Trudeau’s Mexican folly, why the big water bombers aren’t at Fort Mac and more

Lifting visas on Mexican visitors will cost millions and bring a flood of bogus refugees to Canada. Brian talks with Conservative MP Michelle Rempel. He also takes your calls on the topics. Brian also speaks with; – Sheila Gunn-Reid, contributor at, about how water bombers were sitting idle for Fort McMurray wildfire. – Michele Austin, Senior Advisor at Summa Strategies Inc.. – Rick Smith, Executive Director at the Broadbent Institute. He’s also Brian’s favourite socialist.

17 Replies to “Trudeau’s Mexican folly, why the big water bombers aren’t at Fort Mac and more”

  1. Trudeau’s Mexican folly, why the big water bombers aren’t at Fort Mac…..
    Notley (Turdeau’s butt-girl). Turdeau being Turdeau (i.e. as$hole elitist). And it’s Alberta. Who cares if burns to the ground? Sure hope Eastern Canaduh loves seeing $4/liter gas.
    Any more dumb and dumber Q’s?

  2. “Lifting visas on Mexican visitors will cost millions and bring a flood of bogus refugees to Canada”
    That’s the point. That’s the whole point.
    Lifting visas on Mexican visitors will cost millions and bring a flood of bogus refugees to Canada.

  3. What they will never do is use all that Oilfield fire fighting equipment & personnel that is heading to auction and the unemployment line.

  4. Oh my gosh — all those Mexican illegals in the States will be coming to Canada once Trump kicks them out. But hey — diversity makes us stronger, eh? (I heard that garbage somewhere.)

  5. No. They’ll go back to Mexico, where they can speak Mexican, and then Trump will make his amnesty and they can jump to the front of the immigration line just like Trump says they can.
    I’m 100% sure that is one of the promises that Trump intends to keep.

  6. I see that Canada has the very same government forestry “experts” who believe that FIRE is a n-a-t-u-r-a-l process that should not be stopped by “man”. Man is baaaad mmmKay ? Fire is natural mmmmmKay ? Burn BABY Burn ! Take a drive through half of Yellowstone Park to see the handiwork of the pyro’s working for the US National Park Service. Heartbreaking. They DISGUST me, and should have been summarily FIRED a decade ago. President Trump will take a flamethrower to our brain-dead Federal bureaucracy, and clean house of all the morons collecting GS-15 taxpayer paychecks. Trump 2016 !!! Hillary for Leavenworth ! (yes, I know it is a male-only Federal Penitentiary)

  7. Fire hazard? What fire hazard? Both the Alberta PCs and the NDP were warned:
    So if the PCs were supposedly so irresponsible with everything, what’s Red Rachel’s excuse? Fighting forest fires last year cost too much, so cut the funding in order to balance the provincial budget.
    To call them idiots would be giving them a compliment they don’t deserve.

  8. If Rachel Not-ley had a sex change and a set of tires, she’d be Cad Spinner (Wiki that up)

  9. Oh, I also forgot to add that the money for the bigger government bureaucracy that Notley’s Destructive Party created had to come from somewhere, right?

  10. kenji
    The Fort Mac fire is heartbreaking. But you are missing a huge point that is very well explained here:
    The basic problem is that, unlike 100 years ago, there are cities and towns and development (and tens of thousands of people) in our forests and we are obligated to attempt to put them out. BUT in reality the more we suppress fires the more unhealthy our forests become. As a biologist noted, “fire is part of the pine-spruce ecosystem and these forests evolved with fire as part of the evolutionary and development process.” .. something like that.
    ==== start quote =====
    Alberta’s aging forest puts our communities at ever greater risk of wildfires, said the Alberta government’s expert committee on containing wildfires.
    In 1971, more than half of Alberta’s boreal forest was deemed to be young, with about a third immature, five per cent mature and a small portion deemed “overmature”.
    By 2011, that had changed to less than 10 per cent young, about a quarter immature, more than 40 per cent mature, and more than 20 per cent overmature.
    “Before major wildfire suppression programs, boreal forests historically burned on an average cycle ranging from 50 to 200 years as a result of lightning and human-caused wildfires,” the panel found in a report released in 2012.
    ==== end quote =====

  11. “That’s the point. That’s the whole point.”
    Exactly. When you feel your electorate is not socialist enough you import a new electorate from a worthless socialist $hithole. Why is Mexico a $hithole? Because of Mexicans and their worthless socialist so called culture. So we will be importing more of them. Naturally.

  12. Exactly CAS. Nature doing what nature does – should not be stopped. When you stop it you get Ft Mac and S. Cal type fires.

  13. In the Territories they only fight fires that threaten houses and towns, the rest are left to burn out.

  14. Just like Obama, Justimbecile Trudeau always does what is good for everyone BUT the citizens of his nation.
    Obama has done a lot of good things for illegals from mexico, a lot of good things for muslims, a lot of good things for cuba, a lot of good things for Iran, but he almost never does anything good for the USA citizens, for middle class mostly white Americans.
    Justimbecile Trudeau is doing the same thing to middle class mostly white Canadians.
    Those two “social justice warriors ” believe that we have it too good and that some of what is ours should be taken away and redistributed to those who have less.
    Justimbecile Trudeau has so far redistributed a lot of hard earned tax dollars from Canadians, he is giving our money away like candy on Halloween day
    voting for a socialist/”social justice warrior” is like voting for your boss to reduce your salary.
    Both Obama and Trudeau want to lower our standard of living.
    They don’t like us middle class mostly white citizens, they like the brown and black people (foreigners, refugees or those already here)
    Two days after Justimebecile Trudeau got elected he was celebrating by dancing to punjabi music, with a crowd of non whites, and Justimbecile Trudeau was wearing non-westerner clothes
    he was not celebrating with middle class mostly white canadians, while wearing traditional canadian clothes while dancing to traditional canadian music
    he does not like us, he likes them.
