Y2Kyoto: The Green Gestapo

Dissent will not be tolerated.

The attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands is targeting dozens of conservative and libertarian organizations in a racketeering lawsuit against climate change skeptics that has been widely described as an effort to silence political opponents.
In a subpoena issued in March, the office of USVI attorney general Claude Walker demanded from Exxon Mobil copies of communications between the oil company and 90 different political and policy organizations “and any other organizations engaged in research or advocacy concerning Climate Change or policies.”

They’re just following orders: Big Green’s Dirty Power
h/t Adrian, Bob

17 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Green Gestapo”

  1. Back in the day, the Soviet Union threw dissidents into mental hospitals. Climate dissidents should not be persecuted through the courts; they should be hospitalized so they can get the help they need.

  2. Sarcasm I hope.
    This effort by the left to jail anyone opposed to the AGW agenda smacks of similarities to the Freisler courts of Hitler’s Germany and the Vishinsky courts of Stalin.
    My, my, what are we coming to. Do some of us have to become political refugees once again?

  3. This could well blow up in the faces of the ecofascists. I doubt those groups being targeted will go softly into the night.

  4. Dissent will not be tolerated. Canadians are OK with that.
    Brunswick News,(Irving) which owns 85 to 90% of all media in NB, along with the largest oil refinery in NA, has NEVER had a column disputing AGW. The Fix, as always, is in.
    Lie on the census.
    Speaking of the Soviet Union, lying on the census reminds of the old Russian joke, we pretend to work, they pretend to pay us.
    Tell the government what it wants to know or go to jail. Or lie like a child. And we do.
    Must be the Loyalist forebears and their loyalty to bended knee. Wrong rodent for our national symbol.
    Another embarrassing day to be Canadian.One of many to come I’m afraid. That’s what happens when you fail a national IQ test so spectacularly.
    And are so….so…so.. Compliant.

  5. If the US Senate understands Trumps pledge to curtail the EPA’s corrupt agenda they will pass the Bill that eliminates the 9th Circuit… It is the 9th circuit that protects the Lawyers that make up the Environmental Groups… The ability to sue & win damages for false Environmental claims will end the nonsense……Friendly lawsuits between the EPA and the Groups has set legal president that is corrupt.

  6. Next January President Trump can appoint a special prosecutor to look at state attorneys general committing illegal acts. What goes around ……

  7. The problem here is that the LIV’s will never know.
    They are the majority.
    They mostly care about their daily lives, taking care of kids, running to the soccer game, running to the little league game, running to the hockey, running to buy things.
    Not time for defense.
    They are afraid to contradict their rulers.
    Be it fascisoid bureaucrats running the paper pushing hordes of governments.
    Be it their team leaders, in the large corporations that succumb to the fascisoid bureaucrats, those control freaks*, they will make sure the plebeians submit.
    * “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”
    ― Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle
    When you talk with ordinary people about this, they are either not really interested, will argue against you without knowing anything other than the propaganda talking points or could not give a damn, maybe they just gave up.
    Just look at Alberta, the socialists/fascists are going to tax everything in sight, literally due to the fact that we use energy every bloody day, and nobody is saying “stop it”.
    Yeah, nobody will know.

  8. I stopped buying the G and M when they refused to carry the story about the suppression of the emails several years ago. They continue with the AGW nonsense. I read the Globe occasionly at my local library just for the Bridge column.

  9. Thats the tough part with the average person. The indoctrination has been so complete, that they will not thoughtfully listen to a well delivered discussion on the failings of the AGW claims, the manipulation of data, and the flawed hypothesis.
    They will default to anger, accusation and smears.
    The propaganda has been delivered a manner that these LIVs are patronized by big media. They sell them the idea(s) based on “news” that is both selective and withheld. Only they can see the emperors cloths (and they do)
    The bigger idea the media sells is that those who listen to the likes of the CBC or G&M, are well informed, intellectual and highbrow – our moral and intellectual superiors. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    That is a very comfy fur indeed that the LIV is cloaked with and why, when you challenge the LIV with facts, they get so angy. YOu are stripping them of the comfy fur and they don’t like it.

