Bill’s Wife

She better not drop any further in the polls…

The report is devastating, although it transparently strains to soften the blow. For example, it concludes that State’s “longstanding systemic weaknesses” in recordkeeping “go well beyond the tenure of any one Secretary of State.” Yet, it cannot avoid finding that Clinton’s misconduct is singular in that she, unlike her predecessors, systematically used private e-mail for the purpose of evading recordkeeping requirements.

12 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. Wait until the Donald gets through with her…. Elizabeth Warren is just a teaser for what Hillary can expect.

  2. It doesn’t matter.
    Over 50% of the population are entitled to their entitlements and will vote to keep them coming. Some corruption and total incompetence just round out the package.

  3. Cue the excuses and obfuscations:
    – others did it. No they didn’t and they cooperated with the IG unlike you Hillary.
    – IG made no finding of illegality. Not in their terms of reference, FBI investigating criminality
    – she cooperated with them. No, she went ahead with server after being told the answer would be no if she applied, which she didn’t and now is using as her excuse for non-compliance
    – the rules aren’t clear – the Duffy excuse. No, rules were much clearer than for her predecessors, yet she used a home server, unlike others.
    – nobody cares what Pocahontas Warren thinks, she is a moron, along with soon to be removed DNC chair Wasserman-Schultz.
    – Clinton aide offered up her defense personal material could be given over, proving she used State Dept email for personal reasons and she vetted State records required to be retained.
    – Clinton argues her emails are “archived” after all with State because they were attached to other addresses and 3rd parties. Not her call and no way to be sure, especially the Clinton Foundation emails.
    Now all Hillary can do is complain about Trump complaining about hers and Obama’s incompetence. He should only be allowed to say nice things. Meanwhile, Bernie, smelling blood in the water, might just decide to bring up these matters after all.
    No matter, she will be pilloried for this and the upcoming FBI report, no matter their recommendations, every day until election day. She can moan about it, insult everyone who questions her (very poor) judgment, but it will change nothing except to make voters every less trusting of her, if that is possible.

  4. According to the investigation, there is no evidence that the State Department’s legal staff “reviewed or ever approved of Secretary Clinton’s personal email system.”

    Therefore, she knowingly broke the law record-keeping requirements way back in 2010 so she could keep her money grubbing friends close, and informed, of the billions of dollars of business ventures and donations that would be provided by her position as secretary of state.
    If she gets out of this, without receiving a pardon from the Brown Clown, she deserves to be President of the USA,
    because the shit Donald Trump has been accused of can’t hold a candle to this Bitch..

  5. Allah should be so kind as to give us a Bernie versus Donald Presidential race.
    Only downside is so many Americans are THAT dumb they just might vote for “the poor man’s Chavez”.

  6. When our public employees … such as Ms. H.R. Clinton … Flaunt the rules and laws, and refuse oversight by the people … She should not only be removed from office, but she should face trial for lawbreaking … and possibly trial for treason as she committed gross-negligence by exposing national secrets and security on an unguarded server. Clinton’s sole intent … from cooking up her own personal server to wiping hard drives and refusing to cooperate with oversight … was to HIDE her true face, and her true activities from the American people. As a private citizen … in her home … on her personal email … she can hide all she wants … but she can absolutely NOT hide from Congressional oversight or FOIA … when on the job for the American people. She is ROTTEN TO THE CORE. A scheming, slimy, conniving, c*nt. Clinton needs to be in a Federal stockade SOON ! Before she is allowed to do any more damage to our nation.

  7. Hillary has to be the nominee, she’s such a disgusting person that it will be difficult to motivate voters.
    If she’s not, then a Bernie/Warren ticket is possible – and as we have seen in Canada, and Venezuela, there are enough moron voters out there to elect those idiots. Voters don’t care that it’s economic suicide, obviously, look at Ontario.
    Polling data shows that children today, which apparently includes anyone under 45, have no idea what a free market economy even looks like, they think the government runs everything and so they want more government. Not even a clear, real-time demonstration of what they want – Venezuela – can convince them of the error of their ways, the ignorance is astounding.

  8. Well said Kenji and Philanthropist.
    Once a nation has become as morally and financially corrupted as the US and Canada have become it is almost impossible to come back. I’m afraid we, our children, and grandchildren will have to suffer along with those who have succumbed to the false cultural Marxist utopia.
    In a morally upstanding nation someone like Hillary would be in jail, not running for president.

  9. Hillary’s soothing sultry voice has men across the country swooning for her!

  10. Personally … I fumble QUICKLY for the MUTE button whenever I hear her soothing, dulcet, tones …

  11. Excuse me! That asterisk* is unacceptable. Moderator? Perhaps you need a thesaurus to make good points without using fowl language.
