6 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. how do we spell corrupt these days? with three letters. we really do need to the government out of our lives.

  2. “how do we spell corrupt these days? with three letters…”

  3. “we really do need to(get)the government out of our lives”
    While that would help, I think this story has a bit more to it than that.
    Regulations pertaining to quality and installation standards are required and you needn’t look any further than many countries in Latin America. Down there you can’t even be sure of the purity of the products you are buying in the store. Common items like salt and sugar can have all kinds of filler. There are no regulations coupled with a poorly developed tort law so you have no recourse in the courts.
    IMO this is an example of how the power of government mandarins can trump common sense and how little power elected officials chose to exercise. An otherwise good MP gave it a pass because there wasn’t any interest in the media or the general public.
    In short there was no upside potential or benefit to rocking the boat and doing the right thing.

  4. In Kleptocracy,corruption is as natural as breathing.
    Minister Kenny and his sycophants taught all reformers a valuable lesson.
    Parasites will not be reformed.
    Negotiation with such blood suckers is not possible.
    The CPC has ,in hindsight , proved to be “Progressive Slow “not conservers of any form.
    These creatures assure us they will represent our interests as they audition for the roles our civilization demands.
    Yet most of them have no concept of the responsibilities of these offices, or when they have an inkling they seek ways to evade,maintain plausible deniability, and the drain goes on.
    Never forget these people sought these positions,promising to perform the roles.
    Time for the audience to throw the bums out.
    We need new actors.
    After 10 years of Conservative covariance I am not better off, the future is not any better and the theft has accelerated.
    Let it crash and burn.
    At noid “In short there was no upside potential or benefit to rocking the boat and doing the right thing.”
    Except the very institutions are our enemy, No longer blind worms gnawing at the foundations of civilization, but now axe wielding fools chopping up the social contract.
    Rules are for the “little people”.
    Property rights are the governments to decree.
    Trust is gone.
    So why pay the performers?

  5. Actually John while a decade of conservative governance was not perfect it did benefit you and other Canadians significantly.
    Just watch what a sh1thole it turns into under a decade of idiot man child.

  6. “David Sweet was once the CEO of Promise Keepers Canada.”
    I wonder what his selling price was. Or was he just a useful idiot.
