34 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. F.H. Buckley is a professor at George Mason Law School and the author of The Way Back: Restoring the Promise of America, writes.
    “Trump vs. the New Class
    The Donald is a liberal—just like Ronald Reagan was.
    Today, Donald Trump’s campaign soars above our conservative elites, who in their foundations, their little magazines, their think tanks, define what conservatives may do or say. Trump ignores them, they tell us, and disorder and chaos must follow.
    My good friend Bob Tyrrell wrote a great book called The Death of Liberalism. He was half right. Liberalism did die, but only in the Democratic Party. There it became progressivism, the bastard child of the New Left and identity politics, the perversion of liberalism’s every noble instinct. But liberalism itself did not die. Instead, it was incorporated into the Republican Party, through leaders such as Reagan, and now is almost mainstream conservatism. Like Reagan, today’s conservatives are yesterday’s liberals. What they are not are yesterday’s conservatives.”
    You could say the same situation exists in Canada

  2. A very telling interview. The Commander’s pride in the RCAF role in rescuing the
    Yazidi refugees from certain death on Sinjar mountain is evident.
    The RCAF would be back there in a heartbeat to fight along side our allies and help
    rid Iraq and Syria of the anathema that is the Islamic State.
    They’ve done us proud and will again. Whenever, again we elect moral/political leadership in Ottawa.
    Every schoolchild and adult should see this interview.

  3. Vienna rape suspect floored by female prison guard
    Published: 03 May 2016 12:37 GMT+02:00
    One of the three teenage asylum seekers accused of the brutal rape of a young student has been floored in jail after attacking a female warden who was a martial arts expert.
    Teen confesses to gang rape attack in Vienna (25 Apr 16)
    The 16-year-old asylum seeker had attacked the female prison warden but chose the wrong target because she was an experienced martial arts expert and swiftly put the aggressive young man out of action.
    He was then carried back to his cell by her colleagues.
    The teenager is one of three who accused of the brutal sex attack in a public toilet in Vienna’s Praterstern station. …
    Keep this up and Austria will be taken off the rapefugees approved destination list.

  4. Anyone else hear the announcement from John M..hic.allum that after the AG reported fraudulent applicants recieving citizenship that the minister would consider….wait for it…..revocation of citizenship?

  5. Mohammed and Justine.
    “Remaining Canadian hostage pleads with Ottawa”
    “The Philippine militant group that beheaded Canadian hostage John Ridsdel, has released a new video apparently showing the second Canadian hostage Robert Hall pleading with Ottawa to “meet the demand” of his captors, the National Post newspaper reported on Tuesday.”
    Justine pleads with Mohammed.

  6. In the upside-down world of academia, one of the currently trending topics is called “academic precarity”. It is a newly coined phrase to describe the condition faced by people who have chosen to pursue degrees that have limited market value and, never giving up on their dreams of life in the ivory tower, move from one limited-term or part-time contract or research fellowship to another. According to an article in the Times Higher Education Supplement, this “academic precarity” is said to induce a “kind of academic PTSD.”
    An “uncertain life” describes the experience of most people in the world, and the phenomenon of pursuing a career for which there is limited demand is not at all unfamiliar to artists, writers, singers, dancers, actors, athletes and circus clowns, and a host of other trades. It seems, however, that academics suffer more, or suffer less silently.

  7. “[The] phenomenon of pursuing a career for which there is limited demand is not at all unfamiliar to artists, writers, singers, dancers, actors, athletes and circus clowns, and a host of other trades. It seems, however, that academics suffer more, or suffer less silently.”
    Stop, stop! You’re breaking my heart. Oh, the humanity!
    Quick, send in the clowns!
    Don’t bother. They’re here.

  8. ‘A new study SUGGESTS that Earth MAY be holding nearly 1 trillion species of organisms, but only one-thousandth of 1 percent of those organisms is identified, which means that 99.99 percent of all life forms are yet to be discovered.’
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

  9. Too true. I am not a socialist. If socialists can call themselves “Progressives”, I call myself “normal”.

  10. AGW RIP.
    H/T Liberal Wynnetario.
    “‘Climate Hustle’: The movie sneers at climate change concerns'” (csmonitor)
    “Ontario invests $20 million for electric vehicle charging stations”
    “The province is planning to invest $20 million to build nearly 500 electric vehicle charging stations at more than 250 locations across Ontario in 2017.”

  11. Larry;
    Canada has no serious national interest in the ME. Our military should get out. When I see the Euros truly committed there I might pause. Canada is played for a rich fool when it comes to bailing the Euros out of their problems. They are the ones who have screwed up the ME and are dependent on their energy. IMHO the Americans have finally realized this and are slowly establishing a more neutral approach to their geopolitics in the area.
    Canada should spend their scarce resources securing the northern frontier.

  12. Should be fun with either Hillary or The Donald as POTUS. Of the two, I’m with The Donald. Neither are good for Canada…but I think Trump being a business man of note may well see the benefits of dealing more with Canada across the board. How he will handle our Selfie loving show-off Prime Minister should be interesting.

  13. On today’s Drudge page is an article that cites statistics showing that at least HALF of all the illegals here in America are ILLEGALLY receiving welfare. Why ? Because the rules, and the laws are simply being ignored by the government clerks and bureaucrats dispensing the welfare benefits.
    I have said, for some time, that ALL our government workers and bureaucrats are hard core leftists. That America needs MORE than just a new President … we need to clean house in every department throughout our entire government. We need to simply FIRE government employees who are ignoring our laws. The LEFTISTS have mestasticized throughout our entire government … and must be radically excised, if the body is to survive.

  14. Kenji;
    Apparently they dispense tax payer dollars as easily as they do ballets at election time. All for the greater good, doncha know.

  15. My parents called them professional students.
    Speaking of being schooled, CBC comes in with a 54% drop in revenues in 14/15 FY. Is this thanks to all their “hit shows” we hear about on HNIC (which they fumbled away, along with the theme song).
    All CBC shows are hits; yeah right – taxpayer hits. The private socialists aren’t far behind in the race for futility. I wonder why CBC hasn’t reported this?
    Threaten to reduce their budget, and you’ll 24/7 coverage of their struggle against intolerance – and self reliance.
    “Canada’s TV broadcasters see revenue shrink; CBC hit by loss of NHL rights.”
    At the CBC, advertising revenue fell to $220.1-million from $474.6-million – mainly because of an absence of major sporting events and the loss of NHL television rights starting with the 2014-15 hockey season. CBC also received $757.9-million from the government, up $32-million, for its 27 TV stations.”

  16. Well, along with gratuitous nonsense from the Minister, and the usual failure to answer the question, that clip featured a lengthy close up of three of the more naggy social scolds on the Liberal front bench: Freeland, Bennett and Fry. Eyewash, please?

  17. “All CBC shows are hits; yeah right – taxpayer hits.”
    Good one! A billion per year with peanuts in return. People before profits!
