44 Replies to “SDA Gets Results!”

  1. I’m not boycotting earls because of the Kansas corn fed beef they chose to use. I’m boycotting them because of their choice of halal meat. Well than and the nonsense about humane and antibiotic and hormone free you know similar to my boycott of A & W.

  2. Bingo, and I totally agree. We have not been back to A & W since they put up their asinine hormone free signs or whatever the blazes the sign read.
    SDA does get results is bang on! Way to go Kate et al.
    Halal is humane? My petuity it is.

  3. For some reason Canadians are easily lead away from accepting Canadian Culture as not only being up to International Standards, but usually leads the way.
    It wouldn’t be because the Laurentien Controlled media and follow the Liberal Party meme following conservative values and recognizing Value In Conservative Parties is much better than using Brokerage Politics buying Special Voting Blocks with Tax-payer Funds.

  4. Doesn’t matter. They capitulated, and then blinked. No respect, and as a result, no business from me.

  5. I wouldn’t be claiming victory yet as Earl’s has said “it will take some time”…..in other words, they really aren’t committed yet. The boycott should absolutely continue.

  6. Left out of the release: “Based on our policy, ‘as much as possible’ is zero.”
    The suckers’ll buy that.

  7. I won’t step foot in an earls again. Apparently I’m one of the “millenials” (news to me) that they are marketing to.

  8. ….”as much beef as possible from Alberta”….are the key words for public consumption.
    Under what conditions? Should it be blessed by some religionist? Should it be bled to death under some religionist control freak?
    How many? would 2 cows (as you may note its plural already) be sufficient to cover the rhetoric.
    ….”build more of the supply they need”….
    If the Islamic suppliers fill the supply, how are the restaurants going to need more?
    Yeah, right.
    Used to spend a lot of beer money at the place downtown Calgary. Will never set a foot there.

  9. Sorry Earls, you made your stand. Now you’re sorry. I love going to Earls but my money and I will not darken your door anytime soon. Shame on you.

  10. Mo admitted a mistake, but not much of a remedy to replace gimmicky US Halal beef.

  11. Earl’s are not using Halal meat. The Kansas supplier is ALSO a Halal supplier. As for A and W, good for them to lead the anti hormone and especially anti biotic free beef movement.

  12. I am still waiting patiently for all the SJW’s pet projects to collide with Islam.
    If Christians demanded the world’s cattle be slaughtered this way, there would be 24/7 coverage on CNN with all the moral indignation they could muster. PETA would be fire-bombing churches.
    But, muslims get yet another free pass.
    If Christian men forbid their women to drive or wrapped them in garbage bags to go out in public, feminists would go nuclear. Not a freakin’ word from the whiny twats about Islam.
    I see that muslims already got their free pass from the MSM on not baking cakes for gay weddings.
    Both the ignorance and blinding bigotry of the social left are truly staggering.

  13. chingford please keep telling yourself that. Guess what Mo (the name of the president of earls) is short for. Here is a hint his religion is muslim.

  14. Mo’s non-apology apology WILL be seen for what it is by the vast majority of those who have stopped going to Earls. They have FOREVER lost thousands of regulars.
    Fearless Forecast:
    * There will be acres of empty seats at Earls Alberta locations for a couple of years
    * Their CEO, Mohamed, will soon be announced as “pursuing other interests and spending more time with his family”
    * They’ll still do fine with left-coast tree-hugging SJWs, but their Alberta restaurants will be suffering for a long time, thus forcing Earl’s to waste LOTS of money on consultants + PR campaigns + advertising trying to fill all those empty seats in Alberta.
    * Don’t be surprised if many Alberta locations close, then later re-open under a completely NEW brand name with a slightly different menu and decor

  15. Earls did not make a mistake. Earls made a very poor conscious decision that was likely as apparent to the decision makers as it is to everyone else (except Muslims). They thought they could get away with it.
    So if you want my business back you are going to have to own this a lot harder Earls.
    It reminds me of a comment I read after Tiger Woods “apology”. Which was ” I’ve seen more sincerity in a hostage video”.
    Same applies here.

