22 Replies to “A new, open CPC.”

  1. Kind of glad it happened. It shows that our national press exercises the same level of checks and balances as the CPC.

  2. I wonder how the intrepid reporters who got punked will manage this!

  3. The liberals do this all the time. I don’t understand why we don’t do it too. It shouldn’t be too hard to fabricate incidents at liberal events especially with Shiny Pony being such a ill tempered twit.

  4. With regard to Ms. Heer, the story of Paul’s conversion on the way to Damascus is the only one that could square her history with the Liberal party with her showing up at the CPC conference and parading about as a disgruntled Muslim Tory voter.
    As for the media, Kate’s comment elsewhere about not ignoring the likelihood of incompetence as the true explanation even if inferences of malice may also fit seems a propos here.

  5. She’s a fat ugly bitch, but you should hear what I say about our own dear Kathleen.

  6. I get so farking tired of (a) leftards who will sell their soul to appease the Muslim horde and (b) ‘Conservatives’ who will twist their knickers in knots so as not to ‘offend’. Whatever happened to courage of conviction. And whatever happened to journalistic integrity?

  7. Lets face it “journalists” are dumb and lazy, although in this case it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if many of these half-wit “journalists” knew exactly who this lying Liberal operative was but decided to used her false narrative anyhow. “Journalists” practicing Taqyuia, for the cause. Lying hag.

  8. Tell these people and all SJW’s to god F*** themselves.
    Every day.
    Don’t take their crap, never agree for expedience.
    These people are cancer.

  9. Tell these people and all SJW’s to god F*** themselves.
    Every day.
    Don’t take their crap, never agree for expedience.
    These people are cancer.
    Progressives are cancer.

  10. If she’s a Muslima, then why is there – on a different site – a picture of her and Ms Wynne at what appears to be a Sikh event, with her wearing what looks very like Sikh garb?

  11. Since the reporters covering the event would be Liberals, why would they do any research on her? A Muslim Conservative complaining about the Party was a story made in Heaven.
    People have to remember: Muslims lie. It would be difficult to catch one telling the truth.
    What is it about “community organizers”? “Urz Heer, a dynamic change maker, an inspiration to men and women alike, and an energetic community organizer…”

  12. She has quite a high profile in the media.
    How many of the reporters there actually knew who she is? How many of those actively participated in the deception?
    Let’s get an investigation started.

  13. Most of the major media outlets got conned (or actively supported the ruse).
    One notable exception – Toronto Star, for whom this story should have been a natural.

  14. This should be an eye-opener for everybody. The media and voters generally are easily manipulated. The left did as much as possible to discredit the Conservatives during the election and to paint them as anti-Muslim. NOTHING Harper did was anti-Muslim. The positions taken by the Conservatives (niqab, taking citizenship from terrorists, etc.) were anti-extremism — NOT anti-Muslim. To present these as anti-Muslim is deliberately misleading.
    I continue to come across journalists referencing the “snitch line” — their obtuseness here is unforgivable. The “snitch line” was a help line for victims in imminent danger of a forced marriage or honour killing. An immigrant woman on TVO verified that their immigrant women’s group had been asking for this for a very long time. They have no place to turn; they typically do not want to involve police, so the help line made sense. And yet, the media decided this was a “snitch line for neighbors” — where did that garbage even come from? Neighbors would not even know what might be happening within an immigrant family. It is a shocking mis characterization of a useful initiative. The journos are comnpletely obtuse on this one and I suspect some are deliberately vicious. I am guessing that most did not even bother reading the press release, but chose to jump on the bandwagon that cast Conservatives in the worst possible light.
    Same here — the claims of Urz Heer fit the narrative the jurnalists (and their buddies the Liberals) wish to promote. It is shameful.

  15. It costs a lot of money to go to a Conservative Convention which is why it was so awesome that so many came to Vancouver. The convention dues (minimum $800) are considered a political contribution so it must be paid by the attendee. You cannot get financial assistance from the EDA for the dues although some EDA’s give some money for expenses – perhaps a few hundred dollars. Peanuts when you consider what flight and hotel costs.
    This means many EDA’s have trouble filling their 10 delegate spots – especially unheld EDAs. They are only too happy when members come forward who want to pay to attend. We are all volunteers and take people at their word. You cannot check every person. The Party makes sure they have a valid membership – that’s it.
    Usually the high cost is enough to stop an unscrupulous person such as this one. It would be interesting to check to see who paid her fees.

  16. with Justin Trudeau now in charge, it won’t be long before it will be a criminal offence to disagree with their policies.
