32 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Glenn Beck suspended from Sirius radio for suggesting, “without really saying it”, that a patriot needs to take out Trump.
    Beck should stick to bottled water, not the stale water from a Utah desert swamp……
    How many sharks has he jumped now?

  2. A battle where nearly all British loses happened in the initial stages and where not a single modern battleship on either side was lost. Germans were very lucky.

  3. The rainbow flag is set to fly over Parliament.
    I question the legitimacy of this action. The rainbow flag is a symbol of an ideological position not shared by all Canadians and in fact perhaps not even by a majority.
    That makes flying it on the Peace Tower a calculated insult and a potential act of treason. One would have to search the statutes, but if one were to fly the flag of a foreign power over the Peace Tower, that would surely amount to treason. The rainbow flag is an emblem of globalism which is more or less the idea that the United Nations and a small international elite should tell all countries how they should live, how they should govern themselves, and what laws they should pass.
    I thought that’s why we had elections in Canada. But the problem is that even the “conservative” party has been careful not to leave any impression of opposition to this agenda, and if its voters thought they were voting that way, it has evaporated into the thin air of ambiguously worded policy.
    This is not just about gender issues. It is about a whole set of globalist policies that the current government is clearly ready to impose with as little discussion and debate as possible. Meanwhile, a long and leisurely leadership campaign, which one might think was an ideal opportunity for dissent to be expressed, is really like a band-aid on an open wound — there is no strong leadership, no real policy, and no real opposition except on the issue of the deficit. What about the ethical deficit? We are being taken over by an unelected cabal part of which is not even resident in Canada.

  4. Rainbow flag: If it’s all it takes to get the Liberals out of Ottawa, let it fly!

  5. Don’t forget that Canada is now a post-national country, whatever the dickens that’s supposed to mean.

  6. The CBC has been posting this notice on CBC.Ca. How many of you remember the days when major newspapers used to place strict guidelines on letters to the editor? Where are the newspapers today?? When’s the last time you wrote a letter to the editor??
    I sense that CBC is desperate!!
    ”Starting soon: To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, for all new accounts, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada’s online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted for existing community members in June.
    By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Comments are welcome while open. We reserve the right to close comments at any time.”

  7. “? Where are the newspapers today?? When’s the last time you wrote a letter to the editor??
    I sense that CBC is desperate!!”
    Which newspaper had access to a bottomless pit of taxpayer funding?
    I’m not sure what you think the CBC will be desperate about, but as the government’s official propaganda organ I’m sure you’re mistaken if you think it’s revenue.

  8. …and if you should decide that your ‘real’ name for CBC comments will be “Errol Plainzdrifter” they’ll just have to accept it as ‘real’ won’t they? All this means is that Pseudonyms must now look like ‘real’ first and last names. It’s obvious that the people making policy decisions at CBC are as stupid as the ones writing stories.

  9. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    H/T Liberal Wynnetario.
    “Postmedia to close London, Ont. printing plant, slashing 139 jobs” (NP)
    “Libs stonewall financial watchdog”
    “Once again, an independent officer of the legislature is accusing Kathleen Wynne’s government of stonewalling him.
    Financial Accountability Officer Stephen Leclair told reporters Tuesday it’s increasingly difficult to get information out of this government.
    This comes on the heels of accusations by former ombudsman Andre Marin that he was shunted aside because he was too critical of the Wynne government.”

  10. To witless.
    “Author Rick Cook ovserved that society is constantly in “a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.””
    “Guns, gorillas and moon missions”
    “Thai Tiger Temple’s long history of controversy”
    “Thailand Tiger Temple: Forty dead cubs found in freezer” (bbc)

  11. A rainbow flag flying over Parliament Hill? What is the message here? Maybe we need more flags to ensure political correctness succeeds in dividing the country, lets git ‘er done. The conditions are ripe with the present federal Liberal majority bucked up with Ontario’s Liberal majority we have a steam roller.

  12. While we’re on the subject of the flag, have you noticed how the flag is now being used as a tool to make a statement, especially at schools? The flag will be at half-mast for days on end, and unless you have closely followed the news you will have no clue as to why it should be flown that way.
    Moving the flag to half-mast is no longer reserved for the passing of a head of state.

  13. You know, if we had an honest-to-God conservative party that represented the common people in Canada, they’d have the minerals to not show up in Parliament that day.
    That is, if that party existed.

  14. World War I = A war by Euro monarchs and wanna be monarchs. The cream of Canadian youth sacrificed for what? It planted the seeds for Hitler’s attempted revenge 20 years later. More Canadian youth sacrificed. Canadians should ask themselves where Canada would be today if we had not supported that Euro folly in 1914-18.
    The Euros have never changed in my life time. They want everyone else to fight their battles for them. Libya was a classic example. The whole ME problem is theirs not ours. Canada should pull every soldier and sailor out of the ME and close borders and immigration of Arabs to Canada until they get their crap together.

  15. Another socialist failure.
    “Brazil moves to shrink the state”
    “If implemented, the move could help cure one of Brazil’s biggest ills — a spendthrift budget with constitutionally mandated expenditures that have led to constant increases in government spending. This has been exacerbated by a blowout in spending by the previous governments of the leftist Workers’ Party, or PT.”
    The rich 1% socialist aristocrats still insist that their way is the left (sic) way.

  16. Whittle hit the nail on the head, when he said that we are being FORCED to … “Share the FANTASY” … that some man (XY) “believes” he is she. No government will EVER force that kind of a “religion” down my throat. Piss off Obama !

  17. Mental illness… it’s everywhere I tell ya!
    LONDON — A mentally ill taxi driver who went on a knife rampage at a London subway station had images of a slain British soldier and an Islamic State militant on his phone and claimed his attack was “for Syria,” a British prosecutor said Wednesday.
    TORONTO — Hassan was arrested following a savage March stabbing incident involving three Canadian soldiers.
    But a judge already ruled he’s not mentally competent to face a jury.

  18. Something very strange. In Ottawa there was a recent “human interest” story in which a bus driver defends a woman who is being harassed for covering her face. In the picture, she seems to have a full burka on.
    But what is particularly weird is that this woman is not from the Middle East.I find it puzzling that a young person would do something so out of sinc with her own culture. In Canada, the Muslim face covering for women does engender hostility. Forcing acceptance does not change that. I think the niqab/citizenship issue from the election still does not sit well with many Canadians. I just find it puzzling when someone of Western background chooses that. Mind you, she is only 20, so perhaps this is a variation on the safety pin stuck through the nose or the Mohawk haircuts that young people were into a few years ago.

  19. Wildrose leader Brian Jean has been taking some bad advice:http://www.edmontonsun.com/2016/05/31/gunter-worse-and-worse-for-wildrose-in-the-wake-of-the-fildebrandt-incident. If he knows the difference between good and bad advice he needs to start showing it.
    This guy, https://twitter.com/vitormarciano , is bad news IMO. He has supported egregious characters in the past and caved on his decisions because the room was against him. If Jean is listening to him he needs to stop.