  16. Of course Earl’s meat isn’t Halal. Of course, of course.
    ALL the meat at Creekstone (Earl’s Certified Humane beef supplier) is hand slaughtered zabihah Halal by Muslim staff, but of course that doesn’t mean it’s Halal because Earl’s didn’t request the Halal labelling.
    Your thinking reminds me of a little Abraham Lincoln anecdote:
    In discussing the Emancipation question, he used to liken the case to that of the boy who, when asked how many legs his calf would have if he called its tail a leg, replied, ” Five,” to which the prompt response was made that calling the tail a leg would not make it a leg.
    Calling Halal meat not Halal meat does not make it not Halal meat.

  17. I can’t participate in this thread as I have never dined at an “Earl’s”.
    I tend to avoid places that call themselves “upscale” as in my experience,that means over-priced with small portions.
    In my working years,I searched out the small out-of-the-way joints that weren’t franchises, where lots of working people went,and found a great many eateries in Vancouver that the sophisticated would call “greasy spoon”, but the places were always clean,plain decor,friendly service and well priced. Many of them were owned by a husband and wife team.
    One of my favorites in Vancouver was a restaurant we used to call “The Norwegians”,can’t remember it’s real name, off Clark at the edge of the industrial area,best breakfast in town,open about 6 AM,for the working folks in the industrial site.
    Earl’s,and all the other over priced franchises can sink into oblivion for all I care, we were better served before the age of franchises,when real people put their heart and money into a business,and treated their customers with respect.

  18. I don’t like Earls food, anyway. And our local A&W is a dud. (Management issues, I think…)
    We have fantastic eateries where I now live. Lots of variety.

  19. If I ran a steak house, I don’t think I’d be sucking up to vegetarians. These people are morons.

  20. I suspect Earl’s choice to use Halal meat from Creekstone beef had more to do with their President Mohamed Jessa’s Muslim faith, than the so-called humane issue they were trying to spin.

  21. S.D.A.’s new slogan: Veni, Vidi, Vici
    Canada’s present Prime Minister thinks Canada has no “core identity”, but Canadians still think it does.

  22. “Don’t be surprised if many Alberta locations close, then later re-open under a completely NEW brand name with a slightly different menu and decor.”
    That’s exactly how Earl’s came about in the first place. Many of the Edmonton locations of Earls were originally Fullers restaurants. Fullers if I remember correctly was similar to Dennys

  23. I dropped Earls another note, to let them know that – other than requirements of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (or Health Canada or Ag Canada, come to think of it), I had no concerns about treatment of cattle in Canada. On the other hand, I DO have concerns about Alberta (and BC ranchers and farmers. As far as I am concerned, anything less than 100% Canadian beef is not enough, and until they get there, I will not be a customer at Earls, Joey’s or Cactus Club. (The Fuller family owns Joeys, and also has a minority interest in Cactus Club.)
    They might be interested to hear that from others, too.

  24. “especially anti biotic free beef movement.”
    You do realize that any trace of antibiotics is totally gone by the time the beef arrives at your table, right? No … probably not. Your comments remind me of those brain-dead people sampling A&W burgers on the commercial and expressing satisfaction over the fact that the beef was raised without antibiotics. The chubby little guy handing out burgers should ask them why the antibiotic thing is so important to them. The blank looks would be priceless. However, asking them to spell “antibiotic” would probably elicit the same response.

  25. Yes, a steak house for vegetarians would be rather pointless. In this case the restaurant is trying to appeal to the ‘millennial-twits’ demographic who want their meat raised like pets and quietly killed while they sleep. Any marketing ploy that supports that fantasy will suck them in, since by-and-large they’re not very bright. Look who they voted into government.

  26. It is said that the reason early humans’ brains became bigger was the addition of regular animal protein (mostly shell-fish) to their diets millions of years ago. So, now that our brains are even larger and more complex, I opine that voluntarily taking away animal protein from one’s diet would most likely damage the brain. Could it be that many of today’s societal and individual ills (believing one is the opposite sex, etc) can be attributed to the large number of vegetarians and vegans in the population?

  27. Favill, I like your reasoning. Right up there with the best the progs can offer.

  28. You have just come up with a great idea.
    The beef industry should produce adds to conter the A&W claims and all other assertions made by those who are to many generations removed from the farm.

