he is a system outsider. He is percieved by the electorate to be not part of the political establishment, and the more they slander him and back stab him, the wider his popularity becomes.
    Trump is a people’s revolt against the status quo.

  11. So why exactly is Goldman-Sachs not capable of facing reality here? If they are insistent on “owning” the Presidency, I am sure Hillary would be a willing candidate. Maybe the real worry here is that Trump might actually beat Hillary. Now that would ruffle some feathers in the cozy US political nest.

  12. Ha! Oop oop ooh ooh ooh … see me scratching my armpits … oh, and I am dribbling and spittling …
    PS … The more Glen Beck keeps doubling-down on his Trump derangement syndrome … the more he will be killing his own business. Killing it dead. But he can say that he “stuck to his principles” …

  13. As much as I like the Trump ‘attack mode’ when confronted by progressives whether the media or Demos I still cannot get a read on how the man thinks. What is the basis for his decision making process? Is there one? Anti Washington campaigning is fine but what or how will he change it?
    Cruz undoubtedly has a superior grasp of what ails government in the USA. His persona does not translate well and his solutions likely do not appeal to enough people in the GOP let along in an election. I sympathized with his Meet the Press assertion that the MSM is benefiting from a Trump candidacy and the lack of opportunity for voters to see an exchange of ideas one on one between Trump and Cruz. It makes me wonder if Americans are feeling ‘managed’?

  14. Kenji agreed
    I used to listen to and respect Beck. Now he is so transparently depesperate and sounds like a left wing radical trying to demonize an opponent. I always felt Beck presented his positions honestly ( but of course politically), and now he is doing a very poor job of demagoging Trump. It is just pathetic.
    Count me as a listener he has lost. I no longer trust Beck.

  15. The DC “elites” are not that complicated. They are afraid some “clown” from the private sector will damage the cash cow they have nurtured for generations. Their contempt for the rest of the country is so deep these days they don’t even try to hide it, and even some of the low-information crowd have noticed, finally.

  16. bartinsky, I think you answered your own question. He is an outsider, who can’t be corralled into PC subservience. The media hates him but must cater to him to avoid getting scooped.
    As for Trump’s leadership qualities, that ideal has been hopelessly dumbed down by Hillary and Barack, how bad could he look?
    While Cruz’ policy and plans have more polish and a bit more depth, I see nothing stirring or uniting in them. He sounds like a Hillary of the right, without the corruption but nearly as unteachable. His desperate gambit lately, now a likely loser in Indiana, which Trump doesn’t even needs, seals his fate.
    The GOP would be wise to line up behind Trump (suck it up buttercups) and aim their guns on Hillary with some inquiries into how the FBI “security review” is going, or how pathetic she’s been against Bernie, garnering less votes for herself than in her also-run campaign against Obama in 2012, generating only manufactured excitement amongst her loyal cult. Her duplicity & culpability on Benghazi will be re-“litigated.”
    We might as well settle in for a nasty one. Forget about Hillary running to the bathroom to garner the sympathy vote. Additionally, there is no doubt Trump will use every weapon at his disposal, at a time of his choosing, and will not be deterred by calls for restraint to avoid sexism rants. By taking her sex off the table, Trump hopes to present himself as a lover and admirer of women, with a track record to back it. Even if Hillary were to be so foolish, Trump would double down on Bubba the workplace predator, with Hillary the enabler. Perhaps some readings from Monika Lewinsky’s new book would illustrate.
    Speaking of Bubba, it will be hard for him to reinvigorate the DNC with bleats of “we don’t want to go back to Bush (ignoring Obama infinitely more spendthrift),” except that dynasty is now dead. Maybe he’ll try, don’t let a failed billionaire run things, or he’s unethical, or? Ain’t payback a bitch?
    This show is over; nothing to see, move on folks to the real political war which can now begin in earnest.

  17. I was in Houston last week and had the channel tuned to Fox News to listen to the election dribble. Some guy named Watters was interviewing Bernie Sanders supporters who were protesting at Trump rallies, essentially showing how stupid they were because they could not come up with an example of why they were Trump haters. Over to CNN where the reporter was at a Trump rally to demonstrate how stupid Trump supporters are.
    I have to say, there are some really stupid people in America (voting on both sides). But what was interesting was how obviously biased the “news” coverage is.

  18. Yet even the CNN cannot find a Trump supporter protesting either Bernie or Hillary the rabid.
    I am sure the DNC is attempting to train some of their “authentic grass roots crew” to impersonate conservative protestors, but just can’t get the act down.
    What seems to get through to even the stupid is the difference in attitude toward other peoples rights and freedoms.

  19. I called it the day he announced…my only crystal ball was the appalling slugs he was running against…on both sides.

  20. The GOP wouldn’t let the people have another Reagan or better, so it had to go.

  21. I agree. Something stinks to high heaven in Washington.
    Bill Elder, you say it well.
    I have said it before and will say it again. The American people are fed up with the establishment on both sides. Think about what John Boehner recently said when he said he has more friends among the Democrats than among the Republicans.

  22. I remember watching that interview on SDA last year when you posted it. I remember loving how he cut through the bullshit as if it were butter and it changed a lot of pre-conceived notions I had about him. I’ve been on the #TrumpTrain ever since.

  23. I find it amazing. From the moment Trump announced, the media narrative was that he
    would never win enough delegates to secure the nomination. The American people are
    pissed off at the lack of jobs, the massive debt, the cost of Obonzo-care, the looming
    inflation monster, etc. The 2016 election is already over. Trump is going beat the
    lesbian in the Mao Jacket like a baby Harp Seal!
    The only question left is will the Democrat party lose a thousand+ seats all the way
    down ticket to state, county and city races? If the tsunami I expect to see does
    come about, this would be the third near 1,000 seat loses in 4 election cycles. If
    this keeps up, the Democrat party will cease to exist as a national party in a few
    Every once in a while, the electorate gets it right. Trump defeated 16 rivals, including
    all of the establishment RINO’s. This election is not just an absolute rejection of the
    liberal/leftist/Democrat party, it is also an absolute rejection of the equally corrupt
    GOP establishment.
    Fasten your seat belts this is going to be an interesting election!
