It’s Probably Nothing

China Syndrome: Let me rephrase what is happening: China is stepping on the gas pedal, they put jet fuel in the gas tank, and the car does nothing but rev the engine and coast forward slower and slower. All this credit is accomplishing is a slower rate of decline.
h/t Melinda Romanoff

18 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Sounds like the PERFECT time to recall all of our manufacturing jobs … TRUMP 2016 !!!

  2. China is the world’s biggest seller of manufactured products …historically their biggest buyer of all that crap (errr, those fine products) have been Americans. But Americans are no longer buying, because the U.S. economy stinks AND hundreds of thousands of Americans are now actually reading the source of their products and NOT buying stuff made in China. We are experiencing the ancient Chinese curse of living in “interesting” times. Three cheers for Donald Trump …he can’t possibly be worse than the @$$h@t$ who have been ruling America these past couple of decades.

  3. Jet-A has an octane rating of about 20. Engines are usually designed to run on 87, that’s why there’s no torque. Maybe the Chinese should try 100LL avgas with an octane rating of 100.
    TRUMP 2016

  4. Those manufacturing jobs moved out of the U.S. because of unions and regulations.
    There are plenty of other countries they can be done in other than the U.S. where the problems that moved them out of the U.S. either don’t exist or exist to a much lesser extent. India comes to mind, there are others, even Mexico.
    My point is that there are underlying causes which made the jobs leave that are likely beyond Trump’s control.
    Yes, Trump is planning on imposing huge tariffs on imported goods to bring back manufacturing. It’s been done before. Trump seems to know nothing of history.
    Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act

  5. Oz you are correct. That’s why Trump will use a 3 pronged strategy; weaken unions, ease regulations and apply tariffs so America wins.
    TRUMP 2016

  6. Trump does have power over the Federal Public Sector Unions. What do they manufacture?
    Trump Does Not have the power over individual State regulations nor does he have power over the operations of unions at the state level or existing contracts between unions and private companies.
    Please remind me again what the U.S. government manufactures, I forget.
    Trump only has the tariff card to play, although he might be able to gut the EPA and many of their regulations.
    Trump supporters will believe anything Trump says no matter how impossible and why not?
    Trump is woefully short on the details of how he will or even what he can do to accomplish what he promises.
    Pie-in-the-sky! It’s what Trump kiddies eat all the livelong day.
    Trump is the Candy Man.

  7. Jet-A has an octane rating of about 20.
    Jet-A is diesel fuel, specifically for jet-turbine aircraft. Diesel fuels have no octane rating. Diesel fuels use a cetane rating.

  8. Jean, Jets burn kerosene, not diesel fuel. Diesel fuel gels at low temps. and is harder to eliminate smoke.

  9. Americans can do domestically whatever they want. The USA has a far stronger bargaining position than any other country. If Trump wants protectionist tariffs the only risk he runs is reprisals by other countries to protect their industry. The world economy is one black swan away from recession/depression anyway.

  10. Yes jet-A is kerosene, just like our winter grade diesel up north is kerosene. Kerosene/jet-A is a fraction of diesel fuels which are rated by cetane number. The main difference between winter diesel and jet-A is that jet-A has a different additive mix and a paper trail that follows it from refinery to the aircraft. The US Forces burn the same fuel in jet turbines and diesel engines, they just add more lubricity for piston engines.
    I burn outdated jet-A with an extra lubricity additive in my diesel truck.

  11. “If Trump wants protectionist tariffs the only risk he runs is reprisals by other countries to protect their industry.”
    Yeah that and consumers at home getting poorer and poorer. The less choice they have, the more dependent they are on overpraised domestic labour the less buying power they have and thus the poorer they get.
    always works the same way. Said labour of course, under Trump’s idiotic scheme would have even less pressure to reduce costs which means more stagnation and longer lasting poverty. If Trump wins it will be because of big labour wisely funding him. The UAW thugs never had a more openly declared champion running for president.
    Trumpets listen up: tariffs are nothing new, they are not some magical sollution dreamed up by your genius leader, they are the same old $hit that every socialist $hithole on this planet tried to implement in order to protect their industry. Really no conspiracy here. Take Chile for example. communist Idiot Alende = tarrifs, Pinochet = no tarrifs. Which did better?

  12. When I first read the tagline…
    “China is stepping on the gas pedal, they put jet fuel in the gas tank, and the car does nothing but rev the engine and coast forward slower and slower. All this credit is accomplishing is a slower rate of decline.”
    … I thought…. “great, looks good on them, I hope America can afford to start buying some of their debt”.
    Reading the article didn’t change that initial reaction.