  29. So when earls left Ft Mac,did they take the steaks with them so it would be humane?? At least it was cooked.

  30. Re: “In this case the restaurant is trying to appeal to the ‘millennial-twits’ demographic who want their meat raised like pets and quietly killed while they sleep.”
    It’s not just Earl’s. The whole Canadian beef industry is talking “sustainability” (cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-beef-earls-mistake-reverse-source-humane-supply-cattle-1.3565780):
    “The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, the Alberta Beef Producers and others are working with the Calgary-based Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef on new standards for how beef is produced, which will address ethical treatment of cattle and the use of antibiotics and steroids. [Earl’s CEO Mo] Jessa said Earls is open to accepting a made-in-Canada verification system once it gets rolled out. “They’re on their way,” he said. “They understand that this needs to be the future. They’re not quite there with certification, but I’ll tell you, I’ll be right there when they announce that they’re ready to do a verified beef program in Canada.”
    Come mothers and fathers
    Throughout the land
    And don’t criticize
    What you can’t understand
    Your sons and your daughters
    Are beyond your command
    Your old road is rapidly agin’
    Please get out of the new one
    If you can’t lend your hand
    For the times they are a-changin’

  31. They did back in 2013:
    A&W launched a series of “Better Beef” TV commercials and a website that features three of the ranches it buys from.
    “We were hoping that we’d be able to be able to deliver on the product that most of our customers were asking about, which is beef without any added hormones or steroids,” said Susan Senecal, chief marketing officer of A&W Food Services of Canada.
    ​Senecal said A&W will also buy from producers who use antibiotics only for therapeutic purposes, and whose animals are free of additives and preservatives.
    Rich Smith, executive director of Alberta Beef Producers, admitted there is some consumer demand for beef with fewer hormones and no steroids. However, he says calling it “better” is misleading because the beef hormones ranchers usually use are minuscule and found to be safe to human health.

    A&W’s claims are at the worst misleading and actually promote the beef industry by getting more people to eat beef burgers. Anyone bothered by that does not have to eat at A&W, do they?
    That’s quite different than Earl’s implying that Canadian beef wasn’t killed humanely.

  32. .
    I have no problem eating Kosher , I dont have a problem saying grace in Jesus Name before a meal …. but when it comes to anything Halal I would feel like I was eating food sacrificed to idols

  33. .
    Just a side note …. Manitobans often prefer Alberta beef ….. but many Albertans claimed to prefer Manitoba beef …. we came to the conclusion it must be the road vibrations for 16 hours while the beef hangs in the refrigerated trucks that helped tenderize it

  34. Jessa said he grew up in Airdrie and the ranchers were his friends. This is how he treats his friends?

  35. “…We have not been back to A & W since they put up their asinine hormone free signs …”
    You should go back to A&W. With some stickers for their windows announcing that their beef is “Free of Canadian content.”

  36. Earl’s is a sleezy organization from their slimy CEO Mohammed Jessa to their slutty servers.

  37. earls basically said we are buying US Halal beef and we will pretend we are looking at alternatives.
    The “Certified Humane” is a scam.
    #boycottEarls continues for me and I eat there a lot. And Joeys.

  38. Don’t call the Earl’s ceo by just his last name. His name is Mohammed. And don’t call him Mo either. Use his full name.

  39. We are being reminded constantly that anti biotics are over used and bacteria are becoming immune to anti biotics. I see no reason to doctor cattle with anti biotics to make them grow faster and bigger. If the Kansas supplier was 100% Halal then I agree with the Earl’s boycott.

  40. I am NOT entering any Earls until there is proof positive that Canadian beef will be on my plate. PERIOD! I don’t trust those bastards any farther than I can throw Chris Christie. There is big money backing this ‘humane BS’ and it is going to spread throughout the U.S. The U.S. Lost the ‘country of origin’ labeling battle against Canada in the WTO. This is going to replace it with no threat of any action at the WTO. Bait and switch. Read the language of Earls’ so-called’ apology. It is a lot like the apology that goes ‘I’m sorry IF I offended you”. If I didn’t offend you – then I am not sorry. “We will source Canadian beef that “meet our standards”. Ya – right. Sorry Earls – I’m not buying your BS!

  41. Earl’s has now ‘reversed’ it’s non-Canadian beef decision, but in sticking to its ‘certified humane’stance I’m wondering if they’ll demand their Canadian suppliers go ‘halal’. I wrote to the Alberta Beef Producers Assn. asking that they make it public if Earl’s attempts to strong arm them into halal practices.
    The president of Earl’s is a Tanzanian born Ismaili. Ismaili’s are led by Agha Khan and are considered much more moderate. But as Muslims they still observe strict dietary practice.
    “Born in Tanzania, Jessa moved to Canada when he was 13 and his Ismaili parents fled the war-torn country.”