  10. The West is receding into statism and green theocracy is a major catalyst in the backslide. These looters and thugs wouldn’t attempt it if they didn’t think they could get away with it, if not this year, then maybe next. Perhaps after the Clintons move back into the White House they once looted on their way out. It’s just a logical extension of the direction of the dominant institutional leftist culture.

  11. Perfect, they pose,they swell, they strut.
    The misery visited upon the ratepayers,normal citizens and nonparticipants in the climate war of words will end this mass hysteria and mass theft .
    Ontario leads Canada, Germany rushes to catch Spain.
    The fools run cover for the bandits, the public wealth is stolen and squandered.
    Now we move to the next level,public officials act with contempt as they deliberately break the oaths of their offices.
    While shouting respect my authority.
    Oblivious to the conflict, that their authority comes from faithfully upholding the public office they hold.
    Typical progressives, never understanding power,responsibility and consent of the governed.
    The witch trials are back,the new inquisition weak and stupid, drunk from each others virtue signalling.
    They have been sold/given enough rope.
    Let the hangings will begin.

  12. US Virgin Islands? Puerto Rico? You’d think countries that depend so heavily on the tourist $ would be loath to alienate conservatives or people who work in any capacity for fossil fuels.
    I guess PR knows that any handout will come from green Dems and in case, the Obama gov’t is in charge. I wish McConnell, Ryan and the rest would stop hating the Tea Party, Cruz and their own Party and fight Obama.

  13. The AG of the VI is seting off on their own witch hunt and try and convict all those who are skeptical of their sinister plans this person needs removed and locked away

  14. Bring it!
    The last thing these climate fascists want is to have scientific dissenters like Monkton, et alia, and their documented fact based testimony of climate fraud collusion entered into public record.
    AFAIC, this is a trial balloon in a backwater jurisdiction to test if the courts can be employed to prevent the inevitable collapse of climate alarmist fraud.

  15. I have to agree more criminal investigations are required – for the obscene waste of $trillions in wind turbines & other such expensively useless “alternative” energy. Let’s check out Al Gore’s carbon trading company. I understand the ON Grit’s improprieties are keeping the OPP quite busy.
    How does an outed con artist act? They resort to irrelevancies & inevitably thuggery. Why would these velvet totalitarians (for now) act differently?
    I was encouraged by a recent chat with an enviro studies student; she was well aware of the CAGW hoax, useless wind & cash sucking governments.
    The hoaxers & rent seekers will continue sliming anything resembling good science to extract more filthy lucre from the taxpayer who is the only sucker holding the bag on this ponzi scheme. Bringing in the “authorities” is SOP for Leninists, the obvious next step as coercion and censure fails.
    Like the Berlin wall, where all this BS started, when the CAGW wall of junk of science finally starts to come down, it will turn into an ugly landslide. People become outraged when confronted with what they knew all along. Remember the chagrin when Lance Armstrong’s known drug use became public?
    Consequently it will be the Gore and Obamas of the world who will be ducking for cover rather than Exxon or Tim Ball or Richard Lindzen.
    I would like to thank Hillary Clinton for her fine greenie comment about putting coal mines and miners out of business. Her explanation was pure bafflegab; I meant to say they were going out of business and I was helping them. Of course, by putting them out of business; makes sense, right?
    I look forward to many more incoherencies from her in the coming months, trapped in the false green agenda. Trump will have a heyday with her on that.

  16. The Magic AGW number is … 1. All that is needed to complete the goal of FORCED “belief” in AGW … is ONE more leftist Supreme Court Judge. Then, the anti-Constitutionalists will have the majority vote on the SCOTUS. Lawsuits like this will be validated by a court that “re-interprets” Free Speech as having “limitations”. The court will decide that screaming bullshet about AGW, is equivalent to “screaming FIRE in a crowded theatre”. After all … the “earth IS on fire” … according to the governments sciencitific measurements. If anyone suggests that it isn’t … will cause the DEATH of citizens of the world. I expect our leftist SCOTUS will just say they are following the UN Charter.