  13. … of course you are so much smarter than all us Trumpeteers. Yeah … we don’t want to impose tariffs on China … like Obama selectively imposed on Chinese-made solar panels. Nooooo … just because Obama blamed the demise of Solyndra on the DUMPING of cheap-ass Chinese-made solar panels on the world market. Typical Socialist. Even though cheap Chinese solar panels may have prevented Obama’s promised “green job revolution” in America … Obama should have let the “Free Market” prevail. Even IF that “Free Market” includes a massive command and control Communist Manufacturing economy capable of cranking out products at the pace and efficiency of an American WWII shipyard. So what !? if the Communists can flood the market with cheap products built by the slave labor of their 3 billion person workforce ? Meh! That’s just the “Free Market” at work.
    And while we’re unfettering the “Free Market” … Let’s allow China to buy-up all the agricultural land in Canada and the USA. Let them gain a monopolistic share of all agricultural commodities in the world and then jack up food prices. After all … if China can win the dominant market share, through hard work and perseverance … then they DESERVE to manipulate supply, demand, and price. And don’t you DARE suggest interfering with their FREE MARKET. Or … perhaps Saudi Arabia should flood the Free Market with so much oil that prices collapse and competitors are driven out of business … then, they can jack up the prices again. Love that Free Market ! Don’t you DARE touch that Freedom !
    Stupid Trumpettes. … just shut up and put a new batch of potatos in the deep fry!
    TRUMP 2016 !!

  14. I’m with Kenji on this one.
    Colonista says that tariffs are nothing new. So what? Situations change. Economic environments change. Why shouldn’t policy? We have been doing the same old CINO/elitist washington insider warmed over sh1t for years now and we are worse off than we were before.
    I’m a canadian. I can’t vote for Trump but I CAN support him by attacking his enemies, by sending a contribution, by assisting in getting his message out loud enough to drown out his critic’s voices….and I’m doing, and plan on continuing to do exactly that.
    Trump critics can call me names all they want. I don’t care. It’s not going to matter.

  15. Colonialista and Kenji: A few short years ago it was illegal to get chinese stuff imported in NA.
    Clinton changed that.

  16. It is JUST as simplistic to ATTACK Trumps suggestion that it is time to impose Tariffs on UNFAIR and UNEQUAL Trade practices, as it is for Trump to suggest that Tariffs alone will undo the NWO North American-job-crushing trade practices.
    You DO understand that all of these disastrous Trade agreements are a United Nations scheme to redistribute the benefits of capitalism across the globe … at the EXPENSE of Europeans and North Americans. We are in the midst of a complete and total unraveling of Western society, culture, and economy at the hands of the United Nations and their Manchurian Candidate … Barrack Hussein Obama of Kenya

  17. Burning filthy coal in Asia with no stack scrubbing contributes most of the toxic air pollution that drifts over Canada and poisons our water and land, and about 50% of the global GHGs which some believe causes the climate to change.
    Making cheap disposable consumer junk in Asia is causing most of the toxic pollution, global GHGs, and filling our garbage dumps. The amount of Canadian oil we burn to heat our buildings and fuel our vehicles is insignificant by comparison with the amount of pollution caused by the junk we buy that’s made in Asia. Canadian petroleum is at least ten times cleaner per energy unit delivered, than the coal burned in Asia.
    None of so-called political leaders have the integrity to say “If you want to stop greenhouse gas emissions and toxic pollution, stop buying cheap cr@p from China until they clean up their act.” That’s the Asian Elephant in the room everyone is trying so hard to ignore.
    The NDP&LIB refuse to acknowledge these facts and instead want to penalize the Canadian economy with carbon taxes, and erect more wind turbines and solar panels made by polluting factories in China.

  18. CT
    The world economy is not one black swan away from recession/depression we are in it now. We are one black swan event from everyone realizing the truth and the chaos that will result when the truth hits home to the masses. Neither Trump nor hillery can stop the $hit from hitting the fan but I really would like to see the clintons kicked off the gravy train now as opposed to latter. I have throughly enjoyed watching Trump expose the establishment rinos and beating them to a pulp. By the way I think he is a rino too but he is an outsider and not a member of the good old boy network. Who said “white knights” had to be perfect? Isn’t a little revenge better than no revenge at all?
