5 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Damn it. I gonna make something out of horses sh*t and clay. How much do you think truedeau I bust would sell for?

  2. Don’t laugh. Remember when the National Gallery of Canada bought the painting “Voice of Fire”?

  3. Most of my high school contemporary’s who were taking the “crafts” elective … were firing handmade Dope pipes in the kiln. I wonder if those have any collector value with the typical Antique Roadshow devotees. I suspect the answer is a resounding YES … evidenced by their “feedback booth”

  4. Dont forget how the infamous NEA(National Endowment for the Arts)paid tax payers money to such crap artists like the notoroius Andra Sarano and Robert Maplethorp for their crappy art trash or paying for a virgin mary made from elephant dung
